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The Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) for biodiversity | climate change | sustainable use research. Academy institute. Spectacular sustainable building.
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Yesterday Sewunet Abera Dinke successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "Diversity and functional potential of the sorghum root microbiome to control Striga hermonthica". Congratulations Dr Dinke! #PhD #research

Ben jij een ervaren #Linux beheerder met een passie voor #datamanagement en innovatie? Het Nederlands Instituut voor Ecologie (NIOO-KNAW) is op zoek naar een #ICT Beheerder Linux. Reageer uiterlijk 9 april op de vacature:

Do you have a background in #environmental sciences, and affinity with stakeholder interactions? NIOO is looking for a #post-doctoral #researcher for the project EcoTwin. Read the #vacancy and apply by 23 March:

New publication: Recreational and aesthetic values of forest landscapes: Quantifying management impacts and trade-offs with provisioning and regulatory ecosystem services. #RAFL #culturalecosystemservices #forestmanagement

New publication: Asymmetrical evolution of cross inhibition in #zooplankton: insights from contrasting #phosphoruslimitation and #salinization exposure sequences, by and others. #rapidadaptation #rotifer

New publication: Active #wetland #restoration kickstarts vegetation establishment, but natural development promotes greater plant #diversity. #rewilding #MarkerWadden #priorityeffects

New publication: Microbial scents: #Soil microbial Volatile Organic Compounds as #biomarkers for #grasslands across a #landuse gradient. #mVOCs #agriculture

New publication: Understanding the Utilization of #IndigenousInstitutions: The Case of #Wonosobo, Central Java, #Indonesia. #sustainability #demographics #forests

New publication: #SoilpH determines the shift of key #microbialenergy metabolic pathways associated with #soilnutrient cycle, by and others. #climatechange #greenhousegas #nitrogenmetabolism

Vind je het leuk om met dieren te werken en wil je (tijdelijk) jonge vogeltjes verzorgen? Het NIOO is op zoek naar een medewerker handopfok. Het werk bestaat uit het voeren van de jonge vogels en algemene dagelijkse schoonmaakwerkzaamheden in de maanden mei t/m augustus.

Are you passionate about microbial ecology and climate research? We are looking for a motivated postdoc to join the CLIMET project, studying the impact of organic carbon and glacial dust on methane cycling in Arctic lakes. Apply before 1 April:

Are you looking for a PhD where you try to bridge the gap between technological, societal and environmental science domains in the context of floating solar panels? NIOO is looking for a PhD candidate for project SPARKLES. Applications are open until 23 March:

Het NIOO is op zoek naar een medewerker techniek. Als medewerker techniek heb je een afwisselende en uitdagende functie. Zo ontwerp en bouw je bijvoorbeeld hulpmiddelen en onderzoeksopstellingen, in overleg met de onderzoekers. Reageer uiterlijk 18 april:

Vandaag is het #WorldWildlifeDay. Een methode om die natuur te beschermen is #rewilding. NIOO-onderzoeker Liesbeth Bakker schreef mee aan een essay om rewilding toe te passen op een overheidsprogramma over Nederlandse grote wateren:

New publication: Continent-Wide Drivers of Spatial Synchrony in Breeding Demographic Structure Across Wild Great Tit Populations, by and others. #parusmajor #demography #agestructure #populationdynamics

New publication: Simulating and analysing #seabird #flyways: an approach combining least-cost path modelling and #machinelearning. #avianmigration #climatechange #leastcostpath

New publication: Domesticated #rice alters the #rhizosphere #microbiome, reducing #nitrogen fixation and increasing nitrous oxide emissions. #agroecology #sustainability #microbialecology

New publication: Adapting to an increasingly stressful environment: Experimental evidence for ‘micro-evolutionary priming’. #climatechange #evolution #pollution #rotifer #stress

What changes are affecting our lakes? Suzanne McGowan held her inaugural lecture yesterday on still waters in a dynamic world. "Still waters run deep. We cannot predict the future without understanding the past." Read more about her appointment as Special Professor:

Are you looking for a Postdoc position on plant and soil dynamics? NIOO's department of Terrestrial Ecology is looking for someone who will contribute to building a strategy for future long-term field research in the department. Apply by 16 March:

Denk jij strategisch mee over financieringskansen van het NIOO en hoe we onze acquisitie optimaal kunnen inrichten passend bij onze strategie? Dan zijn wij op zoek naar jou! Reageer uiterlijk 3 maart op de vacature voor Hoofd Research Support Office:

Vandaag is het Valentijnsdag! Op deze dag van de liefde kondigen wij aan dat de tweede editie van het Citizen Science Café eraan komt... Op 11 maart duiken we graag met jullie de nestkast in! Aanmelden kan op: #sciencecafe #burgerwetenschap #passie #klimaatverandering

New publication: Using problem formulation for an efficient, fit-for-purpose risk assessment of microbial plant protection products. #riskassessment #microbialplantprotection #plantprotectionproducts #PPP

New publication: The promise of community-driven #preprints in ecology and evolution. By and others. #EcoEvoRxiv #ecology #evolution #greyliterature

