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Darmstadt, Kochen, Magic the Gathering Doing the #FromScrapsToChampion Challenge
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Showdown Nr. 2, today, went 2:1 and placed 7th out of 15 players. #FromScrapsToChampion Challenge is in full force and may conclude soon. Made some additional changes and will share the updated Decklist soon. Brokers Counters does its thing.

First #StandardShowdown of the day with the #FromScrapsToChampion #MtG Challenge. Went a little underwhelming, but was able to get some decent cards out of the Prize Packs and due some trades. Will Update the Deck and try to Focus more on Azorius.

Another Showdown for the #FromScrapsToChampion #MtG Challenge. Went 1:2 again, but even if I lost R2 and R3 with 0:2, Games were very tight: R1: WW vs Esper Pixie R2: LL vs Mono R Aggro R3: LL vs UW Cats Feel quite confident with the Deck and the changes. Prize Pack was decent.

Todays #MtG #FromScrapsToChampion Challenge, second Standard Showdown. Was able to get a win today, so there is a slow progress: R1 vs Izzet Dragons LWL R2 vs Foundations Starter (?) WW R3 vs Temur Prowess LL Got nothing out of the price pack, but a Foil Flubs Promo, so most likely no changes.

Todays #FNM #MagictheGathering Duskmourn Draft was a blast. Played Simic Manifest with Bookworm and Paranormal Analyst for a clean 4:0. Was behind in almost every Match, but the value engine was too much for the opponents. Won a Promo Pack and an Overlord of the Balemurk.

So, first #StandardShowdown for the #MagictheGathering #FromScrapsToChampion Challenge. Went as expected. R1 vs Domain: LWL R2 vs BG Elves: LL R3 vs Selesnya Tokens: LL Still, was able to win a Game and got some decent Upgrades for my Deck. Was able to Trade in Inti for Dullkeeper Thrull.

So in order to prepare for the #MagictheGathering #FromScrapsToChampion Challenge, I build the Deck for the first Showdown I attend it with tomorrow in Arena. As you see, it looks a little dire. Got a few lucky wins, but overall I expect to get crushed tomorrow. But the journey has just begun.

#MagictheGathering RCQ #Marburg Report: 22 Players started today, went 3:2 and went into Top8 as 7th Seed with Mono Red Aggo. G1: WW vs Dimir Mid G2: WLW vs Gruul Leyline G3: LL vs Gruul Aggro G4: WLL vs Esper Pixie G5: WLW vs Azorius Ocolus T8: LWL vs Selesnya Tokens

#MagicTheGathering #FromScrapsToChampion Challenge Draft #3. Duskmourn again today, which made me very happy since I could pick some stuff for my Standard Deck again. I think I can start playing some Showdowns now, since I have a Deck now and also some options for the Sideboard.

Short #MagictheGathering RCQ #Maintal Report: 3:4, placed 39th at the End. Played very bad Magic today, threw a Match because I I forgot how to math. Had a completely off-day and can't even comprehend that I won 3 rounds. Terrible, terrible day of Magic.

Got the win at Standard Showdown today with Mono Red Mice. Feel confident with the Deck, so I hope it will bring me luck in the next 2 weekends. #MagictheGathering #MtG

Draft Number 2 for the #FromScrapsToChampion Challenge. Drafted Duskmourn, in german unfortunately, but got some decent cards out of it and since it is rare Pick at the end, i get some more decent stuff probably. #MagictheGathering

Was in the mood for some DSK Draft and drafted this absolute beauty. Clean 7:0 in under 40 Minutes. I really enjoy Duskmourn as a Set and was very bummed out, that Foundations was out so early. #MagicTheGathering #MtG

Important step for the #FromScrapsToChampion Challenge: Organize well! Therefore I bought this Binder for just a little over 5,50€ and put all the cards I do not intend to play into it. Decided to trade or sell Inti, since at the moment it is the most expensive Card I got. #MagictheGathering #MtG

So, I got this new #MagictheGathering Idea, which call #FromScrapstoChampion. Yesterday, we had an Outlaws of Thunder Junction Draft at our LGS. Got some pretty fun cards out of it and since our region is pretty Standard based, I want to challenge myself: Win a #StandardShowdown from Scraps!

Im Tierheim Freiburg kam es am Morgen des 1.1. zu einem verheerenden Brand. Das Tierheim ist nun dringend auf Spenden (Geld oder Futter) angewiesen. Bitte teilen und, wenn möglich, spenden! Futterspenden (siehe Liste) können auch vor Ort abgegeben werden.

Pulled this beauty in todays Chaos Draft. Got a Wilds of Eldraine Collector Booster, a Streets of New Capenna Draft Booster and a Ravnica Remastered Draft Booster. Went 2:1 with Selesnya Enchantments and won a Foil Plaza of Heros and a Darkslick Shores from Promo Boosters. #MagictheGathering #MtG

24 Days of Christmas, #MtG Edition. The grand finale. Pack 24 of the Advent Calender is a Modern Horizons 3 Collector Booster. This one was certainly a treat for Christmas Eve. And boy, what a treat it was. #MagictheGathering

24 Days of Christmas, #MtG Edition. Pack 23 of the Advent Calender is a Murder at Karlov Manor Play Booster. Had some decent luck with this Set, although I did not liked this Set as a Start for Play Boosters. #MagictheGathering

24 Days of Christmas, #MtG Edition. Pack 22 of the Advent Calender is a Brothers War Set Booster. Although I did not enjoy the Draft, I enjoyed opening the packs. Today, I got something decent. #MagictheGathering

24 Days of Christmas, #MtG Edition. Pack 21 of the Advent Calender is a Commander Masters Set Booster. I like the Alternate Arts very much and happy I got a Counterspell out of it. #MagictheGathering

24 Days of Christmas, #MtG Edition. Pack 20 of the Advent Calender is a March of the Machine Draft Booster. Got a nice Kroxa out of it. #MagictheGathering

24 Days of Christmas, #MtG Edition. Pack 18 of the Advent Calender is a Ravnica Allegiance Booster. Love the Block together with Guilds of Ravnica and War of the Spark. Also got another Mythic today. #MagictheGathering

Ho! Ho! Ho! Santa Alias has presents for Magic friends in the EU! 🤶🏼🎁 If you have a account and fancy a €20 coupon, just repost this and tell me what cards you'd buy with it first! I'll select 3 winners later today! Good luck! #mtg #magicthegathering #magic

24 Days of Christmas, #MtG Edition. Pack 18 of the Advent Calender is a Dominaria United Set Booster. Did enjoy the Drafts with this Set, because I love Sets based around Legendary Creatures. Got on, but unfortunately not the one you want to pull. #MagictheGathering

24 Days of Christmas, #MtG Edition. Pack 17 of the Advent Calender is a Iconic Masters Booster. With this Set I started dipping my toe into MtG Finance. My Local Game Store sold the boxes for cheap and I got some great Pulls out of it. Today I got a little Lotus Cobra. #MagictheGathering

24 Days of Christmas, #MtG Edition. Pack 16 of the Advent Calender is a Commander Legends Draft Booster. Was very excited for the Set when it was released, still excited to open it now. Sidenote: Austere Command is one of the rares I pulled the most out of any Set it was printed. #MagictheGathering

24 Days of Christmas, #MtG Edition. Pack 15 of the Advent Calender is a Aether Revolt Booster. This was one of the first Sets I ever opened, pulled also a Masterpiece once. Today, it was just a nice blast from the past. #MagictheGathering