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u could just let intuition drive ur use of astro instead using astro to cut u off from ur intuition '

there comes a time in everyone's life when u [get more relief from meditating on eviscerating the demons that cause u to b mindlessly productive instead of doing busy work] ' (to the tune of pharcyde's /runnin' '/ obvi) ' can't keep runnin awayyyyyyyyyyy can't keep runnin awayyyyyyyy 🎵 '

my broad interest is other people's niche interests ' my niche interests — association football / soccer, martial art, music, art, spirituality, politics — r ridiculously broad tbh '

an incumbent can afford to say things it doesn't mean and wait til the chasers in the pack try to emulate false intentions — 1/ '

today i am reminded that — weird only exists bc of the distorted sense of reality that we call normal '

fair warning — men who don't wanna integrate feminine energy and women who don't wanna integrate masculine energy tend to bounce off me and catch wrek '

hung out with some indigenous mob from up north today ' was struck by the resonance between our cultures re : respect for elders, sharing in community and having been exploited after sharing with colonizers ' my heart feels big '

lots of people talkin about somatic healing but how many of yall take perfect shits '

basic, but sometimes the best thing u can do for someone is make it clear that they can't get their cope from being in ur good graces anymore '

ime, most people pursue spiritual refinement bc they're a/ coerced into doing it (for example, by family or society) ' b/ they want to avoid pain c/ they cannot avoid it ' 1/ '

i love carlo rovelli's theory of time and stephen wolfram's "theory of everything" bc they r things i can point to when i say that space is woven of sth ' time is woven of sth ' and our bodies r woven of space woven with time ' 1/ '

i feel like we're prolly gonna live much longer than we think, so making rushed decisions based on a fear of wasting time is the best way to waste time '

Karl Widerquist is a political theorist and economist who works as a professor of political philosophy at Georgetown University-Qatar. He is a leading writer on Universal Basic Income, economics, politics, philosophy, and anthropology. RSVP Here!

i really don't like the "best not to start, if u start best to finish" teaching ' i'd say "the sooner u start the sooner u finish" ' i reckon people only say the first thing bc they wanna get credit for starting sth that was inadvisable and for sticking to it ' it's pre-emptive self mythology '

the more i heal, the more i say the quiet and the loud parts at the appropriate volume — including on mute 🤭 '

i feel like the problem with truth is that it's actually just kind of boring and the problem with boring is not really a problem unless ur a hungry ghost ' actually things which r "boring" r incredibly meaningful and joyful when u r a whole person ' 1/ '

i don't know if it's possible to get sick of malaysian chinese food but every year between new year's eve and chap go mei i have a v good time trying '

someone who said they tried to destroy my sol once called me "the archon carrier", without knowing that every word they spoke of me was archon carrion ' me i just stay calm and carry on ' he ended up in hospital ' and i do b bearing new ideas in the soil of the composed ideas of old '

i love sowing seeds that will bear fruit in 5 minutes ' i love sowing seeds that will bear fruit in 70 years ' i love harvesting the fruit of the labour i sacrificed 5 minutes ago and the work i put in any time in the last 20-30 years ' this is also the meaning of "kali / time / kali time" '

i really like fasting and i really liked atrophying to purge all my misaligned muscle memory ' i'm really enjoying eating and i'm really enjoying trophying to reinforce the alignment between my body and my soul ! '

it's aquarius season — so i'm feeling into how adroitly i negotiate breakthrus for myself and for my family and for my clients — but i'm breaking thru 24 / 365 bb '

what r some of the ways u would like to walk in the way ur ancestors walked ? ' what r some of the ways u would like to walk differently ? '

i never really knew how narrowly selfish people r until i met people who were only self-oriented on the vastest scales of self '

a lotta people prolly won't wanna hear this but often u get the best advice from people who don't "care" about ur feelings '

ime it's more important to b less /attached/ to being wrong than to b less wrong ' and the funny thing is, attachment to not being wrong tends to make people more often or less frequently but more epically wrong '

i recommend cherishing ur failures '

people who r traumatized by losing r often avoidantly attached to winning '

true winning is getting to a point where u don't need to trade off aesthetics against winning '

i can't wait for agentic ai to help us humans learn to discern between graft and skill '

unify the polarities of strong and gentle '

everybody talkin about neuroconvergence and neurodivergence but nobody talkin about wisdom '

what r the physical politics of metaphysical sovereignty ? '

who needs epistemic foundations if u r normatively attractive amirite '

u can run away from ur family but they're still there in ur disorganized memories, unconsciously driving ur decision making and sabotaging ur life (on some scale of time !) ' 

earlier in my path, say mid 2021, i realized that i could make the irritation of hayfever disappear by meditating on my symptoms ' it's now been years since i've experienced hayfever ' what do u make of that ? '

putting ur most fearful people in charge of security is like hiring pilots who r afraid of flying '

weird how our minds lie to us and make us think we r in danger when we r fine '

had a long convo with a student from china today where we tested her receptivity to rose quartz and amethyst and hematite and onyx ' i told her that she needs to express her heart and open herself to messages from the divine ' she said mb i am a witch '

from the perspective of individual "consciousness" — everybody is wrong sometimes ' from the perspective of unity consciousness — we r all constantly lying '

ime ? completely avoiding things which have any kind of negative impact makes us fragile '