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writer, editor, axolotl with a pretty good throwing arm ''Why do I have to understand what you're saying all the time?" — Cory F. Website: YouTube:
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“Oh, frisson. … And now, by way of the wonderful Kathy Fish, the Universe had immediately delivered a name for my joy.” Al: ❤️ from T is for Train by

“dear dearest, what did you have for breakfast and / did you feel / very much alone?” dear dearest by Blossom Hibbert in suddenly, it’s now, from

“The real Anna was the smallest Russian doll clustered inside its larger clones, rattling inside all of those hard shells. So small as to be unidentifiable, sunken down to near-nothingness in the central black.” All Our Tomorrows by, from

“I want you to make sense of it for me. Or a part of me does. Another part of me knows that you can’t do that. That you will respond in some beautiful big-hearted way, and ...” from Are You Willing? by & (from Bottlecap Press)

"They followed the construction closely, imagined in the developing shell their babies, like pearls, and thought, our children will be happy." "Hidden and safe" and How Hauntings Happen by in

My Man Godfrey and my man minimalism and my man meaningfulness and my man little c and my man son of a gun of a son and my man who is sometimes many times most of the time me

“... as if she knows he's the one who will always tell her the truth, as if she knows I'll always be the liar in the family.” "... I know he hates me. Not all of me, but ..." in

“In the distance, Scamp heard wailing sirens that sounded like the calves bleating in the pasture behind their house.” in Ghost Parachute

“This is the Department of America, a woman on the bus beside you says, drawing a big circle in the air. This is where all these shrimps go.” Donna Obeid in Ghost Parachute

“When I ask if we will try again, you say yes, but I can see the moon drop out of your eyes. The actual moon, the one the astronauts landed on once, is saying anything’s possible. Don’t give up.” in Ghost Parachute

“I nod and look for my missing fingers, see them shimmer along the tasteful track lighting, and my client shakes her head again and I snip off my hand and it kerplunks into the rising Barbicide and flounders after my fingers” Paracute

“Chad teaches me how to take man-bites, drive with my knees, and headbang to Metallica all at the same time. I’m pushing 80 mph. Maybe it’s the extra jalapeños but we’re on fire, melting white lines and green signs.” in Ghost Parachute

“Aphrodite felt Friday’s heartbeat in one ear, and in the other, a melancholy love song.” in Ghost Parachute

“when it’s finally Rita’s turn to go under and hold her breath, she stays there long after the whistle is blown. *Like a giant jar of mint jelly*, she says to the swim teacher when he asks her what in hell was she thinking.” @ Ghost Parachute

“I ran into a friend who was crying and I wondered why she was crying and of course she was crying. Why wasn’t I crying? Her kids were asking her questions that she couldn’t answer.” in

“... and she wouldn’t stop apologizing for it, which led to her saying sorry, sorry, sorry for all the things I loved about her, so I kissed her for the first time, and the girl I love was all teeth and nerves.” in

“… The Bad Girl takes a stroll to the lake with a girl following, a girl being led, a girl chosen, The Final Girl, because she needs this. They both do.” in Milk Candy Review

“We are fifteen and glorious, light-filled and honey-limbed. Boys seep through our gel-tipped fingers like the inches of gin, whiskey, and vodka we steal from our parents’ liquor cabinets …”

“… the time they sprinted clean past the parking lot and on down Rutger Road in their Miami Vice jackets and Sunday ties and darted into the woods, pines gianting around them …”

“Willy wonders if wanting counts in the multiverse.” in

“Even now, with more wealth than she could ever need, Mary hears the scratch of the wolf at her door and feels the stir and fret of Baby Gladys deep within her.” and Mary Pickford in

“How can we bear that the building, the room, the arms that cradle him are shaking, trembling, threatening to fall?” in Milk Candy Review

“These will be good bones, I think.” “My daughter draws near, hugging the dinosaur, but it doesn’t hug her back. She starts to cry, and I know it’s because there is something missing.” in Milk Candy Review

“… a reflection shimmers in the terrace glass backlit by city lights glittering like thousands of gushing cuts …” in Punk Noir Magazine

“Mostly we give each other a look that hurts, an empty glance, a tense smile—as if we shouldn’t smile, not after this—or a slight touch and a recoil from it.” in

“A teacher with her arms wrapped around one of the girls reached out in response to your wailing. You let her pull you close and felt your sobbing synchronize with the others as she gently asked if you …” in

“I secretly admired the outliers, the ones who took risks with their writing ... My pets were the ones who couldn’t care less about being pets.” in

“Mom’s doctor said remission can be temporary, but hope is eternal. I laughed. He didn’t.” “I stare at the milk-soaked rings as if they will spell out an answer, offer a sign, my eyes blurring.” in

“How I always wanted more: more time, more effort, more attention than he was capable of giving. More than he was willing to offer.” in

“‘There’s no better time than now,’ he said. She stopped, and gave him a long stare. ‘You know what?’ she said. Her heart was beating faster, her cheeks flushed. She took a breath. ‘I agree. …” in

“A brilliant yellow bird sits on your shoulder and gently picks at the threads of your sweater. The sun lights your face like a thousand rooms.” in

“He wore combat boots, stomping his way to the perfect spot, his black t-shirt, his long sandy blonde hair, enticements I couldn’t resist.” in

“Not the adults, but their furtive sons.” “… a divine plan that will lead him to …” “And so he goes there weekly …” in

“…only there’s no window to slip out of like the man did the woman did they held hands *they did* I saw them …”

“According to Tracy, little boys go missing all the time. He’ll be found. Or perhaps he won’t.” Chain of Culpability by in