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Happy #PancakeDay What’s topping yours? Shrove Tuesday begins Lent, 6 weeks (40 days don't count Sundays) Fasting & abstinence from meat, eggs & dairy so today you need to use them up! Pancakes have been eaten for centuries. 1/2

#OTD 4 Mar 1522 The 1st record of #AnneBoleyn attending court was at a feast at Wolsey's London home, York Place followed by the Chateau Vert Masque Whilst no evidence to confirm, Anne is thought to have portrayed 'perseverance' 1 of 8 ladies needing rescue by 8 lords including #HenryVIII

#OTD 4 Mar 1526 #HenryCarey 1st Baron Hunsdon was born #ElizabethI's cousin he became her trusted aide Son of #MaryBoleyn & legally William Carey (although Mary had been the King’s mistress until sister Anne caught his eye) But who was the Daddy? What do you think?

#OTD 3 Mar 1528 Dowager Scottish Queen & Countess of Lennox #MargaretTudor married a 3rd time to #HenryStewart Another unwise choice like her 2nd husband #ArchibaldDouglas Unhappy, Margaret sought a divorce, her son King #JamesV but he refused her

#OTD 1 March Meteorologically speaking today is the 1st day of Spring & St David's Day 'Gwanwyn hapus' (Happy Spring!) An ideal opportunity to focus on one of the most important woman in #Welsh history #BlancheParry Subscribe for FREE #ElizabethI

#OTD 28 Feb 1518 François, son of #FrançoisI & Claude, Duchess of Brittany was born at Château d'Amboise, remarkably #LeonardodaVinci designed his christening decorations! Briefly betrothed to #MaryTudor as an infant he become #FrançoisIII of Brittany but died aged just 18

#OTD 26 Feb 1547 (some say Mar 1548) Grandson of #MaryBoleyn, #GeorgeCarey 2nd Baron Hunsdon was born Eldest of 10 children to #HenryCarey & Anne Morgan he was #ElizabethI's cousin (or nephew if his Dad was #HenryVIII thoughts?) He died Sept 1603 from VD & mercury poisoning!

#OTD 26 Feb 1577 Erik XIV of Sweden died He had been an ardent suitor to #Elizabeth_I Whilst intelligent, artistic & politically ambitious early in his reign he suffered mental instability Regarded as insane he was deposed in 1569 by his brother, imprisoned & probably murdered

#OTD 26 Feb 1564 Christopher 'Kit' Marlowe mysterious & fascinating #poet #playwright was baptised at St George’s Canterbury Son of shoemaker John & Katherine Marlowe born within months of #WilliamShakespeare His life was cut short in 1593 when he was stabbed!

#OTD 25 Feb 1601 #RobertDevereux 2nd Earl of Essex met with the 🪓for treason Having amassed a following he attempted to force an audience with #ElizabethI Like his step-father #RobertDudley he had been her favourite but fell from grace & was placed under house arrest for desertion

#OTD 24 Feb 1603 Katherine Howard (not that one) Countess of Nottingham died at Arundel House Eldest daughter of #HenryCarey 1st Baron Hunsdon & Anne Morgan As #MaryBoleyn granddaughter she was cousin to #ElizabethI whom she served as Gentlewoman of the Privy Chamber

#OTD 24 Feb 1580 Henry Fitzalan 12th Earl of Arundel died At court from the age of 15 probably the only English nobleman to serve #HenryVIII, #EdwardVI, #MaryI & #Elizabeth What amazing tales could he tell being at the centre of #TheTudors for 65yrs DYK he introduced coaches as transport?

#OTD 23 Feb 1554 11 days after his daughter #9daysqueen #LadyJaneGrey, Henry Grey Duke of Suffolk met with the 🪓 Not for conspiring with John Dudley to put Jane on the throne (he was pardoned!) instead for his part in the Wyatt Rebellion The Grey girls & his disputed mummified head!

#OTD 22 Feb 1511 The Infant Henry Duke of Cornwall, son of #HenryVIII & #KatherineofAragon died at Richmond Palace 52 days after his birth, buried The death of the young prince was not the couple's only loss England was to be denied another Henry on the #Tudor throne

#OTD 22 Feb 1540 #MarieofGuise, 2nd wife of #JamesV of Scotland was crowned Queen at Holyrood Abbey A 30 gun salute & fireworks Edinburgh Castle marked the occasion Of their 3 children only 1 survived, #MaryQueenofScots Marie famously turned #HenryVIII down twice - very wise!

