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Starfest is Canada’s largest annual Amateur Astronomy Conference and Star Party held at the River Place Campground near Mount Forest Ontario. Images are my own Malcolm Park on Astrobin
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I got an IOTD on ASTROBIN! The Vela Supernova Remnant is a giant shell of gas and dust in the constellation Vela that's visible from the southern hemisphere. The remnant is nearly 100 light-years across, which is 20 times the diameter of the full moon. #ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY

The Lagoon And Trifid Nebulae in the Galactic Core. The Lagoon and Trifid are estimated to be between 4,000–6,000 light-years away from the Earth. Within the Trifid there is a stellar nursery full of thousands of embryonic stars. #astrophotography

IC 410 is located 12,000 lightyears from Earth in the Auriga constellation, and is nicknamed the Tadpole Nebula because of the tadpole-shaped clouds of dark dust that appear to be swimming towards the centre. #astrophotography . I took this last night with HA,S2 and O3 filters.

Sharpless 2-240 also known as the Spaghetti Nebula, or SNR G180.0-01.7, is a supernova remnant (SNR) in the Milky Way, straddling the border between the constellations Auriga and Taurus. I took 25 hours of images with a dual band filter to bring out the finer details in Ha and O3 #astrophotography

First image Seestar S30 M42

Straight out of the S30. Just cropped a bit. No post processing. This is what we can expect during our public astronomy nights. The clouds don't help. Oakville/Bronte 28 mins total. 10 sec. exposures Messier 81 right, Messier 82 left

Integrated Flux Nebula (IFN) refers to the faint, diffuse clouds of interstellar dust and gas that lie above the plane of the Milky Way, illuminated by the combined light of all the stars in the galaxy. Here, the IFN is illuminated by the Pleiades (M45). #astrophotography

Long ago, in A Galaxy Far Far Away....this is but a corner of the Large Magellanic Cloud, one of our nearest galactic neighbours, 158,200 light years away, and home to an incredibly complex cloud of gas and dust within which we find NGC 2070, AKA The Tarantula Nebula. #astrophotography

Energy megaproject in Chile threatens the world’s largest telescopes Glare from proposed green hydrogen plant could degrade views of distant universe. 🔭🧪

The Flaming Star Nebula (IC 405) is an emission and reflection nebula about 1,500 light-years away from Earth, and the "Tadpole" Nebula (IC 410) is an emission nebula about 12,000 light-years away. They are found in the constellation Auriga, the Charioteer. #astrophotography #astronomy

this is T Coronae Borealis in the constellation Corona Borealis, AKA the Blaze Star. It is a binary star and a recurrent nova. It is expected to explode soon. When it does, it will suddenly brighten for a short period of time before returning to it's current brightness. #astrophotography #astronomy

The censorship algorithm on Twitter reduced our audience by roughly 95%, and seriously, who does that to a wildlife biology & advocacy group ? So we moved 😇 over here to BlueSky If you could, please help us regain our following Follow Retweet and Repeat ;-) Together we can change the world.

NGC 4038 and NGC 4039 have been colliding for hundreds of millions of years. The collision has created two long streamers of stars, gas, and dust that extend from the crash site, which is why the pair is nicknamed the Antennae Galaxies. I took this mostly in December #astrophotography

The Cone Nebula in Monoceros. The shape comes from a dark absorption nebula consisting of cold molecular hydrogen and dust in front of a faint emission nebula containing ionized hydrogen. The nebula is approximately seven light-years long and 2,700 light-years from Earth. LRGBHa. #astrophotography

Lower's Nebula is another interesting target in Orion, and is named after Harold and Charles Lower who discovered this nebula in 1939. I pointed my telescope for about 10 hours, using narrowband filters S2, Ha, and O3 over a couple of nights. #astrophotography

taken on different trips to San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. The Milky Way rising over the Andes. Then at dawn, a few years later, an image of the morning twilight with a vertical column of Zodiacal Light was captured May 11, 2024. Such beauty in the night sky! #astrophotography

NGC 6744 is an intermediate spiral galaxy in the constellation Pavo. Galaxies have long been fascinating targets. I love their structure, and the sheer expanse. They hold hundreds of billions of stars, and probably hundreds of billions of planets. What's alive out there besides us? #astrophotography

Last night I pointed my telescope deep into the heart of Orion, at the iconic (to me) Horsehead Nebula. A Hubble image of this back in the 90's was my spark of inspiration that carries forward to this day #astrophotography

Christmas Eve morning - after the storm Happy Holidays 🎄🎅🇨🇦 #starlink #skyshedpod

Season's Greetings! #astrophotography

Perseid Meteor in 2020 Prince Edward County, Ontario Nikon D810a iso 3200 30s exp f/2.8 14mm PEC ON 10:06PM cable release, tripod, dew heaters. part of a time-lapse sequence. #astrophotography

I have seen a few total solar eclipses. But the one on April 8 was special. I watched the weather forecasts and determined the place I wanted to be. I found a hotel nearby, with little effort at the last minute. I was able to share the experience with friends. Perfect. #astrophotography #eclipse

sadly, under a full moon, it will be diminshed

View on Mount Sharp captured by Curiosity, as she makes her way out of Gediz Vallis, West bound. #Mars Dec. 10, 2024 (Sol 4389) Credits images: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/fredk 🧪🔭

Shot from my backyard not long ago, this is IC 410 and those are the Tadpoles. Image captured with SHO filters, an 11" Celestron EDGE HD with reducer at f/7 #astrophotography

NGC 7000 and NGC IC 5070 The North America Nebula and the Pelican Nebula Captured last night while the moon was still up, using 2 dual band filters #astrophotography

I would bet that there are more Americans willing to become Canadians, than Canadians wanting to become Americans.

I captured some late season Cygnus photons last night with 2.5 hours of OSC data with the Rokinon 135 and a dual band filter on the Veil Nebula. #astrophotography #Astronomy #Astronomia