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I’m an anthropologist with NOAA Fisheries interested fisheries, fishing communities, governance, impact assessment, indigenous knowledge, …
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Fascinating stuff!

Partnership sees experimental 'Disco Scallop' method develop into full-scale, commercial low-impact fishery #discoscallops #scallopdiscos #bemorescallop 🕺

"key feature is stronger emphasis on transdisciplinary approaches, integrating natural & social sciences alongside traditional & experiential knowledge systems. [reflecting] commitment to addressing complex dynamics of social–ecological systems & ensuring inclusive, actionable insights for policy"🔽🌞

I'm on my university's tenure and promotion committee, and I spent half the day yesterday discussing the cases of scholars whose brilliant, groundbreaking, and life-saving work was made possible by federal research grants. And it's devastating to think of how much knowledge we'll lose going forward.

Can’t wait to read this!

I love this so much! At the inauguration, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson wore a distinctive collar adorned with cowrie shells, which are believed to offer protection from evil in African traditions. This choice mirrors the late Justice Ginsburg’s practice of using collars to convey a message.

#earlycareerresearchers #publishingtips

Glad to hear this research is being done.