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Citizen scientist
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The size of the Sun's radius is equal to two & a half times the distance to the Moon! Needless to say it is BIG! When we look at it from the earth the optical illusion makes it look small. However, it is still big & I question the actual physics of this phenomenon since it is still big when observed

Sir Issac Newton described gravity, but he left the explanation of gravitation to someone else. Newton along with Einstein are giants on whose shoulders I stand. I humbly offer an explanation of the fundamental nature of gravitation through my website:

Sir Issac Newton described gravity, but he left the explanation of gravitation to someone else. Newton along with Einstein are giants on whose shoulders I stand. I humbly offer an explanation of the fundamental nature of gravitation through my website:

The Moon, our moon.. I contacted the naming organization responsible for naming celestial objects asking to give our moon a name other the official capitalized M [oon]. I was punted! Mercury: no moon, Venus: no moon, Mars: two little moons. All moons have cool names except our moon called the Moon

The Moon is up there, see it? It's right THERE!

1 March 2024 The Moon, the Moon, Boss, the Moon let's go!

Reality these days is that, obviously, there are not many people in the world who are not stoned out of their minds on drugs! Just observe the behavior of people and think about what you see and hear. Then, take a New York minute and analyze what you have observed. Mind numbing !

We need a clear operational meaning about what it means for gravity to be "repulsive". In the context of General Relativity, small test particles move on geodesics. Gravity can be regarded as a consequence of a curved spacetime geometry where the source of curvature is the stress–energy tensor .

@seanmcarroll Mainstream scientists maintain that gravity reversed itself sometime after the "big bang"! They say repulsive gravity caused the expansion of space & then reversed itself to become attractive! Preposterous! My website WWW.PHAYEZ.SCIENCE explains. Gravitation has been repulsive forever!

Gravity is the result of warped spacetime according to Mr. Einstein. Spacetime is a feature of space not the earth. The displacement delta of gravity is FROM space! This means gravity is NOT attractive. The displacement delta of gravity IS repulsive! My website: My uncle: My uncle @: