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Working at Jisc since 2007. Interested in digital humanities, libraries, archives, digital preservation and curation.
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The Discovering Collections Discovering Communities (DCDC) conference registration has gone live today! It's a total steal at just £130 for a full (3 day) conference ticket!! (Bit more if you want to do the networking events) Go get 'em. Go on! #DCDC25

Discover how the group purchasing scheme saves HE institutions money on buying digital archival collections:

"Don't be a dinosaur. Embrace open access." ... Brigett Vezina, #TaNC. Policy Forum. #unlockingcollections

Policy forum at #TaNC on discussing report launching today. Can use this report to advocate to funders and to our own organisations about the core requirements of building the UK Digital Collection. #unlockingcollections

It's a treat to hear about the marine archaeology work done by Unpath'd Waters project. Important heritage and environmental considerations. #TaNC #unlockedcollections

I think the conclusion to the question "can or should you use machine learning to identify bias in collections?" was ... maybe. Best done very slowly and carefully. #unlockingcollections #TaNC

Susan Pui San Lok is rehearsing Stuart Hall's question from 1999, "Whose heritage?". How have artists works been names and described and who has been neglected? How can Machine Learning be deployed to enable us to see where the gaps are? #TaNC

At the #TaNC conference. About to hear about the Transforming Collections: Reimagining Art, Nation and Heritage project. Did they enable digital cross-search of collections, to surface patterns of bias, to uncover hidden and unexpected connections? (That was the aim).

Went to a tremendous exhibition yesterday at The British Museum. The artist Hew Locke spent 2 years going through BM collection finding items connected with colonialism, slavery, and imperialism. On display alongside some of his own work.

I was in Lewes last night for the bonfire celebrations. Difficult to describe exactly how eccentric it is. Cosplay morris dancers doing mardi gras/day of the dead parades with flaming torches and papal effigies. Deeply bizarre but highly entertaining. Then Trump this morning. What a come down.

Join our free webinar on 7 Nov World Digital Preservation Day to find out how can help you with all things digital preservation

Library futures ... "Your job is to create curiosity. People should leave libraries with more questions than they had when they walked in." Erik Boekesteijn delivering final keynote at #openengaged He was consultant on creating Storyhouse in Chester.

Hearing about recently launched Museums Data Service. AHRC & Bloomberg funded. Going for 80m records from 1700 museums over next 10 years. They want to ensure data contribution is as easy and flexible as possible. #openengaged

Eloy Rodrigues from OpenAIRE identifying 3 areas of work for 2024/25. 1. Reassert the value proposition for repositories. 2. Propogate best practices for repositories 3. Assist with creation and coordination of national networks. #openengaged

Ed Jewel from Libraries Connected giving us big numbers for the social benefits that public libraries deliver. £6 return on every £1 invested. £3.4bn worth of social value per year. Impressive! (Might have to look under the hood at those numbers). #openengaged

Crumbs. Didn't realise what a negligible amount of non-standard format submissions were put forward for last REF. #openengaged #OAweek

Discussion of barriers to x-disciplinary working. Prof. Hugh Shanahan - he is a computer scientist who publishes in sociology journals. Not really helping his departmental comp sci REF profile! Challenging getting effective evaluation and validation of research #openengaged #OAweek

Prof. Jane Winters - difference between research in science and research in humanities. (Science) Is this data correct? (Humanities) Are these records / is this collection interesting enough to use for my research. #openandengaged

At the for Open and Engaged conference. Kicking off with a panel on x-disciplinary approach to open scholarship. Paola Castano is a space scientist and sociologist. She is all about interrelations and connections. #OpenEngaged

We're at the Jisc All Staff conference. 700 people in one room. #jisc. Talking about AI. Surprise surprise.

One week left to go to submit a paper (or workshop or whatever) for the #DCDC25 conference. Take a look at the CFP here - It's a great conference for anyone interested in promoting GLAMA collections (digital and physical) and connecting with communities.

In a birds of a feather session at #iPres2024 talking about what the key challenges will be for #digpres over the next 20 years. I wondered about the trust we will need to place on intelligent automation (IA) driven by AI to carry out our DP functions. Will we trust the machines to get on with it?

Some discussion in the Cloud Computing panel earlier at #iPres2024 about creating a 'community of practice' (vendor agnostic) group to share experiences about using (or not using) ("clouding" or "de-clouding"??) platforms for preservation. Interesting.

"People have pretty good digital capabilities these days, and are interested in digital preservation, but aren't aware the concepts are called that". Interesting take on skills levels in general population. #ipres2024 community preservation panel.

Nice to get a welcome from the Flemish Prime Minister! #iPres2024

Agree with on being a judge for DPC Awards. It's interesting but it's also great fun. Great bunch of people you get to work with. #iPres2024

Inspiring and moving to see such brilliant important international projects getting such great recognition. #dpa2024 #iPres2024

My first post on Blue-sky! Here I am in Ghent at the DPC Digital Preservation Awards #DPA2024 At the first night of the #iPres2024 conference. First award goes to: Preserving Australian First Nations digital cultural heritage. Well done to them!!