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Director @OTCCO2, @NORCEresearch + @BjerknesBCCR, Hon Prof @OceanEarthUoS, Trustee @SAERI_FI, member @ioccp_org, coordinator &
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🌊 Great opportunity to contribute to


Ultimately the Biological Pump depends on the individual interactions of myriad species with the local environment & with each other. Here Sari Giering & others describe the detailed dynamics that drive flux as a large Southern Ocean Bloom declines.

This looks like a pretty importamt paper for people modelling calcifiers

We all know the biological pump is interesting, beautiful & valuable, but how important is it in the Earth System? & what role (if any) does it play in ocean Canth uptake? These are just 2 of the Qs explored in this new‬ paper 🌊

Interested in the Southern Ocean C Sink and how to monitor it using autonomous platforms? Great opportunity to contribute to

Don't do personal stuff here but this seems like a noteworthy exception!


Within we are thinking through what our strategy in this key area should be - fluxes to the atmosphere and burial are key terms we can manage if we have good long term datasets to detect change. RIs are ideally configured to produce and steward this information for commjnity usage

The Land Ocean Aquatic Continuum (LOAC) is a really important part of the Earth System for carbon cycling.

Today I'm attending a workshop as part of the #LandSeaLot integration week aimed at understandibg how the Marine RIs can work together in the Land Sea Interface

🌊The EuroGO-SHIP project has reached a critical point. All the work gathering user views, requirements and perspectives comes together to make a statement of requirements which we need to figure out how to integrate into the RI landscape. We're starting with a 2 day workshop at the top of Ulriken.

Introducing our new project - TRICUSO - Three Research Infrastructures Carbon Uptake Southern Ocean. We aim to integrate effort from surface CO2 observations within ICOS, deep observations from GOSHIP and Argo as a contribution to the WMO Global Greenhouse Gas Watch 🌊

Recently I took some time out to discuss the COP with Toste Tanhua from Its a big important event but what does it actually do, and how does it work? I'm not sure if we answered those queries but we had fun trying - what do you think?

This paper was a long time in the making but I remember the cruise like it was yesterday. Heres a nice Nature Geoscience News and views about the work

Fancy a move to Bergen to help build the ocean domain of ICOS? This job could be for you!

A couple of new papers.

This looks like an important meeting for folks interested in the land C sink

This is a very exciting opprtunity

Im at the annual meeting of the EU programme George which focuses on new technology for ocean science. Great to see the pCO2 data from the ICOS station at PAP being showcased!

Interested in Blue Carbon and what controls burial in seagrass meadows? Why not check out our new paper that addresses this key issue on Turneffe Atoll, Belize

This is a really neat paper.

Interested in the contribution yachts can make to the ocean C observing system? Then why not check out this neat blog from a couple of days ago. We have anew project starting soon that should give a lot of impetus to this effort, stay tuned for more details

Helping the Ocean observing element of @ICOS_RI deliver the data we need to quantify the oceans role in planetary C cycling. Research interests: ocean solubility, biological and shelf seas C pumps, Land Ocean Carbon transfers. Governance and funding of the Ocean C Observing System

Looking forward to this event next week

First talk is an exciting if alarming estimate of the 2023 land sink. #icos2024sc

In versaille for the #icos2024 science conference. Looking forward to 3 great days of #ghg science