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Same bro SAME! #LoveIsBlind #LoveIsBlind8

My take on #loveisblind men once again flopping at the reunion. #loveisblind8

Pop Heist has allowed me to do some of the most adventurous, weird, rewarding work of my career so far, and we're just getting started. If you want more websites where writers get to really dig deep on pop culture without algorithms, consider helping us out.

Who chose that wack moment as number one? #LOVEISBLINDreunion

Why is Nick and Vanessa Lachey trying to make Dave declare his love to Lauren? He doesn’t love her. Another man isn’t the reason for their break up. He’s the reason #LoveIsBlinds8 #LOVEISBLINDreunion

So Dave’s sister knew he would tank #LOVEISBLINDreunion and he didn’t listen. But then tried to twist it that any woman wouldn’t be good enough for him. #LoveIsBlinds8

Justice for Monica’s sister and all Nicoles #LoveIsBlinds8 #LOVEISBLINDreunion

Monica is gorgeous. Can’t wait to see her on Perfect Match 😆 #LOVEISBLINDreunion #loveisblinds8

Ben stuttering before he comes up with this last dinner with Sara before she left. I know what you’re doing #LOVEISBLINDreunion #LoveIsBlinds8

Nick Lachey wants to applaud Virginia and Devin. But all Devin did was deny and want to yadayada any potential harm he did. #LoveIsBlinds8 #LOVEISBLINDreunion

Britney Haynes claims she only spoke to Danielle Reyes for three hours before #TheTraitorsReunion but is it too late? Black Bi Reality’s #TraitorsUS reaction is available now

Flashing back to Black Bi Reality’s Big Brother Reindeer Games episode with Izzy Gleicher If we only knew… #TraitorsUS #TheTraitorsUSReunion

so grateful to have VP Kamala Harris join to discuss the Survivor 50 voting ballot

As if #TheTraitorsUS couldn’t get any more queer…we have an Oscar section in the #TraitorsUSreunion. I’m so happy

Why would Bob the Drag Queen know who Dorinda Medley is? Not all gays watch every version of housewives. Tough wake up call#TraitorsUSreunion

Didn’t know Dolores was a correctional officer. Danielle played her like a fiddle and that’s amazing! #TraitorsUS #TraitorsUSreunion

Gabby is honestly covering too much for her favorite traitors in the beginning of #TraitorsUSreunion. You weren’t in the turret they can hash it out themselves. #TheTraitorsUS

“I don’t understand these girls. He doesn’t deserve it.” And that’s why it should be a no. Misogyny was there from the beginning because of difference in values #LoveIsBlinds8 #loveisblindseason8

Can’t believe #*%*{+{‘s parents were shocked by her decision. They weren’t compatible and I’m proud of her. #LoveIsBlinds8 #loveisblindseason8

“I Can’t Make You Love Me” in a #LoveIsBlind8 finale and it’s not for the Black couple?! #loveisblindseason8

#LoveIsBlind8 has the reunion left and it’s safe to say diversity makes everything better. #loveisblindseason8

********’s “we’ll talk later”…she’s tiredddd. He wore her out. #LoveIsBlind8 #loveisblindseason8

A member of the British royal family saying good trumps evil every time. #TraitorsUS #TheTraitorsUS

The one criticism of #TraitorsUS3 is we didn’t get enough Gabby/Dylan feud. Imagine if they showed more and this finale has the weight of whether they’ll betray each other? It was there but not as much as it could’ve been. #TheTraitorsUS

Dylan is so whiny the minute he goes up against a great player. All of Britney’s points make sense and he knows it 😂 #TraitorsUS #TheTraitorsUS

OK, got to the part where Dolores goes off on Dylan. She would absolutely be the bitter cut third place on #BigBrother. Don’t blame her. But she knows she’s not anyone’s number one. Dylan would choose Ivar #TraitorsUS #TheTraitorsUS

I don’t think Gabby wanted to say that periodic table line. She literally rolled her eyes, but why did they leave that in? 😂 #TraitorsUS #TheTraitorsUS

Dolores would be such a snakey #BigBrother player. She acts loyal to everyone and it’s so clear now. She played a great faithful game. #TraitorsUS #TheTraitorsUS

Oh look, the grandmother was focusing on her life and family for years says she was willing to do anything for her family. Who is surprised?! Not me. Good game. You were wonderful. #TheTraitorsUS #TraitorsUS

Hey #TheTraitorsUS Fans — The Danielle Reyes Hate Is Overblown - Pop Heist…happy #TraitorsUS finale day!

Really enjoying Meghan’s show and thought I’d reshare this interview I did about her wedding day

Thomas got a black eye on the next #Survivor ep? #Survivor48

A Black man working to save a Black woman’s game while on the same #Survivor tribe premerge? Happily shook #Survivor48

That’s such a good question we should all keep in our pocket. Jeff Probst is great at what he does. If you’re going to be inclusive listen to people for what’s helpful to them. Don’t assume #Survivor #Survivor48

Scratching letters into your sandy thigh to form an alliance. I needed this good energy because the way I wanted to shut this #Survivor ep OFF #Survivor48

Idk man, Eva shared her advantage and built relationships. Star shares it and you suggested disappearing it like that’s normal… #Survivor #Survivor48

What if this disappears?! Oh this is @&@&&&&@!!! #Survivor #Survivor48

Okay..Star..Your lips getting too loose

Oh the California Girls lost me already #Survivor #Survivor48

It wasn’t the same #Survivor episode. But omg Star and Sai found it! #Survivor48

We’ve seen a #Survivor castaway talk about their feet only for them to come in clutch later…this could be a sign for Charity #Survivor48

#Survivor48 #Survivor

The reaction to the Animated Film win was so damn wholesome 💜

Kieran’s story about his wife is so funny and very him

Mason and Meg return to #loveisblind8. Black Bi Reality had thoughts about their film opinions. Check out our #loveidblinds8 recap with Sabiyah of #Survivor