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Publication of Jain Family Institute. Political economy and critical social sciences. Disponível em PT / disponible en ES.
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“Can the EU survive without the transatlantic military alliance created 75 years ago to, in the words of its founding Secretary General, ‘keep the Germans down, the Russians out, and the Americans in’?” NEW from still very actual this from re-echo De Cecco analysis on sterling power (no it was not the gold standard) and fall of status as global currency.

“Can the EU survive without the transatlantic military alliance created 75 years ago to, in the words of its founding Secretary General, ‘keep the Germans down, the Russians out, and the Americans in’?” NEW from

"Through the transitista model, we can understand the Panamanian isthmus as part of a world-system that since the colonial era has subjugated the colonies to the interests of imperial metropolises." NEW and Danilo Rivera on Panama's history of uneven development

Panama, transitismo, and the Canal Zone. Wow have we ever memory-holed the 89 invasion of Panama.

"CEPAL was the 'IMF of the left.' Certain cepalinos like Prebisch would say that such an oppositional approach would actually undermine an understanding of the true social costs of inflation." New: interviews Margarita Fajardo on CEPAL

"Quick off the block, Milei's government announced a drastic devaluation of the peso and by February real wages had dropped significantly; those in the public and informal sectors bore the brunt of this decline."

"The new Trump Administration is turbo-charging the lesser known but increasingly dominant agenda within USAID: 'mobilizing private capital.'"

New piece out at! Among the many challenges faced by Lula, we should not underestimate the role played by Brazil's extraordinary currency volatility. And the stakes are not only economic - Bolsonaro and his supporters are eager to follow on Trump's footsteps.

“To understand Brazilian inflation, one needs to examine global financial cycles.” on Lula’s fight with the Brazilian central bank, inflation, and economic management without monetary autonomy

I've written about the method in the DOGE USAID madness. It's not bullying as power, it's good Wall Street Consensus on steroids, by and for private equity on the revamped wallstreet consensus under Trump 2.0

"With the new US government aggressively attacking trade globalization, the next two years will be characterized by global financial turbulence, with its usual impacts on peripheral currencies." NEW: on central banking in Brazil and capital controls for peripheral economies

"Aggressive trade and diplomatic pressure characterized US strategy on semiconductors in the 1980s/1990s (..) The Reagan administration used sanctions and other threats to force Japan to cede 20% of the Japanese domestic market to foreign—namely US—chipmakers"

"Democracy in Power is a feat of explanation. Vaheesan covers the local, regional, and national political conflicts that have shaped the evolution of the American electrostate across its century-and-a-half-long history."

"The 2024 election demonstrated the power of the far right after its defeat in 2022. Crucially, it proved that if there is unity, the right can win the election." Hugo Fanton interviews André Singer on the right and party politics in Brazil

I wrote a long (and laudatory) review of Sandeep Vaheesan's excellent book on the history of democratic struggle over the US electricity system. Published at A big acknowledgement goes to for helping the piece along.

Overwhelmingly much good stuff in Phenomenal World and their newsletter:

"During the 1950s and 1960s, 35 percent of workers were unionized, 25 percent of the economy by GDP was price regulated, the corporate tax rate was 53 percent, and the top marginal income tax rate was 94 percent. Inequality fell to the lowest levels on record"

"The fact that Texas is now the overwhelming leader in the US renewables boom should at least give advocates of decarbonization through public power a lengthy pause." NEW: reviews Sandeep Vaheesan's Democracy in Power: A History of Electrification in the United States

Brilliant analysis of Brazil politics, new authoritarianism and parallels what US.

“In the relationship between the metropole and the protectorate, oil granted Brunei significant bargaining power. British oil interests deterred the metropole from withdrawing unilaterally from Brunei or forcing it to join Malaysia.”

1. Revisiting this great post yet again. "Taking Money Seriously." For GDP, what accountants actually measure is *spending.* "Production"/"output" is just imputed from that: $1T in spending means $1T in goods must have been produced. Fine.

La más reciente entrevista de sobre las elecciones municipales de 2024 en Brasil, donde se explica la estrecha relación que existe entre la estructura de clases y el comportamiento político en Brasil.