#OTD 21 Feb 1590 Ambrose Dudley, Earl of Warwick died Older brother of #ElizabethI's favourite #RobertDudley Despite being married 3 times (including a daughter of #BessieBlount Elizabeth, 4th Baroness Tailboys), he left no heir He is buried at St Marys Warwick

#OTD 20 Feb 1547 9yr old Edward Tudor, only legitimate son of #HenryVIII was crowned King #EdwardVI His reign (albeit steered by his uncle #EdwardSeymour) suffered economic & social unrest The 1st protestant raised monarch, the Reformation progressed under his tenure

#OTD 20 Feb 1552 ... died a woman #Tudor fans would love to meet but perhaps not heard of ... The Countess of Pembroke #AnneHerbert aka #KatherineParr's sister Lady in waiting to 7 Queens [all #SIX of #HenryVIII's wives then going on to serve #MaryI] ooooh ... the stories she could tell

#OTD 19 Feb 1594 Henry Frederick Stuart, #PrinceofWales was born Eldest son of #JamesVIandI & #AnneofDenmark, he was intelligent, accomplished & popular but never realised his full potential, he died aged 18, the King that never was! His younger brother succeeded as #CharlesI

#OTD 18 Feb 1564 Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni died in Rome #Michelangelo, a multi-disciplined talent; revered in his lifetime & considered by many the greatest artist of all time He left us The Ceiling in the Sistine Chapel & the Statue of David among other gifts

#OTD 18 Feb 1516 #MaryTudor was born to #KatherineofAragon & #HenryVIII his first surviving legitimate child Despite losing her place in succession several times she would become England’s 1st Queen Regnant in 1553 on the death of her young brother #EdwardVI

#OTD 17 Feb 1547 #EdwardSeymour was made Duke of Somerset Seymour took full advantage of the terms of #HenryVIII's will giving himself almost regal powers as Lord Protector, 'de facto King' on behalf of his young nephew & King #EdwardVI Never popular 5yrs later he met with the🪓

#ShakespeareSunday I know no ways to mince it in #love, but directly to say ‘I love you” Henry V

#OTD 16 Feb 1547 The larger than life figure #HenryVIII was finally laid to rest next to his 3rd wife #JaneSeymour in St George's Chapel Windsor All that denotes the spot is a simple marble slab upon which he doesn’t even get top billing!

#OTD 15 Feb 1564 The man known as the 'Father of Modern Science', Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa Astronomer, mathematician, physicist & philosopher at the forefront of the #17thCentury scientific revolution developing the telescope in 1609 He lived to the ripe old age of 77

#OTD 14 Feb 1539 Sir Nicholas Carew friend of #HenryVIII since aged 6, was tried & found guilty of treason for his part in the Exeter Conspiracy (not very #Valentiney) #AnneBoleyn's cousin yet a #KatherineofAragon supporter, he promoted other cousin, #JaneSeymour’s interests as Henry tired of Anne

Happy #Valentines #Palentines or #Galentines Day Whichever you chose, this romantic day's origins go back to 3rd Century & possibly has links to #Lupercalia an ancient Roman festival Chaucer wrote of St Valentines day in 1382 & or course #Shakespeare popularised it Let's spread the love💝

#OTD 13 Feb 1608 The 4x wed Elizabeth Talbot, #BessofHardwick died at Hardwick Hall & laid in state until her funeral at Derby Cathedral on 4 May Considered 2nd only in wealth to #ElizabethI, her legacy is building projects Chatsworth House & Hardwick, custodian of #MaryQueenofScots & embroidery

#OTD 13 Feb 1542 #KatherineHoward #HenryVIII's 5th wife had a date with the 🪓 for treason accused of adultery For facilitating assignations with #ThomasCulpepper, #JaneBoleyn Lady Rochford also met the 🪓 Their bodies lay in unmarked graves in the chapel of St Peter Ad Vincula

#OTD 12 Feb 1554 The ill fated #9daysqueen #LadyJaneGrey 16 & husband Guildford Dudley 19 had a date with the🪓 Convicted of treason, Guildford was 1st on Tower Hill Jane met the🪓within the Tower of London She addressed the crowd eloquently with maturity & dignity before she died

