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Is Women's Day necessary? Reflections on International Women's Day. #AreWeTogether

New blog post about curiosity. Jesus asked many questions. Are we imitating him? #AreWeTogether

A new blog post based on my observations after speaking with many Gen Z but even more millenials who grew up in the church. The most insightful conversations are those with "young" people in their 30s and 40s. #AreWeTogether

What I have been doing professionally since leaving my job running Volunteer Corps at the end of 2023? A year ago I started my own consultancy, supporting non-profits around the globe. Check out my website for more information!

How about something uplifting (still challenging but uplifting)? How to practice the all too often lost art of “radical hospitality"? #AreWeTogether

This is a sensitive topic and one I have never heard addressed. Maybe it is time. #AreWeTogether

A reminder of our parent support group this Saturday!

The Entertainment Culture in the Church When a good thing can become a bad thing. Worship, entertainment, or "Hollywood culture"? #AreWeTogether

The first instalment on a short series entitled, "The Sins We Tolerate". This addresses fits of rage or temper tantrums as a way to control. We can do better. #AreWeTogether

Such a moving story of the real gospel. A great example to follow. #AreWeTogether

A blog post on toxic masculinity in the church and its harmful effects. #AreWeTogether

This post means a lot to me. My good experience should not cancel someone else's pain. #AreWeTogether

It is my absolute joy to support the work of Asha Sansar. The programs benefited over 1,600 people in 2024 across 14 programs in three locations for a total budget of US $60,000. If you are looking to support a worthy program, I would highly recommend them.

I am starting a parent support group. Read the post for more info. #AreWeTogether

"Guard your heart!" The misuse of a familiar biblical phrase and its weaponization. #arewetogether

What can be a wonderful experience can also be a traumatic one if we are not mindful. #AreWeTogether

Another sensitive topic. I have received more and more calls from parents who are grieving over the impact of high-control religion on their children. The guilt and the grief are real! #AreWeTogether

New blog post! #arewetogether

New blog post! #arewetogether

This is an important topic, and one I am learning about myself. When we think we have a choice, but we don't. #AreWeTogether

Come serve with us in Nepal in 2025! Apply here: If you want to organize your own trip, whether as a group or individually, contact us. We receive many long-term volunteers in Nepal and would be glad to have you. #AreWeTogether

New Blog post! Jesus spoke in stories and parables. When people share their stories, do we pay attention? Do we validate their lived experience? #AreWeTogether

New blog post, "The Silent Accomplices" on the courage to speak up. #AreWeTogether

New blog post on how Jesus sees us and therefore how we need to see others. #AreWeTogether

New blog post! #arewetogether

“It Was in the Water” or The DNA of the International Churches of Christ. This is a more challenging post than most of what I write, yet it has been weighing on my heart.This begs for a clarion call and a renewed decision to truly follow Jesus. #AreWeTogether

My Hannah did a thing

New blog post on listening to and learning from the youth of the church. No, they're not just "rebellious" or "wordly". Those are easy accusations to deflect responsibility and shift the blame. They are actually very smart and articulate. Hey, they're our children!

A new blog post on avoiding cynicism, protecting ourselves from the darkness around us, and staying hopeful. #AreWeTogether