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Last night my father passed away. I love you, I miss you already. I can’t believe I’m never see you again. Thank you. For everything.

i once tried to make a version of this point to a certain pundit who is obsessed with monopoly and he accused me of being pro corporate greed

Rousseau would have been a great blogger I think.

Reminder that the guards are striking for their right to throw disabled prisoners into solitary.

RFK really missed the simplest lesson of LBJ’s career, try not to get any kids killed if your name rhymes with “how many kids did you kill today”

That is correct, Mr. AI Overview.

I think this list of goals for the person arguably organizing this boycott are pretty interesting. It is full of stuff like this: "Implement AI-driven voting systems, secure, transparent, and fraud proof." or "No More Federal Income Taxes for American Citizens"

I love Baltimore

Many people seem to think that certain things 'aren't enough' and so either don't do anything or are discouraged. To me, this is part of a learned helplessness AND also part of all or nothing thinking [very USian]. Doing small things ALL OF THE TIME is better than one big thing one time [maybe].+

We landed and someone yelled "YAY WE'RE RIGHT SIDE UP!!" and someone in the row behind me was immediately like "DON'T JINX IT" We're all a little on edge these days I feel

Cuomo isn't even a loyal partisan, he *literally* conspired with Republicans to hand them control of the NY state Senate for half a decade. maddening

I think what this shows is that most people aren't actually anti-vax, they're just extremely obstinate about being asked to do anything even slightly inconvenient when they don't see an immediate benefit for themselves

"The collapse of society will be a good thing, because the weak will die and strong people like me will survive and prosper" says man who experienced a complete breakdown from which he never recovered because he couldn't go to Home Depot and BW3 for a couple weeks in 2020.

When you describe the actual agenda of the Republican Party to ordinary people—like this kind of comical reverse Robin Hoodism—time & time again researchers find that they simply will not believe you. They cannot fathom anyone could be this cartoonishly evil.

Cannot wait to finally watch Tom Hardy maiming dozens of men to death in Gareth Evans' HAVOC. Perhaps the role he was born to play? I'm ready. Been ready for half a decade. Premieres April 25.

by 1/5 "One way empathy can become dangerous is through forgetting the inauthenticity at its core. It’s when you start to tell yourself that you truly know what someone else is feeling that you may be tempted to speak for them or over them. If you are certain that you are..

Do not make this abuser the mayor of New York.

You first.

The case against him is that he's an awful sex pest boss who was out hawking his stupid book about solving the pandemic while at the same time covering up the numbers of people in elder care facilities that he'd left to die, boom done

Today in the Brooklyn Democratic Party: an illegal fundraiser for one of the ~10 people most directly responsible for Trump becoming president.

"a battalion of male-to-female transgenders" would be some of the funniest shit ever posted, were it not for the fact that this ridiculous faux outrage is the precursor to justifying genocide

Attn: “speak with one voice from the Capitol steps,” “shout it from the rooftops,” and “put the stories of people affected by the policy on TV” appreciators

Final word on substack today: keep posting about how awful they are because a lot of people really have no idea. I feel like I post about it every day and I always get people who asked me why substack is a problem. They don't know. We gotta tell 'em.

THEY'RE GOING TO ISSUE PERMANENT VISA BANS TO TRANS VISITORS TO THE US. This isn't just for athletes. The directive as stated applies to all visa applications made by trans folks and declare it material fraud to use a different gender marker on applications.

this action has already murdered ~14,000 adults and ~1,500 children

Generally there’s a long ramp before you get to real biting sanctions, and Trump lawyers know and exploit that. I’ve long thought that judges who lose their patience much more quickly could do a lot of good.

Fraud, waste, and abuse just means resources going to people they don't like. That's it.

So many rich guys living a fantasy where they're freeing children from traffickers even as they back a rapist in the White House who is pardoning sex criminals, gutting CSAM investigations, separating kids from parents at the border and endorsing the mass kidnapping of Ukrainian children by Russia.


this feels like a stark and important reminder that mainstream media - ALL OF IT, even the ones where people's opinions sometimes agree with yours - is never going to be a progressive ally. we all know that, but this really makes it unignorable. corporations gonna corporation, first, last & always

I will never apologize for a post

It's inspiring how Neil Gaiman fans let out a collective ugh and then stopped being Neil Gaiman fans.

I want to make it clear that no executive order can change federal law and every executive order trump has signed has expressly disclaimed the intent to. The screenshot is from the DEI EO. That’s before you get to courts actually blocking big parts of it. And yet the overcompliance is legion.

I honestly don’t think these people understand that videogames are designed to be beaten. Like a team of people worked together to make it satisfying but not frustrating to beat Assassins Creed Syndicate. Overcoming the odds would be if Hideo Kojima sent you a grape and said “end nuclear war”

sometimes being an adult is bad because you have to do things like email and scheduling, but sometimes being an adult is good because you get to decide to walk home with several blocks of cheese in your pockets

If “concerns” about migration weren’t rooted in racism, you’d see people like Nigel Farage talking out against, for example, elderly British “expats” moving to Spain or France. But you don’t see that, because their concern isn’t actually migration, but who is migrating, and that is rooted in racism.

Hail to the thief. We're entering a golden age for scammers and financial predators, with two of the biggest in the world running things now.

YOUNG MAN, there's no need to feel down i said YOUNG MAN, pagliacci the clown you can SEE HIM he is playing in town you should go and have a good time

Ursula le Guin, on the accusation that fantasy is an escape from reality

I've long said that people are sentenced to judicial rape when sentenced to prison or jail. Most people are ok with this.

Putting this on every self-eval now

John is doing the Lord’s work here