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I’m worried that I peaked in Highschool when I independently reinvented sliced bread YouTube:
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What will happen to Stranger Things when they run out of 80s to use?

I revived the founding fathers and Lincoln, but instead of talking about politics they just really love playing Uno for whatever reason

I feel like if there was a safe way to leave the mafia built within the mafia then 90% of potential mafia informants would not become informants

Going to the hospital because I siphoned gasoline too greedily and accidentally swallowed some

Wedding there’s no bouncy castle but you can tell there was originally supposed to be a bouncy castle.

Pickpocketing is a large problem in tourist areas, this is why I always travel with a green morph suit for protection

Has anyone tried cold fusion but slightly above room temperature? Maybe thats the missing ingredient

Every story is a two sentence horror story if you’re bad enough at writing and grammar

All a movie needs to be a 10/10 in my book is a mad scientist

Small towns have one doctor who does everything, that but a small town scientist

Slightly bellow room temperature superconductor

The year is 2035: Everything is pretty much the same except someone was brave enough to create the accordion bow-tie the spiritual successor to the piano tie

HAL 9000 type computer/AI but doesn’t control anything vital or dangerous. “Put the dryer on the Eco Dry setting HAL” “I’m sorry Dave I can’t do that.”

If this job fails then I can always fall on my backup plan to be a self practicing lawyer in an office with yellow lighting

The southern accent isn’t disappearing, it just happens that people from the south make excellent time police

If I was president I would stack 5 Saturn V rockets together to get a Saturn XV and finally get to mars

Bioprinting is cool and all but what if I want to donate a kidney to clear my guilty conscience?

The best part of being a watchmaker is that you can pretend you have lots of potential but were moved by that one Einstein quote

I love it when the Flash runs EVEN FASTER

“Don’t be a statistic” A man about to be crushed to death by a vending machine:

“The Only People Who Will Remember That You Worked Late Are Your Kids” - “Bring Your Child To Work Day Is The Day You Finally Get That Raise”

I keep hearing that famous actors “went to juilliard”. Is that the actor equivalent of dead animals going to “a farm across the country”?

The biggest dilemma a person faces when making a manifesto is which subreddit to post it in

If all these tech CEO/founders slept 2 hours a night, didn’t shower, and slept at their desk while making their company. I wonder what kind of mystical capitalistic powers someone who actually takes care of themself would have

If these places really wanna be “energy conscious” when drying hands after using the bathroom why don’t they just let us near the already existing radiator instead of these weak dryers?

McRibs are weird.

How many dehumidifiers do you think are in the White House? It’s built on swampland it’s gotta have a few

Every copy of Bluesky’s “Suggested Accounts” feature is personalized

The futility of mining salt from the ground to then transport it to another country on a boat floating on saltwater

Everyone keeps talking about “AI” this and “birdflu” that. Meanwhile no one has ever asked me if I ever “Needed a hand” only to reveal that the “hand” they offered me was actually a fake plastic hand that they were holding for comedic effect

I just got my future told and do ya’ll have any tips on how to avoid a foretold bad event without accidentally causing it? I don’t want to be a future myth

In life have the perseverance of those "Funny Vine Compilation" YouTube channels who continue to post videos despite the fact that Vine has been dead for 7 years(it existed for only 5 years)

“An elixir a day keeps the doctor away”-Mr.Hyde

I do my best writing in coffee shops, sadly I live in a remote area so each post needs a 40 minute commute each way

Did I like activate something? I just saw a cutscene where a man sitting on a throne engulfed in shadow said,”Fine, I’ll do it myself” and then got up

This is what I answer when anyone asks me where I was on January 6th

I love watching the news on mute so I can unmute it during a critical moment in the broadcast and run out to save the day

Why is it called the international space station when it’s in space and not in international waters?

Every time in fiction where someone from the future goes into the past to warn their past selves they have a time machine. Maybe the time machine is what’s causing it

I feel embarrassed to ask but, who was on first? I always found the deliveries funny but I never got the joke, was he just being mean?

The reason I no longer ask permission, before going onto private property to plant corn seeds, is because the property owner almost always tells me “no.”

Every language nerd I see online is either a really dedicated conlanger or someone who seems to hate the concept of spoken language and wished we all spoke with comic speech bubbles

In this world there are people who have normal dreams and people who dream the most insane things possibly conceived. And one day without warning the 1st type could become the 2nd

Used egg salesmen, like a used car salesman but a used egg salesman

Dudes will come in asking to “just take a look” at the dark magic talisman looking like this

People can get brain surgery while awake but when I get a migraine I need to take a nap

Living underground seems like it could be baller ngl

Remember: When the ghosts take you to see your gravestone try and take a peak at any stock prices on your phone, using this method has allowed me to double my already exorbitant wealth