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Postdoc at Lund University | Visiting Fellow at the European University Institute IR theory, security studies, climate change imaginaries, existentialism, IR in East Asia. Also esports. She/Her
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🌎 Check this out if you are an ECR working on global environmental politics ⬇️ 💬 two focus groups will take place during ISA

On my way to #ISA2025 🛫 See you soon, Chicago 🤗

"Our research questions are insufficient, our funding & ethical approval systems are not fit for purpose, & our research practices are actively harmful. Against this, vulnerable research is an approach that makes demands which are uncomfortable but crucial."

New article out on in - I've looked at how #ontologicalsecurity can explain ways in which the state weaponises violence against migration women as part of the deterrent architecture of the #hostileenvironment in the UK --linked here

🚨New First View Article🚨 "State violence against migrant women: Ontological security, threat, and legitimacy" by Alexandria Innes is now available #OpenAccess! 📜➡️

Bitte mitzeichnen und teilen.

Still planning my schedule 📅 for #ISA2025 in Chicago next week. The days are filling up, but if anyone wants to grab a coffee ☕ together do let me know! ☺️

Congrats Maysam on a stellar defense! It was a real pleasure engaging with your work. Huge thanks to Catarina Kinnvall and the colleagues at the Department of Political Science, Lund University, for the warm hospitality.

Reposting because my paper 'Delimiting Resistance and Resisting the Border: The Case for Strategic Essentialism in Critical Border Studies' one now has an issue number!

Currently appearing at UK bus-stops. More of this pointed ridicule, please.

Has everyone already reported in? I don't work for the US government but just to be sure I sent an e-mail.

I'll be on this roundtable on Monday👇🤗

In true Trumpian fashion the leading candidate of the conservative #CDU for the German parliamentary elections today, Friedrich #Merz has called the millions of citizens who have taken to the streets against the far right "leftist nutcases". The Trumpification of conservative parties continues.

Wichtige Wahl, wichtige Kampagne, jetzt unterschreiben: "Wir erwarten, dass sich die neue Bundesregierung unabhängig der Parteienkonstellation zu konsequentem Klimaschutz bekennt und ihn ßberparteilich umsetzt."

More bad climate news from the US. The IPCC secretariat that facilitates assessment of research on mitigation of climate change (solutions) has been terminated by the Trump gov. This will make an already challenging report even harder. Other countries must step up and quickly provide assistance.

Women will disappear from the next Bundestag. Learn about the mechanisms through which the new German electoral law will reduce women’s presence in Sunday’s election on - joint work with the great

Call for papers! Myself & are planning to run a panel on knowledge and expertise in humanitarian practice at #EISAPEC25 in Bologna 25-29 August, details below. We will be welcoming paper contributions until 7 March, DM for questions! #EISAPEC2025

Outsourcing migrants is not the EU we want:

Mega-Engagement! Zur Nachahmung dringend empfohlen 👏🏼 #bundestagswahl #gehwählen

Was kann man jetzt tun? Mein Rat: In eine Partei eintreten. Sich engagieren, wenn es geht. Ändert sich dann morgen die Welt? Nein. Aber man ist mit Leuten zusammen, die ähnliche Sorgen/Ziele haben wie man selbst. Und das nicht nur auf einer Demo, sondern in Strukturen, in denen man gestalten kann.

What links Trump’s pledges to rename the Gulf of Mexico, rechristen Mount Denali, and ‘take back’ the Panama Canal? With insights from ontological security and neuroscience, I explore how US imperial ambitions still resonate through the emotional appeal of sea power in Trump’s inaugural speech 🌊

Friedrich Merz erzählt schon wieder auf Bßhnen, Frauen wßrden die Grßnen wählen, weil sie Habeck hot fänden. Damit markiert er Frauen als zu emotional fßr rationale Entscheidungen, fßr Politik. Genau damit wurde Frauen das Wahlrecht verwehrt. Kein moderner Mensch kann diesen Mann unterstßtzen.

📢 New Article Alert! 📢 How does the notion of societal multiplicity in IR overlook the psychological impact of global hierarchies? Read more: #InternationalRelations #UnevenDevelopment #Psychoanalysis #SocietalMultiplicity

Demos und #Proteste wirken, vor allem wenn sie ßber einen längeren Zeitraum durchgehalten werden. Also nicht locker lassen (morgen ist ßbrigens wieder #Klimastreik)

Oh hey! The chapter I wrote with on "Teaching Students about the Environment in an IR Theory Course" is out! We've included some great resources + talked through teaching environment for folks who might have little background

I have a silly question and I thought that this would be a good platform for it! If there is a museum you would like to work into a funding bid, how do you approach them? I've never done anything like this before and feel a little stuck. Any advice gratefully received!

We've released the Berkeley Earth temperature update for January 2025: It was the warmest January on record at 1.64C above preindustrial levels, and 0.09°C above the prior record set in 2024.

My article on ontological (in)security in International Relations has now been assigned an issue number in International Theory! Check it out below 😊👇 #polisky #IRsky

#OpenAccess from our new issue - The positions of ontological (in)security in international relations: object relations, unconscious phantasies, and anxiety management - -

Übrigens, diesen Freitag (14.2) ist wieder #Klimastreik! Eine der letzten Möglichkeiten den Parteien vor der #Bundestagswahl noch einmal deutlich zu machen, dass die #Klimakrise das entscheidende Thema für die Mehrheit der Menschen ist und NICHT Migration #btw25 #Klimawandel

Great to hear that our article is trending in!

Excited to see our article published in CJIR! In it, we explore affective-discursive dynamics driving farmers’ protests against new agri-environmental regulations in the EU, offering insights into the intricate role of farmers’ in climate governance 🌿

So happy that this next piece of our 🔥forthcoming SI on grappling with the climate crisis is out!😍 Check out the piece below if you are interested in agrarian populism, emotions, the implementation of the EU's climate policies on the ground, and why farmers emerge as important actors in IR!👇

Wie positionieren sich die Parteien zur Zukunft des #Energiesystems? Ein spannender Wahlprogrammcheck des Reiner Lemoine Kollegs geht dieser Frage nach. #energiewende #btw25 ➡️

A great opportunity for ECRs. I organized such a workshop in Stockholm in 2010 and met many wonderful people and new colleagues with whom I am still in contact

NASA workers were told to "drop everything" and spend their time scrubbing mentions of women in leadership, indigenous people, and environmental justice from the web:

Schon über 100,000 Unterschriften für eine Milliardärssteuer. Wenn das eine Petition für Grenzschließungen wäre, gäbe es die nächsten zwei Wochen jeden Tag nach den Nachrichten einen Brennpunkt.

The Czech Journal of International Relations announces a CfP for a special issue “Deciphering Gender-Based Violence: Feminist, Postsocialist and Postcolonial Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe” Send your abstracts to CJIR ed-chief at [email protected].

“Once you decide that a single vulnerable minority can be sacrificed, you’re operating within a fascist logic,” they said. “That means there might be a second one you’re willing to sacrifice and a third, a fourth. Then what happens?”

Dutzende Psychiaterinnen und Wissenschaftler appellieren in einem offenen Brief: "Bitte Nerven bewahren, Herr Merz"

This is a purge. Full Stop. Women and minorities are being erased by Trump.

Bitte noch mal mitmachen und kräftig teilen! Es steht knapp vor 1 Million Unterschriften #AfDVerbot #AfDVerbotJetzt!

New colleague wanted! At the Metropolitan University Prague's Center for Security Studies (C4SS), we're searching for a post-doc for up to 2 years. You'll work with us on IR/area studies and get decent salary for Czechia and other perks. Call here:

Special Issue Alert! How do digital & social media fuel alternative identities, extreme narratives & online communities in times of crisis? Submit your work exploring their role in propaganda, misinformation, and reshaping society! #polisky

Given the inauguration of US President Trump, it's worth reflecting on the research from his first term in office. Take a look at the RIS collection on Trump and the rise of the right.

I'm looking for contributions to a panel on histories & futures of international human rights for EISA 2025. We could explore questions of impunity, alternative histories of international human rights, creative strategies around the language of international human rights, transversal alliances

Why do I have to spend so much of my supervision time helping final-year students unlearn the idea that their dissertations must follow a ‘methods, theory, results, discussion’ template?