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Freelance artist, game tinkerer, a third thing. NO AFFILIATION to the Dr Patrick Grant exposed in you-know-who's little you-know-what coloured book.
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#775GamesForWindows 634: "Picture Puzzler" - Keats Mulcahy Not to be confused with the previous game, though it is almost identical - this one is just less wack.

#775GamesForWindows 633: "Picture Puzzle" - Martin Dawson It's a really basic jigsaw puzzle, not sure why the task bar is part of it, but okay.

#775GamesForWindows 632: "Pentonimo" - Steve Balogh I think the title is a typo, so off to a good start. This is an identical game to before, just done worse. Yet again I'm just trying anything with no strategy. Apparently it has over 2000 solutions, impressive I didn't find one.

#775GamesForWindows 631: "Pentablox" - Aquila Software It's a puzzle about filling the area neatly with these obtuse pentomino blocks. It's way too open-ended for me, I just keep trying different layouts with zero feedback if it's going in the right direction. I gave up.

#775GamesForWindows 630: "Pendelous" - Kamyen Software A war game with no instructions, good luck. You have one unit type that can be placed anywhere in your territory, denser formations increase defense. Doesn't seem to matter when enemy tanks teleport into your cities tho.

#775GamesForWindows 629: "Peg Puzzle" - Oscar Waddell Oh goodie, another one of these. Jump pegs over each other to clear them until there's only one left, you've seen it before. Next.

#775GamesForWindows 628: "Pardon95" - Dream Green I didn't read instructions, so I'm just guessing how to play here. Seems like you roll dice and move your pieces down the lanes to get to the other side. You can also knock out opponent pieces. It's boring, sorry.

#775GamesForWindows 627: "Othello" - Richard Dalton Yep, it's Othello. I'm reminded that I'm really bad at it.

#775GamesForWindows 626: "Orion" - Robin Reason I have no idea what this is because it simply didn't work. Didn't respond to any input, struggled to even show me this screen. I wonder if anyone actually tested all the games before putting them on the CD.

#775GamesForWindows 625: "Oktagon" - AHA! Software It's a jigsaw puzzle in the shape of an octagon. Ironically the whole octagon thing actually makes it easier to identify the pieces, they should've gone for a wackier shape.

#775GamesForWindows 624: "Nuts!" - Unknown That's right, nuts. A bunch of nuts have numbers on them and you have to both rotate them AND swap nuts around so that all numbers match up. Terrible interface makes it even more frustrating.

#775GamesForWindows 623: "Number Mania" - Jakub Brezniak Take turns picking green numbers to add to your score, red numbers to subtract with the goal of forcing the opponent to take the worst options.

#775GamesForWindows 622: "Nexus 2000" - Cygnus Arts Already played a version of this: every turn more orbs are added to the board and you can move a single one to anywhere it has a path. Arrange a line of five or more of the same colour to clear them.

#775GamesForWindows 621: "Neko Puzzle" - Lexaloffle Games A cutesy puzzle game about launching a cat full speed into solid blocks to destroy them all. I like that the cat explodes into a cloud of smaller cats when you run out of bounds.

#775GamesForWindows 620: "NCC-1701" - Robert W. Feakins This claims to be an accurate simulator of the USS Enterprise control panel. I didn't imagine it looked quite like this, but if you say so. Awkwardly move your ship, set shields and blast Klingons. Doesn't make a great game.

#775GamesForWindows 619: "Napoleon the Emperor" - Stephen St. John Not having played any, I'm gonna assume this is a faithful digitisation of tabletop war games. There are a hundred commands you can give units every turn, I expect finishing it would take all week. Not for me.

#775GamesForWindows 618: "Mysteries of the Orient" - New Zone Productions ....theming aside, it's just a collection of three boring little games that have already been done to death in this collection.

#775GamesForWindows 617: "Mr Matt" - J. Andrzej Wrotniak It's everyone's favourite character, the iconic Mr. Matt! Dig your way to get all the apples, but look out for the boulders which crush or trap you. Mr. Matt turns red and screams when he dies which is very funny.

#775GamesForWindows 616: "Mother of All Battles" - Sean O'Connor Another Advance Wars-alike, though I think it's all randomly generated world and armies. Capture cities and crank out new units each turn to dominate the map. Refreshingly simple interface, and overall a good game.

#775GamesForWindows 615: "Moraff's Tinyjongg" - MoraffWare Another Moraff original. The guy loves his Mahjongg what can I say. I tried looking up Steve Moraff and see if he's still around, unfortunately his site doesn't exist anymore. Wherever he is, I hope he's doing well.

#775GamesForWindows 614: "Moraff's Radiation" - MoraffWare Ok, so it is just Mine Sweeper, but it's done with the signature Moraff flair. The real reward of playing these games is getting a new ad page for ordering his CDs at the end.

Every time I eat a peach I can't stop imagining that I'm biting into a Sylvanian Family member.

#775GamesForWindows 613: "Moraff's Memory Jiggler" - MoraffWare The return of the king. I played a Moraff game in the collection ages ago and he has a memorable brand. This isn't just a stupid memory matching game, it's a jigsaw hybrid, the man is innovating here.

