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Making furry games! ケモノゲームズを制作中です! 不可不社正在製作獸人遊戲 ! Patreon: Itch: 爱发电:
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That old goat's got a taste for some tender, young greens! My Pirate Husbandos Build 31 is available to patreons! And public version on Itch! 老山羊吃嫩草! 我的海盜老公Build 31 更新在Patreon!!Itch公開版也已更新! #pirahus #海盜老公

Striking Resemblance! Nature works in mysterious ways...🫢 那一模一樣的藍毛老虎?難道是某種非常、非常執著的傳統?🫢 #pirahus #海盜老公

Until it is finished it is not done! 背水一戰! My Pirate Husbandos Build 30 is available to patreons! And public version on Itch! 我的海盜老公Build 30 更新在Patreon!!Itch公開版也已更新! #pirahus #海盜老公

With our little mate on board, take this fight to a whole new climax! 射出致勝一擊! My Pirate Husbandos Build 29 is available to patreons! And public version on Itch! 我的海盜老公Build 29 更新在Patreon!!Itch公開版也已更新! #pirahus #海盜老公

You either die a hero or live long enough to become the sex slave. 你要做一秒鐘的英雄還是一輩子的性奴? My Pirate Husbandos Build 28 is available to patreons! And public version on Itch! 我的海盜老公Build 28 更新在Patreon!!Itch公開版也已更新! #pirahus #海盜老公

This month, we’ve finally rolled out the much-anticipated journal/gallery system! 本月更新了大家敲很久的日誌/畫廊系統! --- My Pirate Husbandos Build 27 is available to patreons! And public version on Itch! 我的海盜老公Build 27更新在Patreon!!Itch公開版也已更新! #pirahus

Bro, if you mess up, you better be ready to face the consequences. 做了蠢事,就要做好被懲罰的準備! --- My Pirate Husbandos Build 26 is available to patreons! And public version on Itch! 我的海盜老公Build 26更新在Patreon!!Itch公開版也已更新! #pirahus

Big Tit Energy! 大大大乳頭! KinkTeller Build 6 is updated on Patreon! New contents are currently limited to Chinese. 性痞大獅Build6 發佈!

Hoist the pirate flag, and ATTACK! 怒濤千浪,逆襲強敵! My Pirate Husbandos Build 25 is available to patreons! And public version on Itch! 我的海盜老公Build 25更新在Patreon!!Itch公開版也已更新! #pirahus

C'mere and let captain get a peck on those lips! My Pirate Husbandos Build 24 is available to patreons! And public version on Itch! 來給船長香一個! 我的海盜老公Build 24更新在Patreon!!Itch公開版也已更新! #PiraHus

Yeah, keep sucking, you little puppet. 嗚嗚…實在是吃不下了! My Pirate Husbandos Build 23 is available to patrons! And public version on Itch! 我的海盜老公Build 23更新在Patreon!!Itch公開版也已更新!

Catch a tiger by the tail! My Pirate Husbandos Build 22 is available to patrons! And public version on Itch! 老虎屁股摸不得! 我的海盜老公Build 22更新在Patreon!!Itch公開版也已更新!

If you're aiming to hatch a batch of baby dragons, you best chow down on a preggplant🍆! My Pirate Husbandos Build21 is available to patrons! And public version on Itch! 隱島村裏佳樹多,壬辰木上乃子果。棠棣聯輝得石麟,幸福家庭你和我。 海盜老公Build 21更新在Patreon!和Itch公開版!

Slusland surged forward with relentless speed! My Pirate Husbandos Build 20 is available to patrons! And public version on Itch! 鯧夫島一路狂飆突進! 我的海盜老公Build 20更新!最新版本在Patreon! Itch上也已更新!

So, our hero goes all out to save those pirates, and betrayed by his own gut reaction? My Pirate Husbandos Build 19 is available to patrons! And public version on Itch! 為了守護海盜而獻身的主人公,然而出賣他的卻是自己的反應? 我的海盜老公Build 19更新!最新版本在Patreon! Itch上也!


Leave that bear alone or else he might bite you! 霸道熊裁在线壁咚! My Pirate Husbandos Build 18 is available to patrons! And public version on Itch! 我的海盜老公Build 18更新!最新版本在Patreon!Itch上也已更新!

We are working on KinkTeller!

Due to our author being infected with the flu, KinkTeller's updates will be delayed for a few days. 由於我們的作者感染了流感,性痞大獅的更新將會晚幾天。

Love injection! 愛的灌滿! We've got the game in Spanish now! ¡Oye, ¿adivina qué? ¡Ahora tenemos el juego en español! My Pirate Husbandos Build 16 is available to patrons! And public version on Itch! 我的海盜老公Build 16更新!最新版本在Patreon! Itch上也已更新!

Halloween Pork Special! Feel free to check it out! 萬聖節豬豬特惠!歡迎親自檢閱! My Pirate Husbandos Build 15 is available to patrons! And public version on Itch! 我的海盜老公Build 15更新!最新版本在Patreon!Itch上也已更新!

To ensure the timely completion, KinkTeller's production will only commence after the completion of My Pirate Husbandos. KinkTeller will be on a release schedule of every two months. 為了保證能按時完成我的海盜老公,性痞大獅雙月更新。


New stamps on telegram! Telegram表情求扩散!

Pirahus Stamps is now available on Discord! We will also try our best to upload this set of Stamps to other platforms! Please leave a comment and let us know where you'd like to use them. 海盜大表情包上線!請留言告訴我們你們想在什麼平台上使用!

Wanna know more about Sisyphelly? 熊熊大揭秘!

The locked CGs in the KinkTeller remain unimplemented. 性痞大獅遊戲中的顯示locked的cg尚未實裝。#KinkTeller

Freshly baked! They smell awful! 新鮮出爐,白襪大臭腳! KinkTeller Build4 is updated on Patreon! (And public build on Itch). New additions in Build 4 are currently limited to Chinese content. 性痞大獅Build4 發佈!Itch上也已更新! #KinkTeller

OMG What is this? 😳

