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Cleansing your timeline with bird photos
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A spotless spotted sandpiper at Whittier Narrows. (Their bellies are plain white in winter and spotted in summer.) They bob up and down as they forage in shallow waters along the water’s edge. #spottedsandpiper #birds

Common gallinule. The beak reminds me of candy corn, and like coots, they have ridiculous feet. #commongallinule #californiabirds #birds

I usually see these friends in grassy areas, early in the morning. From the back they look kind of plain but when they turn, you can see a flash of bright yellow. 💛 #westernmeadowlark #meadowlark #birds

California scrub jay, a bird I see every damn day. They have striking blue feathers and a loud raspy call. Not especially shy and honestly kind of obnoxious. 💙 #californiascrubjay #scrubjay #birds #backyardbirds

Look at this cutie! 🥰 A Lincoln’s sparrow, one of those birds I see once or twice a year #lincolnssparrow #sparrow #birds

My namesake. I see these guys every day, up high in the palm trees in my yard. Today they were down lower, screeching and squawking loudly. I always wonder what they are talking about. I love them except when they poop on my car. #backyardbirds #redcrownedparrot #birds

On my hike this morning, I spotted this rufous-crowned sparrow singing in a laurel sumac tree. Laurel sumac is a native plant that supports many different bird species. It’s not especially showy but vital to the ecosystem. #rufouscrownedsparrow #birds #californianativeplants

A busy day at the aloe buffet: orange-crowned warbler, lesser goldfinch, bushtit, red-whiskered bulbul. #birds

Happy Monday from this Cassin’s kingbird #cassinskingbird #flycatcher #birds 🩶💛

A green heron at Peck Road Water Conservation Park #greenheron #birds

This black-crowned night heron would like a word #blackcrownednightheron #heron #birds

Happy Valentine’s Day from this little Townsend’s warbler 💛🖤 #townsendswarbler #warbler #birds

Two American avocets fishing for breakfast. I love their curved bills and slender blue legs. So elegant #americanavocet #avocet #shorebirds #birds

These cuties are everywhere right now. #rubycrownedkinglet #birds #aloe #birdsandblooms

A vermilion flycatcher. They are tiny but easy to spot from far away, a pop of red against the muted winter landscape. #vermilionflycatcher #flycatcher #californiabirds #birds

One of my favorite backyard birds. Those spooky red eyes! They like to scrabble around in leaves. It’s unusual for them to pose out in the open. #spottedtowhee #towhee #backyardbirds #birds

Hello sunshine ☀️ #westernmeadowlark #birds

Above the fog, a welcome sight. Thankful the fire didn’t make it to Cherry Canyon.

Saw a flock of tiny pin-tailed whydahs at the Arboretum. They are one of many non-native species around here. The male looks completely different with breeding plumage. #pintailedwhydah #nonnativespecies #californiabirds #birds

Happy New Year from this snowy egret and coyote at Caltech. #snowyegret #birds #coyote #mammals

I always associate cedar waxings with the holidays. They were splashing around in the water today. #cedarwaxwings #birds

A Western bluebird in Victory Park #westernbluebird #bluebird #birds

A bulbul in the pomegranate tree at the Arboretum #birds #redwhiskeredbulbul #bulbul