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" We must believe in hasard because it doesn't exist. Everything is white dove or black cat. " Digital.Writer The Newsletter from 💛
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Arte, a rainbom war for What do you do with a cream, if not open a chemical factory. With aloe vera, you plant trees on the other side of the planet, and that enriches the earth. This is green capitalism and the circular economy... The lesson of NVIDIA's crack, do a lot with a little.


« Une intelligence qui connaît toutes les forces dont la nature est animée, et la situation respective des êtres qui la composent. Elle embrasse dans la même formule, les mouvements des plus grands corps de l’univers, et ceux du plus léger atome. L'avenir comme le passé est présent à ses yeux. »

THE BSKY SOCIAL REVOLUTION X, the social network formerly known as Twitter, is currently valued at $12 billion. That's a significant drop from the $44 billion Elon Musk paid to acquire it in 2022. Aaron Swartz augment the comments in quality on Bluesky. Special operation to clown RSS

The Blockchain technology, a metatryptic vision. Psychology, sociology and philosophy, or micro, meso and macro, like a microscope. Everything we do resonates. You can't control the answer to your job interview, but you can control the color of your jacket, there's a link between them. Quantum Logic

On January 17, Alexandre Benalla announces exclusive information, the bankruptcy of Bank of America. On January 23, I make another one, a Wall Street crack in the Hitech field. On January 27, NVIDIA loses more than 500 billion on the stock market, the equivalent of the war in Ukraine. ATHENA & NAHEL

New twitter new rules. The one who has almost nothing owns the link, and the one who has the ugliest logo in the world, has almost everything. The two end up meeting at the corner crossroads, to sign the deal with Pintreast. This will set a precedent, for the technicians of ! Nebius AI

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R&D : SCHWARZER.ASSOCIATES Bluesky, has indeed sparked interest in the decentralized Internet and the idea of new web extensions. However, its direct impact on increasing the market for new web extensions remains to be assessed in the long term. The first article about it for AI.

How to take a screenshot ? Press the Power button and the Volume Down button simultaneously. The screenshot will be saved in the Gallery or Photos app. And you can translate an image with Lens from Google. Keep it simple to develop a

Nebius Studio the first tool to transfer your data from X to Bluesky. With a search bar and a translator, as well as analysis tools. This service is free but with paid options. It's not available yet because it's my idea. So we have to wait to validate the idea with the resume

SCHIZO VS NARCISSE : Homère écrit Œdipe, plus tard Freud l'analyse et le décrypte. Tout comme Pikachu de Pokémon, avec la symbologie de l'amour de Dvorak. Nous faisons et nous comprendrons plus tard. Monsieur le S fait une musique, elle se reflète dans la vraie vie, et c'est vrai pour tout Le.Monde.

TWITTER EVOLUTION A comparison with the evolution of Twitter with Bluesky. An animal report of lizards that adapt to their environment. On Caribbean islands, the passage of hurricanes, exerted a very strong selective pressure on the lizard populations, only a part of them having managed to survive.

JEEPSIES & JEWELERS SYNDICATE Billie.Irish a form of synesthesia, a neurological phenomenon where stimulation of one sense activates another. She perceives colors when listening to music, associates certain tones or emotions with specific colors. An article written by Andy.Irish for EUROPA.CAMERA

Bluesky, comments are at the top, and not hidden or drowned in a torrent of hate. With a real name, to answer formatted bsky social. I suggest you turn off the television, and reformat yourself with YouTube, to unlock your creative potential with your like a professional Pintreast.

THE ISRAEL NUCLEAR ATTACK It's a scandal not to be able to file a complaint, but it's even worse, not to be able to write an article, for all the recommendations. No one will see it, it's not fashionable. And just in case there's a WWIII, AUKUS stay FAUKUS. An article written by

Digital Education. Your teaching methods are obsolete and create bugs in society. The baccalaureate as a private candidate is 15 hours per week, it's more efficient. You learn a lot of things, but you don't even know what a conscience and a subconscious are. My Twitter resume

ARTE.TV : At the same time, one will die and the other will be born. A king and a homeless man will change jackets. We'll make a movie about this, a survivalist against a narcissist. Like in the first episode of Gladiator, to change the social algorithm for the meritocraty with EU

Digital writers will replace Journalists Before 2020, Snap was worth 100 Billie and Snap 300 Billie. That's the difference between ePhones and computers. Snap will buy Intel according to Copilot, it's 200 and 100 Billie. R&D for a photophone and a tablet Microsoft Surface with Snapdragon.Technology

END OF THE PERSONAL COMPUTER TAB : the processor core in the A4 21x30 tablet is the most expensive. To connect it to a television anywhere, and turn it into a mini computer. The 12x21 pocket book costs almost nothing, but you still have to configure it. The Kazak Phone in 16.9 to use it less 7x12.

IMAGINE MADE IN CYBER SPACE DASSAULT & SPINOZA.SYSTEMS All my friends are wasted, Benalla Security, Quotidien TV, Schiappa Business, Barrot fr... Make a handle $10 in the street just a tip okey. Optimistic Copilot, I'll buy BNP Paribas and Dassault back, tomorrow I'll go to Mars.

