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Speculative welfare state dreamer, artist(, PHD researcher to be, misuser of technology and host of the artist run space Captive Portal (
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ART WORLD AWAITS! Generate fictional exhibition invitations indistinguishable from real ones - Create prestigious affiliations, curator endorsements, and professional documentation. In today's art world fictional institutions work just as well as real ones.

Liroy and Mata (EN):

HAIC-III Opening Seminar: AI & Identity at Aarhus Universitet:

Er du bekymret over en person, som viser tegn på radikalisering mod vores fælles værdier? Frygter du, at de tiltrækkes af ekstremistiske økonomiske bevægelser eller taler om "frihed fra staten"? Du er ikke alene med din bekymring. Find hjælp og vejledning

Vi tænker aldrig på København Work in Progress for Aarhus er #1 Kristoffer Ørum & Niels Kern. 27.06. – 07.09.25. Aarhus is #1 is a counterfactual hip-hop exhibition that takes its point of departure in the Aarhus music scene of the 1980s. #AarhusErNr1 #frihedlighedoghiphop #wan2.1

At the Edge II @ Skene, Malmø(SE) Opening Friday 14 March 5–8pm :

Når krigen kommer (da):


Foreløbige mål og tanker (4/4):

Min egen situation (3/4) :

Den kunstneriske ph.d. i Danmark (2/4):

Hvad er en kunstnerisk ph.d.? (1/4):

CPHdox 2025: "About a Hero" (84 min), a crime mystery where AI-Herzog solves a suspicious death. After screening, Rasmus Kloster Bro, Janet Rafner, Morten Pedersen & Kristoffer Ørum discuss AI's impact on artistic practice. 30 Mar, 13...

Reimagining the Living Arts & Science Center in Lexington using Flux.1 and a ControlNet for the upcoming project States Of Diffusion #StatesOfDiffusion #FreedomEqualityAndHipHop #thisIsNotHistory #TrueFictions #DataFluencies

'Where the Walls Weep Sugar' at 'TID' Opening March 1, 14:00-18:00 at KH7 Artspace, in Aarhus (DK):

Hvidovre gør gode tider bedre (Hvidovre makes good times better) Udstilling af Kristoffer Ørum på Hvidovre Hovedbibliotek Åbning: 16. januar 2025 kl. 16-19 Udstillingsperiode: 16. januar - 28. februar 2025 Åbent: Mandag: ...

The history of technology is shaped by resistance & subversion as much as innovation & profit. From medieval peasants sabotaging automated mills, to hackers cracking DRM, to farmers demanding right-to-repair - defiance and deliberate misuse have always also guided how tech evolves in society

Hverken millionæren i sit penthouse eller den husvilde uden tag over hovedet har fortjent deres skæbne.

Upcoming event "Prompt me up" - A Discussion on Control and Creativity in the Age of Generative AI:

Upcoming Exhibition: "TID" at KH7artspace:


A local visual syntax that will now never come to exist (en):

Hey - I've got a single half price cupon for the swiss based protomail unlimited plan (including vpn, drive etc etc) if you are looking to a exit US based services auch as for example gmail. Its easy to migrate, based in europe, privacy focused and i have been enjoying their service for the past yr.

Self-portrait as what the flux.dev1 text-to-image model generates if you tell it to make an image of an average dane.

Søger en fingernem ung kunstner i København til at lime, spartle og male en 3D-printet runesten:

Anmeldelse af "jeg er en mislykket kunstner" i atlas mag. af Jeppe Krogsgaard Christensen "Kristoffer Ørum skriver både fyndigt og tænksomt om de magtstrukturer, han og alle andre kunstnere lever under og med."

Svar opslag om en ny leder til Kunsthal Charlottenborg:

Figure 26: Run for Cover (from the show Hvidovre Makes Good Times Better):

Figure 25: Thiesen's Self-Built House (from the show Hvidovre Makes Good Times Better):

Figure 24: Wong's Grill (from the show Hvidovre Makes Good Times Better):

Figure 23: Risbjerggaard (from the show Hvidovre Makes Good Times Better):

If you are in the beautiful city of Aalborg please drop by the city archive and pick up a free copy of the counter factual map of Aalborg (in English or danish) that i made at the end of last year in collaboration with f.eks. #aalborgisthefuture #aalborgerfremtiden #frihedlighedoghiphop

Figure 22: The Green Islets (from the show Hvidovre Makes Good Times Better):

None of these images are photos of Danish singer and composer Anne Dorte Michelsen - they are algorithmic versions based on text description. The AI's dataset biases show through manga and fantasy aesthetics blending into naturalistic qualities, interrupted by random generic faces and food.

‪None of these images are photos of the Danish pop singer Thomas Helmig - they are algorithmic versions of how he looks based on a text description of his face organised according to likeness. #frihedlighedoghiphop #aarhusernummer1 #aiart #workinprogress

None of these images are photos of the Danish pop singer Steffen Brandt - they are algorithmic versions of how he looks based on a text description of his face organised according to likeness #frihedlighedoghiphop #aarhusernummer1 #aiart

Figure 21: Hvidovre Beach (from the show Hvidovre Makes Good Times Better):

Latest 🚨 "Shaping digital futures in work and society: the case of worker-led innovation" by Jess Thorne Commissioned & published by KIT Karlsruhe, the report offers a deeper dive into the Lucas Plan – including new interviews with former employees👇

Upcomming show: Monuments of a Fictional Past (Krakow edition):

Algorithmic reconstructions of the Lee runestone from a drawing. The original stone was lost in a fire in 1728 and very little is know about it #KÆLLINGESTENEN #frihedlighedoghiphop #vikings

The Space Between Algorithmic Biases (eng):