New publication: #Epiphyton phenology determines the persistence of submerged #macrophytes: Exemplified in temperate shallow #lakes. #globalchange #shallowlakes #PCLake #lakemodelling

New publication: Addressing grand ecological challenges in aquatic ecosystems: how can #mesocosms be used to advance solutions? #biodiversity #climatechange #sustainability #restoration #aquaticecology #connectivity

When visiting the NAEM today make sure to visit the two parallel sessions organized by AnE members. In parallel session 2A Jan Geisler and Morrison Pot together with Evy Gobbens from will take you into the world of animal movement ecology. (1/2)

Call for papers for a workshop on ‘Visualisation in Environmental Sciences’ deadline February 26, 2025! Bringing together researchers in the area of visualization of geo-scientific, environmental, atmospheric, or climate data to present and discuss recent developments in the field. #eLTERcommunity📣

"Ik begon met een kortlopend project en ben nooit meer weggegaan" vertelt interim-directeur van het Nederlands Instituut voor Ecologie (NIOO-KNAW) Wim van der Putten. Lees meer over Van der Puttens ervaring bij het NIOO, van jonge onderzoeker tot interim-directeur:

Come work with me! #sparrows #microbiomes #reproduction

We are hiring! We have a 1-year postdoc position available in our department on soil carbon and fauna: Please spread the word!

It's February and that means we slowly start to prepare for the upcoming breeding season. Today we picked up a load of new nest boxes. Over the coming weeks we start replacing the broken ones in the field so everything is ready for the first eggs in april. #breedingseason2025

Several AnE members presented their work on goose migration, dispersal and management this week at the Goose Specialist Group meeting in the Czech Republic. We thank our Czech hosts for a very nice organized conference and our goose research family for the nice discussions.

🚨 Are you interested in avian ecology and do you have a BSc or MSc diploma? Then we have an interesting vacancy for you! We are looking for a research assistant to help in the lab and the field with a microbiome study on house sparrows.

What better way to spend a cold and wet winter day than with beech nut sampling?! In four montly monotoring round this winter we sampled 35 beech trees in Nationaal Park de Hoge Veluwe. For each tree we sampled 8 plots per round and after sampling 1120 plots today we finished up our fieldwork 🥳(1/3)

Stefan Dekker wordt de nieuwe directeur van ‘Ik wil het #belang van lange termijn #fundamenteel #onderzoek benadrukken en de #rol van het NIOO voor en in de samenleving.’ Lees meer via

„Ze wisten toen al dat weinig mensen een gmo-rijst zullen willen eten, en ze zijn toen al begonnen met het maken van nieuwe rijstvarianten via natuurlijke kruisingen.” Paul Bodelier Marcel aan de Brugh

Interested in the status of soil biodiversity in the Netherlands and beyond? check out the Bodemdierendagen result share last December! (In Dutch)...more info here:,

The Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) is looking for a research assistant. You will work in a group primarily focused on understanding the ecological and evolutionary causes and effects of variation in avian microbiomes. Read more and apply by 24 February:

The Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) is looking for a candidate with a PhD in soil ecology or a related discipline. You will carry out laboratory analyses related to soil biota, stable isotopes, and soil carbon. Read more and apply by 24 February:

New publication: Artificial #light at night reduces emergence and attracts flying adults of aquatic #Diptera. #ALAN #lightpollution #insects #chironomidae

New publication: Geographic differences in the phenology of gonadal development and moult, but not of egg laying, are genetically based in a small #songbird, by a.o. #climatechange

New publication: Microbial surveillance versus #cytokine responsiveness in native and non-native #housesparrows, by a.o. #inflammation #microbialsurvaillance #introducedspecies

New publication: #Spinach #seed #microbiome characteristics linked to #suppressiveness against #Globisporangiumultimum damping-off. #seedmicrobiome #bacteria #fungi #yeasts

New publication: Bacterial and fungal diversity and species #interactions inversely affect ecosystem functions under #drought in a semi-arid #grassland. #biodiversity #bacteria #fungi #climatechange

New publication: #Liming enhances the abundance and stability of #nitrogen-cycling #microbes: the buffering effect of long-term lime application. #grassland #nitrification #Nfixation #denitrification #limestone

New publication: Link of #dragonflies and #damselflies with the aquatic environment is differently expressed in adult and larval stages. #biodiversity #citizenscience #Waterdiertjes #waterquality

Stefan Dekker wordt per 15 juni de nieuwe directeur van het NIOO. “Het onderzoek van het NIOO aan de drie thema’s biodiversiteit, klimaatverandering en duurzaam gebruik van land en water sluit naadloos aan bij mijn onderzoekinteresses”. Lees verder:

In oktober ruilde Geert de Snoo zijn directeurschap na vijf jaar bij het NIOO in voor zijn nieuwe rol bij de KNAW. Lees in dit interview waar De Snoo trots op terugblikt binnen zijn tijd als NIOO-directeur en hoe hij vooruitkijkt naar de toekomst:

It's #WorldWetlandsDay! Wetlands are diverse and productive ecosystems. For over 50 years, the Ramsar Convention has helped safeguard these habitats which support a rich tapestry of life. Protecting these natural treasures is key to ensuring the survival of migratory species worldwide. 🦆🦩