#OTD 12 Feb 1590 #BlancheParry 82 #ElizabethI's loyal companion died Blanche spent most of her life in Elizabeth's service & who is featured on her tomb Thanks to her gift we have the amazing legacy of the Bacton Alta Cloth Hear from this little known lady

#OTD 11 Feb 1466 The 1st #TudorQueen, Elizabeth of York was born Eldest child of #EdwardIV & #ElizabethWoodville & Queen consort to #HenryVII Their marriage saw the end of #TheWarsoftheRoses She died #OTD 1503 her 37th birthday days after giving birth to a daughter who also sadly died

#OTD 10 Feb 1567 #HenryStuart Lord Darnley, 2nd husband of #MaryQueenofScots & father of King #JamesVIandI was found strangled & half naked alongside his valet after an explosion Kirk o' Fields Edinburgh The details of his assassination remain a mystery though Mary was implicated!

8am #OTD 8 Feb 1587 #MaryQueenofScots met with several blows of the🪓 at Fotheringhay Castle Further gruesome indignity followed when, lifted by the hair, her head parted company with a wig! Buried at Peterborough Cathedral eventually moved to

#OTD 7 Feb 1587 #MaryQueenofScots is led to the Great Hall of #FotheringhayCastle where Sir Amyas Paulet informs her she will be 🪓ed the following day Hear her story: #KeepitStuart

#OTD 7th Feb 1478 Sir Thomas More was born As Councillor he was close to #HenryVIII & was Lord High Chancellor of England 3yrs from Oct 1529 Renaissance humanist, lawyer & philosopher he wrote Utopia A principled man executed for his faith despite pleading of those close to him Canonised in 1935

#OTD 6th Feb 1685 #CharlesII died Succeeded by brother, James II of England & Ireland/VII of Scotland - the last male #Stuart in line of succession his reign cut short by 'The Glorious Revolution' Deposed, he was succeeded by William III & daughter Mary II #KeepItStuart #17thCentury

#OTD 6 Feb 1665 The last #Stuart Monarch, Queen Anne was born Under her reign 1702-14 the Acts of Union of 1707 united the realms of England, Wales, Ireland & Scotland Politically astute, patron of the Arts she has been largely forgotten, but for Olivia Colman in 'The Favourite' More info on IG

#OTD 4 Feb 1520 #MaryBoleyn sister to Anne, married William Carey, esquire to #HenryVIII The King attended the ceremony at Chapel Royal, Greenwich 2 children followed but as the King’s mistress, who was the Daddy? #Boleynlegacy #RoyalMistress

#OTD 3 Feb 1587 #ElizabethI's Privy Council met in #WilliamCecil’s chambers Greenwich & agreed to send #MaryQueenofScots signed death warrant to Fotheringhay allegedly without Elizabeth's knowing Signing it 2 days earlier she'd allegedly instruct her secretary not to issue it ... But did she?

#OTD 2 Feb 1503 Katherine Tudor was born at Tower Of London #HenryVII & #ElizabethofYork’s last child, a attempt to provide a spare heir following Arthur's death Tragically, neither she nor her mother survived long after birth & were buried at Henry mourned her deeply

#OTD 2 Feb 1901 The state funeral of Queen Victoria took place Her 63yr reign was the longest in British history, until our late Queen In 1897 she had left strict instructions as to the service & ceremony, much of which set the precedent for all state funerals to this day

#OTD 1 Feb 1587 #ElizabethI summoned her secretary, William Davison to bring #MaryQueenofScots death warrant Signing it she made it clear it not be issued without her permission! Did she know it would be acted upon regardless? Who made that final decision? Answers on a postcard!

#OTD 1 Feb 1554 #MaryI made her rousing speech to the Guildhall, London rallying support to put down the #ThomasWyatt rebellion Her marriage to Philip of Spain was unpopular, yet she won over her subjects! Defeating the rebels who surrendered they were eventually executed

#OTD 31 Jan 1515 #CharlesBrandon was sent to negotiate widowed #MaryTudor return It is said she had agreed to marry #LouisXII only if #HenryVIII allowed her free choice later Charles promised Henry to do nothing brash in Paris ... however 'marry me now or never' was more persuasive than the 🪓!

#OTD 31 Jan 1606 Gunpowder plot Wintour, Rookwood & Keyes were hung drawn & quartered, 4 others met their fate on 30th #GuyFawkes last to the scaffold asked for forgiveness & weak from torture managed to jump to his death breaking his neck sparing himself the agonising fate of his co-conspirators