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United States support for Ukraine was never about securing mineral rights. Or providing security for money. It was about democracy and sovereignty. And a willingness to defend our allies and oppose our enemies. Trump is betraying Ukraine, but also our values. Our history and our legacy.

Fantastic news. More countries should do the same.

Elon Musk--a special U.S. government employee in the White House--has gone all-in to help the AfD in Germany. On behalf of the anti-fascist majority of the American people, I say to the people of Germany: Please ignore him or reject him. He does not speak for America.

Obama knew

The top 0.1% of Americans control $22 trillion in wealth. The bottom 50% control $3.8 trillion in wealth. Read that back. Folks, this is what oligarchy looks like.

What ! A politician with a spine !!! More of those please.

⚡️US threatens to shut off Starlink if Ukraine won't sign minerals deal, sources tell Reuters. The U.S. first raised the prospect of shutting off Starlink after Zelensky rejected the deal presented on Feb. 12. Starlink terminals are critical in securing Ukraine's battlefield communications.

Danmark kan ikke rumme de enorme mængder grise, som svinebønderne "producerer"❗ 🐖 Det understreges på ærgerligste vis af, at nogle landmænd ser sig nødsaget til at sprede gylle fra overfyldte tanke på frosne marker, hvorfra det kan sive direkte ud i vandmiljøet 💩💀🌊

There are still $300 billion in frozen Russian assets ready to be obtained and distributed. We have to focus on this discussion.

Just imagine the savings!! Fire everyone and you will have a 0% tax.

How’s this prediction going so far?

Trump - with his devotion to Putin, abandonment of Ukraine, and lies about history- is the antithesis of everything Ronald Reagan stood for. He is aligning America with the enemies of the very freedom that generations have fought and died to defend.

“Art of the deal” What a fucking joke.

Måske Grønland lige skulle overveje en ekstra gang om USA er så fantastiske at “samarbejde” med.

Planes didn't crash when this guy ran things.

Den statistik, som justitsministeren fejlagtigt bruger til at retfærdiggøre sit forslag om forskelsbehandling, taler imod selvsamme forslag… hvor ville det være forfriskende, hvis Socialdemokratiet stopper med at føre symbolpolitik og i stedet fremlægger løsninger, der reelt hjælper børn og udsatte

In the bunker with Darth: "Europe should be able to find the funds to beat an army supplied by donkeys 🐴🫏 With


Republican Congressman Bacon on Trump’s “peace plan”

The dragon warrior has awakened 🐉

A day after his ‘highly productive’ call with Putin, Trump echoes the Kremlin’s main talking point by blaming Ukraine, the U.S., and NATO for Putin’s war. What a fu*king traitor

This was always Trump’s plan. Art of the Steal.

"There can be no decision about Ukraine without Ukraine." Representatives of European countries share their opinions about Trump's talks with Putin. 📹: DW

"There can be nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine. We had a talk [with US President Trump], and we had a very good conversation... Meetings are a priority for us. Ukraine, America,& only after such meetings, after working out a plan to stop Putin,I think then it is fair to talk to the Russians

Hey, Denmark? Yeah, can you guys take New York? I mean, we’re a lot closer, anyway

Damn straight. We can’t leave negotiations to a Russian asset. #NoOneTrustTheOrangeGuy

Mr. Trumps statements that Russia should get to keep the territory, they have fought for is a statement that will live in infamy.


After Trump’s sellout, foreign ministers from 🇩🇪🇫🇷🇮🇹🇪🇸🇵🇱🇬🇧 and 🇪🇺 High Rep Kallas issued a strong statement in support of 🇺🇦. Now, we need action!

'Surrender & betrayal' — US, EU officials condemn Trump, Hegseth's comments on Ukraine peace negotiations. Senator Adam B. Schiff, Democrat of California, wrote: "Today, President Trump called our enemy, Russia, before calling our ally, Ukraine."

Hvorfor er det, at hver gang nogen bliver udnævnt til justitsminister, så bliver alle rettigheder en fodnote. “Overvågning er frihed” a nu dette

Aha ha ha🤣

Sü mangler vi bare de danske a-kraft fortalere übner øjnene.

Board member of META asks a very good question.

Regeringen har simpelthen fjernet en afgift pü fiskeriet pü falsk grundlag, mens man har pülagt danskerne en milliardregning - og nu, da det er blevet afsløret at det var løgn, vil den ansvarlige minister ikke svare pü spørgsmül om det. Niveauet kan da vist ikke blive lavere.

⚡️International Criminal Court Prosecutor Karim Khan, who oversaw the court's arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin in March 2023 over Moscow's deportation of Ukrainian children, was named in the U.S.' as-of-now nonpublic economic and travel sanctions list, Reuters reported on Feb. 7.

Den største trussel mod EU er ikke at vi bliver invaderet af autokrater, men at vi vÌlger dem selv

North Korea will start joint production of drones with Russia this year in exchange for troops fighting in Russia –NHK Russia will provide technical help to DPRK to start mass production of multiple types of drones under a recently reached agreement The axis of evil is getting stronger.

Vi indkalder nu til samrüd. Regeringen vil udskyde CO2-afgiften og nu viser det sig, at de müske oven i købet ikke har styr pü deres egen forklaring #dkpol Tak for samarbejdet