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Turkey is blocking Israel’s NATO exercise participation due to Gaza conflict

Sniff of balanced unbiassed reporting, not commenting, from David Crowe? Mere whiff of reporting coming back? Commentariat hounds are still to noisy on unfettered platforms of hate and division where they are fed by lobbyists and politicians with no moral compass.

Give Paul Keating and Malcolm Turnbull a 'Joint Minister Mentor' role in the Australian Government (as per LKY in Singapore). Wouldn't that put the cat amongst the pigeons and give endless sleepless nights to politicians of all types. Make it 5 year term and can only sack them with 80% vote in HoR!

"Every week is a good week to tell the truth" Malcolm Turnbull Go attack dog Malcolm If this is apurposeful approach to the orange man with both Labor and Turnbull working together then YES! say I Go for it and cut the ties from US one at a time.

We have new laws with seriously dangerous consequences in response to what was a fake plot police believe was designed to divert attention and resources to enable other criminal acts.

AFP Deputy Commissioner National Security Krissy Barrett: "Today, I can reveal the caravan was never going to cause a mass casualty event, but instead was concocted by criminals who wanted to cause fear for personal benefit." Who woulda thunk it, considering the lobby groups and media hysteria?

Yes, finally we get a political strategy to shut the t rump effect down for Australia. Good politician / bad politician Thank you Malcolm Turnbull for being honest while taking the 'bad cop' role. This will make the PM's role as 'good cop' so much easier.

Coincidence or manipulation of media to keep anger brewing Human with shotgun gets on a plane and threatens lives of humans. Random(?) story below it is recovery from crime targeting Jewish place of worship. Lobby groups feeding off, and perpetuating, FEAR by association?

If illegally boarding a plane in disguise as a mechanic and wielding a shotgun isn't an attempted act of terrorism, then white people can't commit terrorism in Australia

Can we just say this out loud? The muted and almost light tone of coverage of this guy breaking into an airport and managing to board a plane with a LOADED SHOTGUN would be wildly different if he wasn't white.

Australian (ie US) media: "CHINA threatens shooting war with US". Real story: China responds to hostile US trade tariffs & endless military pressure by saying they are ready to respond to any war US throws at them but these wars should not be fought and cannot be won. Amazing patience by China.

Criminals daub paint on buildings and torch cars = mass hysteria and outrage across all media. Driven by lobby groups with political interests. Young person breaches airport security and boards a plane with a loaded shotgun = little coverage, no outrage, no screams of danger. No lobby group 🤷‍♂️

After deployment with fleets at Komodo 2025 US Navy is trying hard not to mention that Russia and China were right there next to them😱 "..routinely interacts and operates with allies and partners in preserving a free and open Indo-Pacific region." And ENEMIES!! 😂

I would, personally, prefer this: "...Gurduara Council of Victoria said it was committed to working with authorities and the community to ensure the safety and security of all Sikhs in Victoria." ended in 'safety and security of all humans, in Victoria'. Less 'divisive' and racially tinged?

While navies of Russia, China, India and others were represented at Komodo, Indonesian Government received responses from Russia, China and US for design and build of small reactor as step to developments in energy generation. Smart. Australia is doing? 🤷‍♂️

The only media coverage of Komodo 2025, in Indonesia, is from military followers. No other media coverage in Australia. Is that because Russia and China participated, along with US, Australia, India and SE Asia countries. Opportunity to promote, missed. #auspol

The ABC is now totally beholden to Zionists and supporters of genocide "Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu presses for Gaza ceasefire extension" Just get stuffed.

In the 'you won't see this on Australian media'. ABC Australia will definitely not be crossing to Bill Birtles on HMAS Hobart to report on this global collaboration. Komodo 2025 military exercise Indonesia. Including THE enemy CHINA and other enemy Russia + USA.

Did any Australian media or politician notice who was at Komodo 2025 in Indonesia? RUSSIA!!!!! And CHINAAAAAA!!!! 😂 #auspol

Exercise Komodo Indonesia 2025 Naval exercise with 58 countries participating including Russia, China, America, India, Australia. Australian media? nah Did local ABC journo, Bill Birtles, cover event? nah ABC only interested in stories of drunk abusive Australian tourists in Bali. @ABCaustralia

And nothing but silence from Western media.

SMH Cairo Cafe story. “We hope that journalists will start acting with integrity and stop trying to manufacture conflict and division to exploit for profits.” Yes, we do. Politicians who feed off those 'journalists' also need a refresher course on representation.

My cynical streak tingles. The US wants to move their military protected oil/gas extraction industry from Syria to Gaza. Before they get kicked out of Syria by the locals. t rump did say drill baby drill, he didn't say where.....

Is Gant the new hi-vis 🤔 It was nice to see a press conference without cosplay. It was refreshing to hear Labor Prime Minister & LNP Premier layout response to flood disaster in Nth Qld. Without a single snide comment, swipe at other party etc. May politics of HATE and FEAR stay in the media bin.

Sanjeev Gupta’s steelworks in Czechia has been put up for sale by liquidators less than 3 years after GFG spruiked a ‘Historic Investment in Ostrava’s Greensteel Transformation’. Now it’s bust. We can’t let GFG take Whyalla’s steelworks down the drain too. Where’s Albo? #auspol

muzzle velocity (quote from bannon), overwhelm the media machinery so it can't focus on one topic for more than a minute. anti******* media coverage in Australia is a copy of this method.

t rumpworld 2.0 waterfront villas in Gaza with views of offshore gas platforms. funded by Saudi's, perfect for unnamed oligarchs. nirvana 9th crusade ✔️

Has any journalist interviewed a scared person in Eastern Sydney suburbs to ask what they think of not being front page story anymore? Will the media announce the reduction in Police patrols of places of worship as there is no threat beyond the normal contrived state of hate in Australia?

Definition of media manipulation by vested interests. From one day to the next anti******** is not a story worth covering. Has the FEAR gone away suddenly? Or media blitz achieved its political goals and can move on to new targeted topics?

US President and convicted felon Donald Trump hosts Israeli PM and wanted war crimes suspect Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington DC ⬇

a new way to shutdown a question you have no interest in. "where are you from, you have a wonderful accent" "Afghanistan? a wonderful beautiful country" "but I can't understand a word you are saying" next....

listening to someone talk about destruction and death in Gaza while standing next to the person who carried out the death and destruction is..... discomforting. "US will rebuild Gaza and it will be beautiful", after US munitions and troops contributed to its destruction and death of >60,000.

Which country is building military bases in a demilitarised zone. No one is asking. Who knows the next step is to build (illegal) settlements in the area? Everyone with half a brain. Who cares? No one with the power to stop this happening.

Must be tough for Australian politicians to position a falling $AU in their election narrative. Especially LNP who will blame rising prices on falling $AU under Labor. Looks like the cost of living CRISIS has another driver to blame on someone. Pity it is our friend US tanking our economy, again.

Vested interest overuse of word CRISIS sees stories reporting 'floods in Nth Queensland threatening many lives & livelihoods' having same level of threat to humans as 'graffiti on buildings / small scale arson crime' or 'cost of living challenges'. Me thinks humans who cry wolf crave attention.

Nth Queensland floods have destroyed electricity distribution infrastructure and widespread shutdowns / outages are happening. Politicians focused on centralised energy generation solutions, for political gain, are suddenly quite. Nuclear reactors in Tarong & Callide will make 0 difference.