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Academic policy and culture, global, open knowledge, feminism. Commissioner for international action at UOCuniversitat. Co-chair Group on #OpenScience at EUAtweets. OpenEU alliance coordinator
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Today 65 European Universities Alliances meet together for a brighter and more robust future for Higher Education A delegation of the #OpenEU alliance is also proudly present 🙌

“Community is power.” A sus pies, Jane Fonda. #bondia

My open letter and FRS resignations reported in Nature:

The #EuroStack Report is out! It is about building a European alternative, to empower citizens, workers, industries to reclaim control of their digital future. Read the report!

Como esta semana es la temporada alta de las científicas por el #11F, aprovecho a responder "¿Por qué queréis que haya más mujeres en ciencia?" Porque necesitamos diversidad en las preguntas que se hacen y que nuestra trayectoria vital y saberes estén presentes. En conclusión: queremos MEJOR CIENCIA

Todos los días son #11F #diadelamujerylaniñaenlaciencia ✊💜

Excellent 🧵 on this evening's NIH announcement of a dramatic reduction in indirect rates for research institutions, which amounts to a generational restructuring of the US research and development ecosystem. These cuts are effective immediately, not just for new grants but for existing ones.

Research universities are often the largest employers in their region. They are often the primary health care providers to communities. This funding shift will not only reduce US research leadership, it will put working people out of work and reduce healthcare access.

Sigue la guerra contra las organizaciones internacionales, en este caso el más alto tribunal que persigue, entre otros crímenes, el genocidio. Y esto es sólo el principio.

“The University must focus not only on knowledge transmission but also on cultivating the distinctly human capacities that make knowledge meaningful.” Charles R Nesson, @BKCHarvard founder

In 2014, I wrote an essay on the rise of "algorithmic regulation" / "lean start-up" imaginary in government circles. In it, I argued that Silicon Valley's recipe for government efficiency would - at best - yield the "Singaporization" of liberal democracy. But there were much worse options.🧵 below

Chaos erupts in US science as Trump’s team declares freeze on federal grants The freeze’s effect on research is still unclear, but scientists fear ‘incalculable’ damage.

In short: no

The Internet Archive has to date downloaded 500 terabytes of US government websites, which it crawls at the end of every presidential term. The whole archive is fully searchable. This effort's housed by a donation-funded nonprofit, not a branch of the US government.

Cuando la desinformación se origina desde las instituciones 😱

Today, we are publishing the first-ever International AI Safety Report, backed by 30 countries and the OECD, UN, and EU. It summarises the state of the science on AI capabilities and risks, and how to mitigate those risks. 🧵 Full Report: 1/21

🗣️ “No n'hi ha prou amb gravar una classe magistral i penjar-la. Nosaltres no fem Zooms, sinó connexions per mitjà de diferents sistemes”

🗣️ “Volem crear un Erasmus virtuals"

Gràcies a @MetaDataCat per aprofondir en alguns dels projectes concrets que estem desenvolupant amb l’aliança d’universitats #OpenEU #jointdegree #virtualmovility #OpenEUGPS

#OpenEU, la Universidad abierta de Europa #somhi

“Es sorprendente, pero la humanidad desconocía hasta prácticamente el otro día la forma que tienen los ladrillos básicos de la vida [las proteínas]. […]Sin embargo, falta por entender qué ocurre cuando una mutación trastoca todo” Lean, lean 👇

NIH launches initiative to double check biomedical studies

“Editorial board of the Journal of Human Evolution (JHE), an Elsevier title, have resigned, saying the “sustained actions of Elsevier are fundamentally incompatible with the ethos of the journal and preclude maintaining the quality and integrity fundamental to JHE’s success.””

“un sector [el académico] descontrolado, que en los últimos años (¿décadas?) ha incentivado la productividad por encima de la innovación como forma de progresar en la carrera científico-investigadora-académica. Que prima la cantidad sobre la calidad.”

“El debat sobre la mercantilització de l’educació superior no va d’una qüestió corporativista interessada. […] Es tracta de garantir una alternativa pública i de qualitat per a qui vol continuar formant-se al llarg de la vida.” 🙌 #RectoraUOC

Fusió i reducció 😫

Sobre la responsabilidad institucional “El juicio —que ningún medio recogió en España— ha tenido una amplia repercusión internacional sobre el cambio que necesitan dar las instituciones productoras de conocimiento en la protección de su personal.” Gracias por darle eco,

The whole webinar series “Enhancing digital education in the Mediterranean” organised by @UOCuniversitat and @UfMSecretariat is now openly available

Can bureaucrats promote and facilitate cutting-edge science and innovation? Yes they can. Inspiring examples from the US National Cancer Institute (such as the HPV vaccine) in this podcast

Comunicar ciencia y ser atacado por ello 😫 Si eres mujer, aún más probable (57% de científicas vs 46% de científicos) con más % de ataques sobre tu capacidad profesional o aspecto físico 👇

“El benestar digital no té a veure amb accessos restringits i camps plens de portes.” Molt d’acord amb

Encertat editorial del diari Ara sobre el perill de l'educació superior com a negoci. Celebrem que a Catalunya aquesta situació no sigui greu gràcies a l’aposta per la que garanteix la qualitat de l'ensenyament online amb mandat públic

#OpenEU, the Open European University, officially starts today ✨ The European Universities Alliance formed by and other 9 European universities together with 16 associated partners and cofunded by

Join us for the next #EUA webinar on #EUResearchArea action 1: open sharing of knowledge and the re-use of research outputs. With M. Arentoft, Head of Unit #OpenScience and Research Infrastructures, DG R&I 📅 27 November, 10.00 CET Registration is open to EUA members

A starter pack on #openscience. Just some of the great researchers and experts I follow around here who are promoting open science/scholarship/research:

Did you know there’s a site to search for starter packs of people to follow? Built by

Today #EUA colleagues meet in the first #EUA Research and Innovation Forum in Brussels to push forward our R&I agendas, including #OpenScience and Innovation agendas Vinciane Gaillard from the #EUA Secretariat takes the lead of the discussion ✨


Attending the #EUA Research and Innovation Strategy Group #RISG in Brussels today. As always, great insights and discussions ✨

Buscando el efecto 🦋 para una recién llegada: alguien sabe de alguna lista o feed sobre política académica? 🙏

Estoy montando un starter pack de innovación pública y social. ¿Me ayudáis a localizar gente para este BLUESKY LAB?