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Im an Army veteran, retired carpenter, cat Daddy, and a full time defender of democracy and the rule of law.
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I was born in a very small town in the Panhandle of Texas.Perhaps, that is going to change. Maybe you have heard my hometown mentioned in reference to the national nuclear facility,Pantex,located a few miles away because it was shut it down.

Here's what I am going to watch closely; the BS they are trying to drum up against AOC for reminding government employees who are on the chopping block that they have right. They are threatening to indict her and she ain't going to have any of it. They are going to have a fight on their hands.

While it's certainly commendable that high ranking government officials are resigning their positions instead of carrying out Trump's 2025 agenda, the government's getting futrher hollowed out and incompetent lackys and loosers who owe their jobs to Trump are filling the vacuum. 😡🤬🤢🤮

It's cool in Vegas after a night of much needed rain. It's been almost a year since we had any precipitation. Good day for E Biking.

The ONLY THING that kept me from relieving myself in this Tesla Cuber Truck was fear of catching a public urination /indecent exposure charge!

BREAKING FAKE NEWZ!!! Hitchhikers have recently discovered a giant sphinx in the Himalayans!

You know that your Himalayan is getting too big to deal with what he puts you in a cage and makes YOU BEG for treats!

Just so you know that I have a sense of humor despite current political events: Despite ALL MY RAGE I'm still just a Rat in a CAGE!!

So let me see if I have this straight: There's a Billionaire foreign national and some kids not elected or confirmed by Congress without security clearances nor Congressional overnight running DC,and Dictators and Authoritarians are asking Musk for USAID employee names so they can be prosecuted? 🤬🤮

So Starlink and T-Mobile hooked up to bring the first space based mobile network that will be available everywhere on Earth via satellite. I bet you T-Mobile will escape any government scrutiny, and Musk will make make certain of it .

For a limited time only,I am selling commemorative dartboards with your choice of morons. Buy both and get a discount. Special discount for businesses that buy in quantity. Both scream like babies with a bullseye! The perfect gift for all the MAGA people who got brainwashed and hood wonked! 😆😂🤣🤪😜

If they can do it and get away with it, I should be able to do the same right! So I am going to steal the copyright for this magazine cover,threaten the owner and his family with all kinds of nasty retribution, then market them as rifle,shotgun, and archery targets! 🤔😝

I grew up on family farms and ranches in the '60s and 70"s, and milked my share of cows. We didn't have machines like modern dairys,but the process is basically the same: Give them some hay to make them more docile and milk them dry. You keep them calving to keep them producing. Poor MAGA.

Consider this: You don't have to put a lid on a bucket of crabs because the ones at the bottom bring down the ones on top, clawing their way up. 🤔

Hey MAGA: "Driving with your eyes closed. Driving with your eyes closed. Driving with your eyes closed. You're gonna hit something. That's the way it goes!" -DonHenley Building the Perfect Beast

So while other parts of the country are experiencing the cold and snow,I am in a T-shirt ripping up the sidewalks in Las Vegas on my electric skateboard scooter.

There is nothing wrong admitting that you don't have it all together in a world that can challenge your balance. It's human nature to trip and fall. The most important distinction between humans and the rest of our animal cousins is we have the ability to change our minds.

" Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face. " -Micheal Tyson

D eplorable O ligarch G rifting E veryone 🤔😡🤮

You can't take a Uhaul trailer with you to the cemetery folks.

I'm watching old reruns of Law and Order Major Crimes Unit on Defy. Hope I don't have to watch reruns of Law and Order on CSPAN.

Don't worry Yall! Leo isn't dead. He just has a bad treat hangover!

"Whats so funny about peace,love,and understanding?" -Elvis Costello

So if Trump is going after every government employee who was associated with his criminal investigation, how long do you think it will until he doxes and prosecutes the members of each Grand Jury? 🤔

"Religion is the assassin of Spiritually. " -Siddhartha Gotama

When is the first time you had a Buddhist knock on your door and try to get you to go to Temple? When is the first time you heard of Buddhist fighting a religious war against anyone, even amongst themselves? Blood has ever been shed on this earth by Buddhist over religion. See and be wise. 🙏🙏🙏

It ceases to amaze me what humans will go to in order to accumulate power, wealth,and possessions that they were not born with and have no possibility of taking it with them when they die. It doesn't matter how big or small your tombstone is because everyone is equally dead. Empires of dirt.

His original name was Siddartha Gotama. Children gave him the name Buddha, which means, "One who is awake." I wonder, if he was still alive what he would think about being called "Woke"? 🤔

Expert advice from someone who gave up his birthright as a king, managed to live long enough to tell others what he discovered about life, and our relationship with each other while observing poverty as a way of liberty. He died after eating an ignorantly prepared mushroom soup at 74 years old.

This is the voice of a new day in Washington and America writ large.

I'm a Buddhist and athiests. People have added the things that constitute a religion over the millenia. Regardless, Buddhism is pure science of the mind. Much has been added to what the Founder envisioned. The Buddha and our Founding Fathers would be appalled by what we we have to their vision. 🙏❤️

My fellow Americans,please allow me to remind you that,against all odds, America won its freedom from a tyrant and formed a revolutionary form of government that put the power to government in the hand of ordinary citizens. Ben Franklin said we have our republic as long as we can keep it. 🤔 🙏❤️🇺🇲

FYI: An electric current will flow from positive to negative using the pathway of least resistance unless it is impeded. Comprende? 🤔 🙏❤️🇺🇲

So, while your attention has been forced to focus on the supposedly co-equal administrative branch of the federal government, don't let tunnel vision prevent you from seeing what SCOTUS has been up to, especially it's use of Shadow Dockets to hear cases not on its regular schedule. 🙏❤️🇺🇲

I admit that I have tested Bluesky's commitment to insure it's subscribers are not being fed a steady diet of mis or dis information. It's why I can't support Facebook anymore. I thought, in my despair, that there was no alternative for people who support Liberal democracy. I'm happy I was wrong!

So,Bluesky won't let me post just any old thing I want to, regardless of whether or not I think what I have to say is good or factual, or etc. BRAVO BLUESKY! Thank you for caring about what your subscribers are exposed to!!!! It's why I quit Facebook and I don't mind being censored if I'm out there

Netanyahu is jealous because Trump pulled of getting reelected to beat going to prison and now Benjie is here in Washington hoping he can get some of Trump's mojo.

Bluesky won't let me compare the European Axis of 1939 to the relationship between Trump and Netanyahu with pictures or the names of the two leaders of that European Axis. I just beat the algorithm. 🤔😝