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Neovim is a hyperextensible Vim-based text editor Ways to support the project: - - - Have fun using it and spread the word
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#neovim Development News The 0.11 version will have more "out of the box" features for markdown, checkhealth, and help buffers: - `gO` will show table of contents. - `[[` / `]]` will jump between sections. PR: -

#neovim Development News The 0.11 version will do tree-sitter highlighting with injections more efficiently. This will greatly improve responsiveness in some files (like markdown). PRs: - -

#neovim Development News The 0.11 version will have `vim.validate()` change its signature to deliver better performance. It is currently backwards compatible, but comes with a `:checkhealth` warning and will be fully replaced in Nvim 1.0. PR: -

#neovim Development News The 0.11 version will have `%l` item of statuscolumn represent line number respecting related options (like 'number' and 'relativenumber'). The now redundant `%r` item will be no longer treated specially for statuscolumn. PR: -

#neovim Development News The 0.11 version will make it possible for `vim.lsp.buf.signature_help` to cycle through different signatures using `<C-s>` and also support multiple clients. PR: -

#neovim Development News The 0.11 version will have improved Unicode handling. For example, it will allow proper display of many more emoji characters than before. Both in regular and terminal buffers. All thanks to pain, tears, and dedication. PR: -

#neovim Development News The 0.11 version will improve support for several LSP servers attached to a same buffer. This also comes with some built-in `vim.lsp.buf` methods stop using global LSP handlers. PRs: - - -

#neovim Development News The 0.11 version will have a way to render diagnostics using virtual lines below the respective code. This allows for a more direct visualization of diagnostic position. PR: -

There is a new 0.10.4 maintenance release. It ain't much, but it's honest work.

#neovim Development News The 0.11 version will have buffer navigation (`:bnext`/`:bprev`/etc commands and `[b`/`]b`/etc mappings) skip help buffers if run from a non-help buffer and move to another help buffer otherwise. PR (Vim patch): -

#neovim Development News The 0.11 version will have a new `ComplMatchIns` highlight group that shows matched text of the currently inserted completion. PR (Vim patch): -

#neovim Development News:

#neovim Development News The 0.11 version, following highlighting, will also have tree-sitter folds computed asynchronously. This should improve responsiveness of `vim.treesitter.foldexpr()`. PR: -

#neovim Development News The 0.11 version will have tree-sitter highlighting done asynchronously. This should improve responsiveness. It also means that programmatically getting the parser no longer pre-parses the tree. Call `parse()` method explicitly. PR: -

#neovim Development News The 0.11 version will update cursor handling in built-in terminal. In particular: - Running app's cursor settings are now reflected in Neovim process. - No cursor is shown in inactive terminal. `TermCursorNC` group is no longer supported. PR: -

#neovim Development News The 0.11 version will (together with statusline/tabline/winbar) have highlight attributes combined in signcolum/numbercolumn/foldcolumn and statuscolumn in general. PR: -

Happy New Year, everybody! Let's hope that next year will bring us more awesome features and less broken configs! Here is a small thread with #neovim development stats in 2024.

#neovim Development News The 0.11 version will have built-in snippet engine (`vim.snippet`) automatically map <Tab>/<S-Tab> to jump forward/backward. May require adjusting your config if you have those keys mapped in Insert mode. PR: -

Merry Christmas everybody! Hope you have a lovely day/week/month/year/decade! Here is a what Christmas (abstract syntax) tree looks like in Neovim HQ:

We're hopelessly bad as usual. But we've finally gotten Justin's keynote up! 📷📷📷📷 'Just-in' time for the holidays 😉

Here is an early Christmas #neovim gift for you all: new 0.10.3 maintenance release.

#neovim Development News The 0.11 version will have a leaner default look of built-in terminal: no number column, no sign column, no fold column. PRs: - -

#neovim Development News:

This is now also the case for signs, line numbers, and statuscolumn. PR: -

#neovim Development News The 0.11 version will have a more straightforward way to set up LSP servers: - `vim.lsp.config` to configure. - `vim.lsp.enable` to set up automated start. - Special 'lsp/' directory for passive config discovery (similar to 'ftplugin/') PR: -

#neovim Development News The 0.11 version will add 'messagesopt' option to: - Adjust hit-enter-prompt: show for some time or hide completely. - Configure `:messages` history size. PR (Vim patch): -

After watching all videos from Neovimconf 2024, check out a playlist with VimConf 2024 talks:

If you happen to miss this year's (*the* #neovim conference) while it was live, there is a Youtube playlist just for you:

Two weeks until the deadline. We have submissions, but there is no such thing as too few good designs. If you want to participate, please do. If you don't know if you want to but might, also please do. If you might know somebody who might want to, please share.

#neovim Development News The 0.11 version will update 'background' option on OS theme change. It will work only in terminals which support updating background color based on OS appearance and also support theme change notifications (mode 2031). PR: -

#neovim Development News The 0.11 version will support folding according to the LSP server (`textDocument/foldingRange` method in particular). Set `foldmethod=expr` and `foldexpr=v:lua.vim.lsp.foldexpr()` and you're good to go. PR: -

There is now enough people on Bluesky for a "Neovim team" starter pack:

#neovim Development News The 0.11 version will have a more capable built-in LSP (and only LSP) completion. Should be enabled per buffer via `vim.lsp.completion.enable`. Use `autotrigger=true` to have autocompletion. PR: -

#neovim Development News The 0.11 version will (soft) deprecate `vim.diagnostic.goto_next` and `vim.diagnostic.goto_prev` in favor of a single `vim.diagnostic.jump` with appropriate argument. PR: -