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Oslo | Expert | Mest trams |
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En dansk skalle och sen sparka aset ut i Potomac...

De tog dit honom för att förnedra honom offentligt. För att han inte kysste maffiabossens ring på det påbjudna MAGA-sättet.

«Danby Chois sirkusnummer i norsk offentlighet er å framstå som «kontrær» ved å latterliggjøre alle som tar truslene mot demokratiet på alvor.» 🎯

Oh, man, not Gene Hackman. 2025 can just fuck right off. Okay. Let me tell you a little bit about Gene Hackman...

Hur kan man ha 13 barn och va en sån fucking incel? Otroligt!

You first.

Berätta mer om din nya certifiering på Linkedin är du snäll!

Tråd. De är helt orimliga både i Sverige och Norge.

He nails it.

Nivån av intelligens...

Wannabee MAGA-edgelords och vatniks i varenda kommentarsfält känns det som. Världens mest lobotomerade människor.

🚨🚨 So five years since #brexit and I think it is time reshare Daniel Hannan's absolutely insane and delusional vision of grandeur and hubris that characterised the true engineers and believers of #brexit. Here comes the #brexit insanity No 1 🧵

Grattis USA 🫣😱🤯

ELON MUSK: yes, I do drugs EVERYONE ELSE WHO DOES DRUGS: please do not associate us with Elon Musk ever

The Salah foul that Oliver doesn’t give btw. He knows the time, the score, where he is, who it is, and crucially, he knows deep down it’s a fucking foul - but Oliver just can’t be dealing with all that. It’s too much for him. An all-timer shithouse performance from the bastard.


Skavlan på ballen i dag.

Sometimes I'll just make thumbnail graphics for YouTube videos that don't exist.

A Premier League footballer in his 30s just scored for Arsenal

Looks a bit cringey, but the small child proudly holding it aloft is presumably having a nice time and so who am I to critici...oh

‘so, Dad, how did this all happen?’ ‘The unfunniest man on Earth was forced to buy Twitter’

Ord och inga visor i den här tråden 🫡

back and shoulder muscles: they're like batteries, for storing tension

You've just been thrown to your death by the Beatles.


Sun Tzu: when u fight a battle its usually good if u are going to win Guy with an MBA: this ancient wisdom is blowing my mind

Why, in 2025, is a national newspaper still putting this twisted maniac* on its front page? *and his air fryer recipes

After David Lynch used my apartment to shoot some of INLAND EMPIRE, he stayed in touch via random phone calls. Every one of them was a treasure. His art has been part of my life since I was a child. The world just got a little less weird, and we are all poorer for it. Fix your hearts or die.

Varför tror alla på enklaste lösningen, mest populistiska idioterna i varenda jävla fråga nuförtiden? Influencers och megaidioter de ska vi göra som. Inte folk som jobbat/forskat ett halvt liv, ingen idé höra på dem!

Bästa jag sett hittills. Och håll dig för helvete undan #LFC, nerd.

A wilderness survival trainer spent years undercover, climbing the ranks of right-wing militias. He didn’t tell police or the FBI. He didn’t tell his family or friends. By

Beef Wellington is just a corn dog from a different socioeconomic background.

jesus christ this guys needs genuine help

LinkedIn på nyårsdagen? Fuck off mate.

2025 och Elon Musk är fortfarande en incel.

Ahh new year new shite!

Sjukt att 90% i Fördomdspodden "aldrig" har provat en annan drog än alkohol. Och har nån gjort det så var det "en gång" och det var "inget för mig", varje gång. Verkar troligt. 😅

I love how Denmark isn’t taking any shit from Donald Trump. 🇩🇰 🤣

There’s someone on LinkedIn right now posting how business can learn from Santa.

[Santa dislocating both shoulders to slither down your chimney]

4 pinnar ledning med en match mindre spelad vid jul. Hyfsat...