I'm not a 20th century writer, but graphic designer which isn't illustrator, or digital communication, it's vice versa for Versace and the well hidden secrets. It takes ten tweets for a page of book. The book of Macrown, co-written by J.K Rowling on Babelio. E viva la Republica Denim

NAME COM is acquiring a new tool that could turn the war in its favor. Since the beginning of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, drones have been omnipresent on the battlefield. On both sides, this technology has become essential. DŻIN BE READY FOR ZE STEADY.CAMERA

It's not among the producers of rare earths, because its production is marginal 1%. With unexploited reserves, it's possible that the country has a production potential of 2-5% maximum. With unknown resources then the potential could increase, optimistic Copilot for 15%. Usbek et RICA KAZAK.MEDIA

I come from Cyberia, the new home of mind. You're not welcome among us, you've no sovereignty where we gather. At the top of our pyramid there is a cat, he always lands on its feet. Lose your faith, look into yourself and try to think. Dvorak Agency 1000 zions DW DUROV WORLD

Je cherche un livre, le dernier écrivain de Jérôme Leroy. Dans ce livre, un écrivain se suicide dans sa chambre d'hôtel à Jérusalem, ce qui déclenche une série d'événements et de réflexions sur la vie, la mort et la création littéraire. Je ne suis même pas sur que cela soit le bon livre... Copilot

À la une cette semaine, les héritages trotskistes et gaullistes. Le meilleur conseil de Rasputin, l'eau micellaire vous rendra millionaire. Comme un Apashe pour scalper Vladimir Cauchemar sur la YTTV. Un tutoriel pour enlever son bsky social inhérent, comme un vrai neojournaliste de

Fin de mes recherches. Mozart dans le métro un clochard céleste, un livre de Jacques Keruac. De juillet 2024 à janvier 2025, sept mois pour Twitter et OVH Cloud. La semaine prochaine, pour vérifier ma théorie quantique du hasard, et répondre à cette question. Comment avoir de la chance ? Synesthesia

Depuis 2019 et un accident cérébral, je mène en indépendant des recherches sur le thème de la synesthésie, le mélange des sens. C'est un sujet peu connu, qui selon moi est une piste prometteuse, pour développer notre compréhension de la conscience. C'est lié à la logique quantique, celle des robots.

De nouveaux standards pour les Community Managers :) Comment faire un handle avec Snapdragon Technology ? Ce n'est plus la tâche des développeurs mobile. Pour 100 dollars un SAMSUNG TAB A9 medium size 21 et 12 centimètres, la taille d'un livre ou d'une main. Le même format que l'Édition Actes Sud.

12 October 2024, the divorce of ́Kremlin and Yandex, the Russian Google, reorganizes the Human Comedy. As a good communicator, the CEO wanted to show that he could keep a cool head, with a new army to lead. The Human Comedy finds itself profoundly transformed, with Ruffin in Russia. Honoré de Balzack

La Diplomatie a fait une erreur historique, qui se reflète dans la société. Il ne faut pas s'attacher au passé, regardez Mélenchon aller en Chine, c'est incohérent. Dans la librairie anarchiste, Marx oui mais Trotsky non, sans fanatisme. Du marketing pour Che Guarana et Napoléon. TSAR.LIFE MAGAZINE

Telecracy, a social model dictated by the media. How to use Twitter ? I have exceeded the symbolic bar of 77 tweets. A hundred tweets is enough to reread before moving on to the next hundred. You aren't journalists, there are new standards, no bsky social for professionals. Tab A9

With my Fakir Press to write the Siecle Digital newspaper... You will wake up with a crack on Wall Street. And understand that your SEO strategies will collapse. Later, web extensions will become reality. Time and hasard doesn't exist, it's a revolution of consciouness. Central.Intelligence.Agency

What is Synesthesia ? It's a neurological disorder, in which one sensory experience, triggers the involuntary and automatic perception, of another sensory experience. A person may see colors, when they hear music. This condition can vary greatly between individuals. Arthur Rainbow, a drunken boat.

« According to a recent scientific study, Karma is made in India. We don't have more information on this subject, but it could be that there are thousands of Indian elves, to regulate the daily lottery. But this remains to be confirmed [...] Keep this in your mind, hasard doesn't exist. » Einstein

Au ministère des Affaires étrangères, colloque sur l’accord Poincaré-Cerretti de 1924 : interventions passionnantes s’inquiétant d’une dérive sécuritaire de la laïcité. Pour notre cohésion, rappel clair et diplomatique de l’urgence à rester fidèle à l’esprit de la loi de 1905.

To make a handle repost this message

Je préfère Pinterest à Instagram, c'est plus enrichissant en terme de design graphic, car selon moi il y a moins d'égo. Insta pour moi c'est pour les coffee shops et les galeries d'artistes. NB La bonne idée de déposer le lien du premier cybercafé. Cela vaudra peut-être cher plus tard $10

CREATE A SHORT PRESENTATION :) Joyeuses fêtes et rendez-vous à la rentrée, pour handle et référencer ces activités. Et un nouveau graphisme pour Hitech & Natura ® Changez d'habitudes sur Bluesky, vous avez été formatés par X. Soyez comme Gemini plutôt que comme Grok AI. Siecle.Digital & Vakita.World

WIKIPEDIA : Synesthesia is supralogic, a sensation of synchronicity. There's no time and hasard, it's quantic. Semiology the science of meaning, give an additional interpretation to the little details. You need to change your comprehension about life, to develop your softwares like SPINOZA.SYSTEMS ®