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mtx/Chinese or Engilsh/ no hrt /too many quirks/love human/boyfriend: (nsfw)
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I like this old man more and more. Catholic choices to sdhere to progressive viewsin in the time when the world turn right wing.

I hope this will heppen in future,but we must to fight now.



A Chinese want to say to TikTok refugees :



The sunset paints the western hills with vibrant hues.from China Kunming

Bondage dog. This way of folding the arms are a good alternative if you can't hold the "bitchsuit arm fold" without it being too painful. :'p It puts way less strain on the elbows. #bondage #sensory_deprivation #petplay #puppyplay #stilts


The Christmas tree was late,because our family had to fight with many challenges of relationships about before the New year to after the New year . Happy New year Although there are many difficulties but we are not defeat. addition:thanks my boyfriend and 芝麻 to bought it and made it beautiful


Merry Christmas !there is Chinese HeFei.

Don't laugh at me,I always learn anything hardly ,but I never abondan.

Why bluesky has so many gay accouts? They even more the staights.



不敢一次吃三毫克斯诺斯,每次都把一片切成1.5毫克。 我要是梦游了这里可能没人按得住。

交跨性別朋友的收获:再也不会混用第三人称 (他/她/它)了

Oversized padded-shoulder blazers won't make you look too masculine. They pair effortlessly with a breezy bow-tie blouse, creating a balanced dynamic. The entire look feels like a reimagined JK uniform, playing boldly with proportions. I've layered a lightweight down jacket under the roomy coat.

大垫肩的西装不一定会显得你很男 与轻巧的飘带衬衫相得益彰 整套衣服像是重新思考比例的jk套装 本人怕冷宽大的外套下还藏了一件薄羽绒

Cape-Scarf Hybrid 100% Acrylic (budget-friendly) Yellow Warning Stripes A perfect fusion of Oriental aesthetics and Western vibes Minimalist design with an unexpectedly chic appeal when worn Layered with a sheepskin car jacket and paired with deerskin gloves (the gloves steal the spotlight)

斗篷围巾两用 100%腈纶(很便宜 黄色警示条纹 同时具有东方学风格和西部色彩 结构简单但穿起来非常有意思 内搭了羊皮汽车夹克且戴鹿皮手套(基本只能看到鹿皮手套



to express your Non-binary is difficult in China . you maybe to make fright to other's people in Men'sToilet. Only a few person can understand why you dress these clother. thanks my boyfriend to make these photoes in the past time. I dont konw what time we can do this again . I feel sad.

转载或者转载翻译都会写明,不写就是原创。 从x迁移到此,打算先逐步搬运一些x上的内容。 If it is reprinted or translated, it will be clearly stated; otherwise, it is considered original. When migrating from x to this, I plan to gradually move some content on x first.

about incel Some men, as they grow up, are abandoned by society. They lose the ability to communicate with others and the chance to experience love or sexual relationships. Inevitably, they slip into hatred and anger, using their meager advantages to attack those who are equally vulnerable.

在穆斯林国家的LGBTQ+骄傲游行 伊斯坦布尔骄傲节(土耳其语:istanbul Onur Yüryisi)是自2003年以来每年在土耳其最大城 市伊斯坦布尔举行的骄傲游行和LGBTQ+示威活动。 参与者聚集在塔克西姆广场,然后游行整个 独立大道。它被描述为穆斯林占多数的国家中第一个也是最大的LGBTQ+活动。 州长们一再表示,拒绝是基于安全考虑和公共秩 序,但批评人士声称,这些禁令是出于宗教和意 识形态原因。尽管遭到拒绝,但每年仍有数百人 违抗禁令,导致执法部门干预。 参加伊斯坦布尔骄傲大游行的政治人物主要来 自反对党共和人民党(CHP)和人民民主党 (HDP)

中国中老年人:破产、自杀和群体袭击 11月11日晚,广东珠海体育中心发生汽车冲撞行人 事件造成35死,令全国震惊。 据通报嫌疑人樊某(男,62岁)因离婚财产分割不公产生了报复想法。如果拉长时间轴会发现中老 年人对社会心生不满产生袭击案件不是个例(图 1) 在这背后中国中老年自杀率已达到世界第二。 清华大学公共健康研究中心主任景军教授曾指出, 中国老年人自杀率在2000年以后迅速攀升,至 2018年已达到全球第二高(仅次于韩国)。 中南大学生导师肖水源教授说,中国老人自杀比例是其他群体自杀比的3倍,男性远高于女性。 农村数字又几乎是城市的两倍(图2)

人类历史上第一个跨性别是谁?有一些神话 学家认为可能是酒神狄俄倪索斯(古希腊语:At vucoç,Dionysos) 狄俄倪索斯在古希腊神话中经常展示出跨性别或 性别模糊的特征。这包括他在变形和伪装中的行 为,以及他所参与的仪式中常见的性别混淆和反 转。例狄俄倪索斯的追随者中有很多女性和穿着 女性服装的男性。 现代性别研究和跨性别理论有一些会利用狄俄倪 索斯作为一个案例,探讨古代文化中的性别流动性和非二元性。这类研究通常会分析神话中的文 本、艺术作品以及宗教仪式,以理解古代社会对性别的看法。

Rita Hester,一位跨性别女性,她于1998年被仇恨罪犯谋杀。她的死亡后继揭示了当付媒体在报道跨性别受害者案件时的偏见和冷漠。 美国跨性别活动家Gwendolyn Ann Smith为了记念她于1999年发起了跨性别者追悼日。 跨性别作为一个国际概念被认知不足百年,从诞生开始就遭受着不同国家,社会,不同类型的歧视,暴力与偏见。英国的青春期阻断剂禁令,川普竞选对于跨性别问题的政治化…对于跨性别来说,这是一个风雨飘摇的时代。 有人倒下了,有人被压得喘不过气,还有人还坚强的矗立着。给那些传播偏见与仇恨的人看看,即使再对跨性别最残忍的地方,也依然有跨性别坚强的活着。 在此纪念那些曾经抗争过的人

