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CNRS, University of Bordeaux ;
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This week, we are in Brussels at the IRSNB to collect data for Kelly-Ann Desjardins’ master thesis. She compares retouchers on human and animal bones to establish whether the human ones were used in a symbolic way! ERC StG ExOsTech

🧪 A week in Kraków studying over 120 mammal tooth pendants from the Borshuka child burial (~31 ka) with colleagues from the Polish Acad. of Sci. and B. Hromadova (postdoc threads project

Last field season at Hara Idé 3 #Djibouti. Great team and PSPCA program led by Lets now focus on publishing our results on this unique Late Pleistocene archaeological site ! #LSA #HornofAfrica #Afar #Prehistory #Paleoanthropology

Registrations "Digital Archaeology" Summer School! June 30 – July 5, 2025 hands-on introduction to Photogrammetry 3D modeling Geometric morphometrics Surface roughness quantification Epigraphic data & AI tools. limited seats—don’t miss this opportunity!

Excited for today's 'Surface' team meeting! Discussion on our work on high-res methods for studying modifications on bone/stone artifacts. Plus, we welcome our new postdoc, P. Mateo Lomba (ERC ExOsTech ) to the team!

🧪 'Archaeology of Symbols' team meeting at L. Courtnay (QUANTA ERC) discussed the evolution of numerical symbols, B. Hramodova (Threads project ) presented Upper Paleolithic mammoth ivory industries

🧪 Press release (French) of an interesting study by my colleague at PACEA

Avec notre collègue Y. Gleize, les apports de l' archeothanatologie pour l'étude des sociétés paysannes du Haut-Empire

Notre chère collègue à la une !

Une étude menée par du laboratoire parue dans le Journal of Human Evolution, revient sur la mandibule SK 15 et son appartenance :

By our colleague New data on Paranthropus

#RésultatScientifique 🔎 Une nouvelle étude de chercheurs du et leurs collègues révèle qu’une espèce sud-africaine de Paranthropes, moins robuste, P. capensis, a coexisté avec P. robustus et les premiers humains 🦷 ➡️

Enjoying last days of faunal analysis from Abrí Suard, where Neanderthals exploited reindeer and horses intensely more than 150 kyr ago. Thanks to my colleagues from and

🧪The Oxford Handbook of Mesolithic Europe is available, featuring my chapter on Identity, Gender, and Social Dynamics. Happy to contribute to this comprehensive volume alongside valued colleagues #Archaeology

Challenging IUP A Reply to the reply with our colleague F. d'Errico #evolution #prehistory

🧪☠️ By our colleague , Taxonomic revision of the SK 15 mandible based on bone and tooth structural organization #evolution #prehistory

We are happy to announce the call for submission for the Session #81 Connectivity and its Impact on Cultural Dynamics during Prehistory at the upcoming #EAA2025 Annual Meeting. deadline 6th of February with

Resignation of the Journal of Human Evolution Editorial Board: We are saddened to announce the resignations of The Joint Editors-in-Chief, all Emeritus Editors retired or active in the field, and all but one Associate Editor. Press release below.

🧪Just published by our former PhD student and with several archeothanatologists from the team

🎄✨ Christmas lunch at the lab! A joyful mix of creative costumes, festive treats including edible Christmas trees and great company. Wishing everyone a season as bright as our lab celebrations!

Today, M. Augoyard will defend her PhD on covariation of bone and dental tissues in the human lineage

Paola Villa, former Professor at Her meticulous critiques and dedication to archaeology made every work session a masterclass, leaving a legacy of trust, learning, and inspiration

🧪 Aujourd'hui notre collegue paleoanthropologue soutient son HdR!

🧪 Récent article publié par nos collègues F. d’Errico, , and Joao Zilhao

Proteomics for the Study of the Past. A full day ongoing

🧪 Bone taphonomy meets #AI: Can #DeepLearning overcome equifinality in bone surface analysis? 4 of our colleagues test DL models on #Archaeology data Conclusion: Better datasets are crucial for reliable results! #Archaeology

Sunny days of work at with the people of

Don't kill the bugs! By our colleagues P. Henríquez-Valido and JB. Huchet Archaeoentomology reveals fascinating insights into burial practices in the Canary Islands, Spain from the 6th–11th [email protected]

🔬 SEMINAR Proteomics for the Study of the Past: From the Field to the Museum 🔬,12/12/24 organized with CBMN - Institut de Chimie & Biologie des Membranes et Nano-objects, and the Bordeaux Proteome Platform. Registration: supported by

Looking for a postdoc in use-wear analysis of Pleistocene expedient osseous tools? Check out this offer from the #ERCStG ExOsTech project at #universitébordeaux

Réunion sur la pratique de l'interdisciplinarité à discussion sur les projets exploratoirs et une belle boîte à idées !

🧪The dynamic team exploring the Paleolithic sites of La Chaise is hard at work in this week! you’ll recognize D. Lopez-Onaindia, K. génuite, A. Gomez-Olivencia, E. Téllez, Noemi Sala, M. Rodriguez, M. Villalba et

Sometimes, a monday just needs a little boost to start off right !

Nos sérieux doctorants venus écouter ce soir P. Descola à la librairie Mollat

🧪Field report season! Final report of 7y of excavation at Malaurie, Epipaleolithic, SW France, led by V. Laroulandie. Among the finds: perforated Atlantic gastropods—transported 225 km from the coast

Our next paper is presented by Isabelle Souquet, on mother-child double burials in Protestant and Catholic cemeteries of 18th century Rochelle, France. #SSCIP2024

🧪 Hier projection du film "un petit truc en plus" et rencontre-débat avec notre collègue B. Maureille pour échanger sur le handicap dans les sociétés du passé. Organisé par dans le cadre de la semaine européenne pour l'emploi des personnes handicapées

🧪Today marks an important milestone for my PhD student J. Baker. He defends his work on personal ornaments during the Gravettian. 4 years of work co-supervised with F. d'Errico

Just arrived with Pierrick Fouere in Antigua to continue our analysis of Caribbean Ceramic Age lapidary production! First Carib after 20 hours of travel. Funded by GPR Human Past from

🧪 la journée interdepartement "évolution sexes et genres" finie avec E. Macé qui nous parle du biais de la patriarcalité dans les recherches (pré)historiques

🧪 aujourd'hui une journée Interdépartements sur le genre, le sexe biologique, dans l'évolution et nos sociétés

Un article de J. Zilhao, F. d’Errico, W. Banks, N. Teyssandier "A Data-Driven Paradigm Shift for the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic Transition and the Neandertal Debate"

🧪 aujourd'hui une journée d'animation sur nos pratiques de la recherche en archeologie et leur coût environnemental avec le projet ACT de et les collègues de 4 UMRs