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Have you ever seen Fathis Aren conjure up a creature?

You're trespassing! Leave now, or I'll arrest you!

The Shivering Isles hold many secrets but few remain unseen by mortal eyes.

I was stricken with vampirism three-hundred years ago, while on an expedition deep into the Ashlands of Vvardenfell.

You bring me 10 samples of Nirnroot, and I'll make the Elixir available to you at a huge discount as well as give you one for free.

Feel free to wait for him if you want to speak to him yourself.

By giving you this choice -- gift or battle -- I discharge my debt to you.

Too bad about Elidor. The Guildmaster pays funeral expenses, doesn't she?

Vampire! Unclean beast! Die!

I don't know what goes on down there, but there's a horrible smell coming from underneath that door. It's like... something died inside!

I hope I made myself clear the first time. If you get near that ship, you'll end up dead. Now get out of my face.

Isn't Honditar an athletics trainer? The hunter in Chorrol?

Can I interest you in some of my wares?

I get paid to kill things. That's why I like the Fighters Guild.

Our warriors will scour the halls of Pinnacle Rock, removing any last elements of opposition. Then, we will immediately return to our duties.

It is unfortunate that we should meet under these circumstances, Associate.

He's on his way, so I'm on my way out. It's terribly inconvenient, don't you think?

All mortals will come to him. He is the Harvester of Souls.

May I have a snippet of your hair for my museum?

Take my advice. Stay away from the Watchmen.

Welcome, Argonian, to the Tournament of Ten Bloods. To your right, through each of nine gates, another Chosen awaits you.

The Wellspring is restored!

Please, let me out of here! You must help me escape. I think these creatures plan to do something horrible to me tonight!

The Fighters Guild hasn't actually defaulted on any contracts. But still, all the confusion and delays are going to hurt them.

Excuse me, may I have a moment of your time?

This Mazken must return to duty.

Many years ago he decided to hold a night of absolute indulgence, resplendent with dance, wine, and sex to celebrate his fondness for his brethren.

What chance do we have without Oreyn? Poor Vilena is completely useless. I don't see how we survive this.

Where there's one, there will be more. Find Pinarus Inventius. He's a hunter, and knows this area inside and out. He'll know what to do.;Arvena is manic, with an edge of nuttiness

Did you hear the news? Ulrich Leland was thrown in the dungeons for stealing money from the city coffers. Haha! Justice for the little guy!

That Raiment's getting a little tight on you, Brawler! I think you need some exercise! What do you say? Ready for a match?


Faelian, you say? Why yes, I know who he is. Rather distasteful fellow, actually. I believe he lives at the Tiber Septim Hotel.

I wouldn't keep him waiting if I were you.

A hail and hardy welcome, friend.

We meet again. I am here to join your Order, having received a divine vision from Kynareth herself.

That's not possible!

It's the counterpart to the Great Welkynd Stone, just as the first two were the opposed powers of the daedra and the divines.

They are a key part of the ceremony for restoring fallen comrades.

The Prophet speaks true. This is the start of something terrible, I can feel it in my bones.

I don't suppose you could help me locate my friend Henantier could you?

We won a great victory here today! We now have the means to recover the Amulet of Kings from Mankar Camoran.

We'll just have to trust Oreyn, and keep our mouths shut.

There's more to tell.

If the Resonator is working, it means fewer people to steal my things. More of a chance to find what I've lost. Good in my book.

Resonator of Judgment is working again. Big deal; if it doesn't work on Scalons, doesn't do us a lick of good.

All I did was fall down, sure. Maybe even vomited on the floor of the tavern. Charge me six times, Ulrich... charge me you fetcher??!

Incredible, we've been trying to solve this for months. A job well done.

Yep, we're in a real predicament. Do you think you might be able to help us by getting rid of the goblins on our land?

I shall remain here, Arch-Mage.