"Throughout the twentieth century and continuing until the present, Brunei has utilized foreign interests in its oil wealth to ensure its security and separate, independent status." NEW Naosuke Mukoyama on Brunei's unlikely path to independence

“Compared to the 2000s, Brazil is significantly more deindustrialized and reprimarized. This partly explains why Bolsonaro was defeated in 2022 by a margin of less than 1 percent—despite the humanitarian catastrophe that was Bolsonaro’s management of Covid.”

"Global manufacturing is simply migrating to where the subsidies are greater, while consumption must migrate in the opposite direction." on tariffs, manufacturing, and US capital controls

"O problema desse acordo é que ele tende a reforçar uma especialização regressiva crescente que tem se aprofundado desde os anos 2000 no Brasil e na região" NOVO: Maria Fernanda Sikorski entrevista Marta Castilho

"Few economists in the course of Colombian economic history have matched the influence of Salomón Kalmanovitz." Camilo Andrés Garzón interviews Kalmanovitz on economic growth in Colombia and the policies of Gustavo Petro's left-wing government.

A good piece by from years ago on how the global dollar system works:

"O problema desse acordo é que ele tende a reforçar uma especialização regressiva crescente que tem se aprofundado desde os anos 2000 no Brasil e na região" NOVO: Maria Fernanda Sikorski entrevista Marta Castilho

"Recognizing that money is its own domain allows us to see productive activity as an open-ended historical process, rather than a static problem of allocation."

If you want to understand not just Florida but also how US politics are shaping up, this is a great place to start.

“In Florida, ‘the last frontier state East of the Mississippi,’ the right-wing ideological project intertwines with state-backed private economic interest—a hypertrophied version of national growth patterns: real estate, hospitality, and healthcare.”

Brazil Took on Musk and Won. Now Lula Is Sharing Notes With Europe Macron & Lula have had “many” conversations: “Brazil is bringing its expertise..pulling us along in the fight against disinformation" We wrote

"An omnibus bill was introduced by Milei with the intention of achieving far-reaching transformation. When it failed to achieve approval, it became clear that certain alliances would have to be made in Congress." NEW: Pablo Pryluka on Argentina under Milei

Excellent account of Milei's first year in office 👇

I've written about the long boom and long bust in South Africa's mining industry and how the once close alliance between industry and state dissolved in It's a cautionary tale for countries relying on mineral wealth.

Interesting paper by Carlos Aguiar de Medeiros that focuses on how the structure of Brazilian trade with China and other countries may affect the direction of Brazilian development.

Saw Milei at Davos and wondered what’s happening in Argentina? Curious about why some Trump supporters are drawn to him? I wrote this essay for @phenomenalworld on Milei’s first year in office—hope you find it interesting!

"For other countries on the continent, the South African mining industry represents the dangers of a commodity-boom driven developmental agenda." NEW: Duncan Money on South Africa's mining industry

"The problem with this agreement is that it tends to reinforce a pattern of growing regressive specialization, which has intensified since the 2000s across Brazil and the region." NEW: Maria Fernanda Sikorski's interview with Marta Castilho on the EU–Mercosur trade agreement.

"Investments in Brazil during the 1970s accounted for about 10 percent of GDP. Today they represent only around 2.6 percent, with expansion largely relying on uncertain public-private partnership initiatives." By Carlos Aguiar de Medeiros

“The trajectory of Milei’s orientation towards China raises questions regarding deeper developments in the global financial landscape.”

“What’s past is prologue.” – Roger Stone To understand 2025, go back to the #Nineties. Read my review of’s “When the Clock Broke” and and Judith Stein’s “A Fabulous Failure” to learn why. #USPolitics

recomiendo bastante esta newsletter, donde cada pocos meses analizan el estado del mundo a nivel político, económico, medioambiental, etc

Money as Empire? Herman Mark Schwartz On Perry Mehrling’s “Money and Empire: Charles P. Kindleberger and the Dollar System”

Read and Will Kendall's interview with Professor Anthony Bogues for ⬇️ The conversation explores Jamaican leader Michael Manley's political formation in the Jamaican labour movement and his ambitious efforts to decolonise the Jamaican economy.

"Palestinians have adopted numerous strategies to negotiate deepening processes of aid securitization. Some have opted to refuse US funding all together." Jack Gross and Dylan Saba interview Lisa Bhungalia on UNRWA, USAID, and US counterterrorism law

"A planning bureaucracy alone is not enough... For a development plan to succeed, there must be a degree of structural economic coordination & control over investments and overarching public policies, which require a high level of political cohesion within the state and some form of social pact."