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Unofficial account for Spiritual teachings by Sheikh Nurjan Mirahmadi of Sufi Meditation Center of North America See also Muhammadan Way YouTube channel; Muhammadan Way phone app. Email [email protected] to interact
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Dalaail-ul-Khairat master salawat Friday section for a good weekend insha'Allah #sufism #muslimsky #music #meditation #poetry #spirituality

Insha'Allah either Friday or Saturday night. Article.from Sheikh Nurjan contains nafl practices of Ramadan and other resources related to what to do in this month insha'Allah. #Ramadan #fasting #sufism #muslimsky #spirituality

Last live Shabaan Dhikr and sohbat now, with Sheikh Nurjan. Click link below to join 3x per week or listen to the recording any time. #sufism #muslimsky #music #meditation #spirituality

The sage battles his own ego. The fool battles everyone else's.

Sheikh Nurjan explains the difference between good character and the potential hypocrisy of people pleasing #sufism #muslimsky #social #spirituality

Appearance is important. It makes clear whether or not you actually have good character. If you wear Sunnah dress and act angry and rude, you'll gain a reputation as a hypocrite. If you refuse to look Islamic but act good, insha'Allah there's reward, but you're not representing Islam. #sufism

And if every way is closed before you. The secret One will show a secret path no other eyes have seen. Rumi

Dalaail-ul-Khairat master salawat Wednesday section for midwee blessings, insha'Allah #sufism #muslimsky #music #poetry #meditation #spirituality

What does Muhammadan character look like, and who might be our ideal role models? Watch this 1-minute video, learn and imitate, insha'Allah. #sufism #muslimsky #love #spirituality

Dalaail-ul-Khairat master salawat Monday section part 1 for a blessed week, insha'Allah #sufism #muslimsky #poetry #music #meditation #spirituality

Dalaail-ul-Khairat master salawat Last Monday section (part 8) #sufism #muslimsky #music #poetry #meditation #spirituality

Sheikh Nurjan reminds us, service, charity and other virtuous deeds don't prove we're good people. We just need them to be acceptable to Allah, to protect us against eternal punishment. Nothing else is important. #sufism #muslimsky #payitforwaed #spirituality

If something is unIslamic, of course we shouldn't attribute it to Rasul ﷺ But what about weak hadith and doubts about halal things - what does it REALLY mean for us to be suspicious enough to investigate such matters, and what to do instead? Sheikh Nurjan explains. #sufism #muslimsky #spirituality

Dalaail-ul-Khairat master salawat Sunday section for birthday blessings upon Sultan Awliya Mawlana Sheikh Nazim Al-Haqqani, insha'Allah #sufism #muslimsky #music #poetry #spirituality #meditation

Sheikh Nurjan had been a student of Sultan Awliya Mawlana Sheikh Nazim Al-Haqqani. There are some very virtuous men and women in the world today. Turn off the TV and look in front of you. #sufism #muslimsky #kindness #meditation #spirituality

Beautiful 15-minute documentary with rare original clips of Sultan Awliya Mawlana Sheikh Nazim speaking in English. Happy birthday to this eternal soul. He is a modern-day role model of virtue. May we too bring light wherever we go. #sufism #muslimsky #spirituality #kindness

Hope in the modern age: Sheikh Nurjan reminded us, Sultan Awliya is NOT a title that is held in every generation. It only comes if a person's character is truly Muhammadan. And in recent decades, Mawlana Sheikhs Nazim and Daghestani received this title. The time of Dajjal is also time of Muhammad ﷺ

Sheikh Nurjan reminds us, awliya celebrate birthdays because it's an act of love. Many Muslims say you shouldn't celebrate anything because it's apparently unIslamic. Yes,mainstream celebrations are often full of fitna, but we shouldn't avoid celebrating. We should celebrate within bounds of Sunnah.

24 Shabaan is Sultan Awliya Mawlana Sheikh Nazim's birthday. As Sheilh Nurjan said in his sohbat, we can do many good deeds, charity etc in his name. BUT...the only way to represent him is to let go of all our meanness and anger and do the acts with a soft, loving, gentle character. #sufism

Link for live Dhikr and sohbat with Sheikh Nurjan at Sufi Meditation Center North America on Saturday night. Special event commemorating Sultan Awliya Mawlana Sheikh Nazim's birthday, insha'Allah. #sufism #muslimsky #love #spirituality #meditation

Dalaail-ul-Khairat master salawat Saturday section for weekend blessings, insha'Allah #sufism #muslimsky #music #poetry #meditation #spirituality