#775GamesForWindows 612: "Modern Warfare" - Dataware Games No, this is even better than CoD. It's straight up Advance Wars, though instead of outlandish cartoon characters battling each other, it's China vs the US.

#775GamesForWindows 609-611: "Mind's Mastermind" - Mind Products "Miser Mind" - M&M Productions "Mister Mind" - James M. Curran Another batch of Masterminds. I've had enough now. Please, no more.

#775GamesForWindows 608: "Memory Tiles" - Kevin L. Patch Even for a memory game this is terrible.

#775GamesForWindows 607: "Melee at Sea" - Bill Bergmann A strategy game where you command your little fleet to attack the opposition, a ship can only attack with the broadside cannons and can take three hits. Solid entry, I like it.

#775GamesForWindows 606: "Maze Maker" - Custom Real-Time Software Inc. Now this is not a maze game for babies. All those arrows represent stairs - this maze is four floors tall. This makes it incredibly hard to navigate, you can see by the red line that I got stuck and gave up.

#775GamesForWindows 605: "Maze Races" - Patrick A. Shields Very scuffed game where I assume it randomly generates a maze and you race a second player to the goal in the middle. It's really easy to walk out of the maze and I don't think it's intentional.

#775GamesForWindows 604: "Maze Master" - Fred George Click and drag your mouse to lead the virtual mouse (is this mimetic input?) through a very simple maze. I think I might be too old for this game.

#775GamesForWindows 603: "Maxit" - Guido Klemens Take turns with the computer picking a number square from the highlighted options that will be added to your score. Each turn it switches from row to column, so the strat is picking a line that forces bad options on the computer.

#775GamesForWindows 602: "Matchup" - Al Yanchak No, my machine wasn't infected by a clown virus, this was meant to be a purposely painful jigsaw puzzle but I guess I clicked too many times and it shat itself.

#775GamesForWindows 601: "Match Wars" - Nissen Ventures Terrible memory game. Every match attempt has some really compressed Roseanne-sounding woman telling me I'm doing great, which is funny at first but quickly gets annoying.

#775GamesForWindows 600: "Match Maker" - Gadgetware Cool, a memory game. Just what I wanted. The only redeeming thing about this is when you complete it a little jingle plays and the beach ball bounces off the screen.

#775GamesForWindows 596 - 599: "MasterMind for Windows" - Tony Gallo "MasterMind" - Golden Frog Ent. "Mastermind" - Joshua Chan "Mastoid Mind" - Chris Stromberger They are all mastermind and I dislike them all equally.

#775GamesForWindows 595: "Marble" - Peter Balch An infuriating idea: the computer has placed hidden mirror pieces on a grid and you are only shown the entry and exit point of the marble. You have to match the exact layout, which means somehow knowing when a piece wasn't used!

#775GamesForWindows 594: "Magic Squares" - Randy A. Harris Nope. There is absolutely nothing magic about a sliding block puzzle.

#775GamesForWindows 593: "Magic Hexagons" - Steven Porter Group the colours by clicking on a tile that swivels all of the surrounding hexagons around it. It's kind of zen trying to unshuffle things, I don't mind it.

#775GamesForWindows 592: "Lunacy" - Kevin Ng It's hard to decipher in a screenshot, but there is a tiny spark travelling along the lines, you have to guide it from the green square to the red by clicking the junction points and rotating the lines. It's kind of annoying.

#775GamesForWindows 591: "Lucas's Problem" - James M. Curran Third time seeing this identical puzzle. Now apparently it belongs to some bloke called Lucas.

#775GamesForWindows 590: "Love Calculator" - Crew Chill Put in two names and get a scientifically calculated percentage of compatibility between the two. This isn't really a game and it's certainly not a "strategy" game.

#775GamesForWindows 589: "Logigram" - Mavabe This is like a highschool worksheet. It's a logic puzzle, but where's the logic in green means no and red means yes? THIS ISN'T FUN.

#775GamesForWindows 588: "Link Four" - Unknown It was just going to be Connect 4, thank god it crashed and wouldn't run.

#775GamesForWindows 587: "LeXpert" - Smartsoft Really not sure what this program is, it has a dictionary of 100,000 scrambled words and they are played in a slideshow with their solution. It's not even a game, more like something you'd use to cheat at a word game.

#775GamesForWindows 586: "Larry's Marble Removal" - Lawrence Goetz Well I couldn't actually interface with the game at all, so that's points off... but I've seen this before, I get the idea.

#775GamesForWindows 585: "Kyodai" - Naoki Haga Another name for another Mahjong solitaire. This one has midi background music which is always welcome.

#775GamesForWindows 584: "Kon-Mei" - J. Saitoh It's Mahjong solitaire. And a decent one at that too.

#775GamesForWindows 583: "Komodo Market" - Paul Fulford This is a very literal stock trading simulator. I need to remind people that this was on a CD that was clearly marketed to kids and showed a bunch of fun colourful games. Funny this wasn't on the cover.