We Sufis love floral poetic quotes. We must remember, our purpose is Jihad-ul-akbar - constant seeking refuge in Allah from our own Shaytan, while perfecting our character so that our practice is not serving our ego. Sheikh Nurjan is unafraid to remind of this. #sufism #muslimsky #spirituality

This is a short section of the Fajr Awrad that we should all say 100 times daily, whether we do the entire Awrad or not. It is protective through the entire day. Entire Fajr Awrad is on the Muhammadan Way phone app. #sufism #muslimsky #spirituality #meditation #mantra #music

Mawlana Sheikh Nazim's birthday is coming. This short video commemorates some of his beautiful quotes and wisdom. #sufism #muslimsky #love #oneness #meditation #spirituality

Today's live sohbat and Dhikr with Sheikh Nurjan, starting soon. Bring good energy into your home and learn profound Islamic knowledge that's not widely available. Recording available afterwards. #sufism #muslimsky #weekend #music #meditation #spirituality

Friday retreat #sufism #muslimsky #spirituality

Dalaail-ul-Khairat master salawat Friday section for a good weekend insha'Allah. #sufism #muskimsky #poetry #music #spirituality

Did not manage to post earlier - sheikh Nurjan's Thursday night/Friday sohbat and Dhikr. His talks always contain amazing insights and unique information. #sufism #muslimsky #spirituality #friday #weekend

Dalaail-ul-Khairat master salawat Thursday section for a blessed day, insha'Allah. #sufism #muslimsky #music #poetry #meditation #spirituality

What does the Islamic declaration of faith REALLY mean? Sheikh Nurjan explains the true meaning behind this seemingly quick and easy phrase. Among many other subjects, Sheikh Nurjan discusses Ilm-ul-Haroof, the deeper meaning behind letters of Quranic letters. #sufism #muslimsky #spirituality

The perception of personal problems being unjust is the most prominent roadblock to one’s spiritual path. - Silent Sufi

Dalaail-ul-Khairat master salawat Wednesday section for midweek blessings insha'Allah #sufism #muslimsky #poetry #music #spirituality

Sufism focuses on love. Not the modern definition of love, where we objectify and admire something for a while and then move on...But the timeless reality of love, where our behaviour is inspired to be gentle and kind with character, courage and integrity. #sufism #muslimsky #love #spirituality

Scroll to the end of this web page for dua to recite on the last night of Shabaan. We are now in the last 9 or 10 days of this month insha'Allah. Please try and increase daily Qur'an recitation in preparation for Ramadan, insha'Allah.

We don't need to witness a manifestation of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse when we have 12,000 Muhammadan victors that come to de-manifest the trashiness of manmade Dunya #sufism #muslimsky #loa #spirituality

I take refuge in You, O God, from everything that distracts me from You. Rabia al-Adawigya

Dalaail-ul-Khairat master salawat Tuesday section for many blessings #sufism #muslimsky #music #poetry #meditation #spirituality

Switch off the little LED light of the SELF, so that your soul can be lit up by the sun of Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ #sufism #muslimsky #meditation #spirituality

Our ego (Nafs) is still too gigantic. We still think we're something special and that we require a significant space within this dunya. Otherwise we would be Sultan-ul-awliya. Keep connecting to holy souls and keep struggling to do good for the sake of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, not for your satisfaction.

A modern idea is that we "bring something to the table." Great, pious men who become saints acknowledge they can bring nothing, do nothing, be nothing. They're helpless unless Prophet Muhammad ﷺ approves for them to be used as an instrument of Allah. And so they devote themselves to sincere worship.

Sheikh Nurjan reminds us - you do not need lots of lights to remove darkness. You just have to bring a strong light that doesn't flicker on and off. Do your Salawats, charity and other voluntary practices and worship as well as the compulsory acts, to build your light #sufism #muslimsky #meditation

Dalaail-ul-Khairat master salawat Monday section (part 1) for a good start to the week, Insha'Allah #sufism #muslimsky #music #poetry #spirituality #meditation

Dalaail-ul-Khairat master salawat last part (8) to be read on Monday

Are Muslims really upset about Gaza, AND excitedly playing violent video games and watching shows, including pornography, with extreme imagery, as a means of entertainment? We must cleanse our minor and major hypocrisies. We have become daily oppressors of ourselves. #sufism #muslimsky

Current genocides are creating our ever-living martyrs. However, what is this reflecting? Most westerners are not at war, but they are in a state of battle. Look at (under-reported) stats on women and children killed by family. Look at what we consume as entertainment. Stop the violence at home.

Allah is not putting evil upon us in some unjust fashion. As the Qur'an pre-warns, Shaytan whispers. And then we choose to respond or not. Allah protects Muslims against responding based on our determination to practice as much Ibadah as possible, not based on His whims.