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um ... savvy politico/media analyst with a cynical .. I mean .. satirical approach to ... ya know .. the body politic 'n' such. .. oh .. and ... writin' this 'n' that iza bit of a pass-time of mine .. so too me snaps .. I snappsa dis 'n' dat as well ...‼️ 👽
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Yo folkz❗️☝️.. donna be a square watch #NovaraMedia if ya dare .. on ye olde Youtube it doth currently reside .. so put ya feet up ... take the measure of the world .... while sittin' on ya ample & cushion'ed backside‼️ NB #NovaraLive week days 6pm (mostly.. um.. "sharp".. take it as it resonates🤙)👽

Melville☝️iz novel: anology for the devout Ahab's wish for castration.. I mean fink about it 🤔..a "sperm" whale called um "Dick" torments the poor faithful sea captain..the fella's bein' tormented by iz Id [i.e. sex drive] ain't it & ya know chasin' 'n' destroyin' it for.. um.."Purity's" sake ⁉️ 👌 👽

.. yo❗️#HoC [re: #getbritainworking ] ☝️ yousas askin' #work&pensions questions in the Chamber today 👇... 'ava a butchers at thiz gem of a book by the acclaimed polymath Gabor Mate ... itza the capitalist system as f..ksa up ya mind guys ... coza itza a toxic system ⛔️ ☠️ ... 'e says so .. ‼️ #r4PM #sky

#r4Today discuss #ADHD 'n' #Autism spectrum folkz in terms as bein'..ya know.. "abnormal"..But 🤫 shoulda theyza better be described as.. ya know.. "divergin from the norm". Thus regla society ain't structured in a way conducive to their wellbeing. But knowin' that iza"empowerin", ain't it..⁉️🤔

um .. thisa gotta me thinkin' y'all [🤔] as itsa better to be a"shit-for-brains"ignorant f..ker in the UK than be knowledgeable & sorta see the .. ya know .. "writing on the wall" and .. um .. get fings in focus. Itza"capital offence" ya that type of "shithead". An ironic but important distinction ‼️👽

.. so itza Sun-day and the gulls iza content with the world ... or it would so appear .. no to culturally anthropomorphizin' thoz f..kers, of course .. coz thatza mistake wezza notta gonna make ‼️ 👽

yeah .. 'ere's a review on ye olde #cyberpunk #novel titled, #Hierarchies y'all ... donna be square ... read 'n' share ‼️ .. 👽

um ... itza stairway .. but .. ya know .. it only goes so far coz of logistics 'n' such .. the stairway to ... "you know where" .. iz justa metaphor y'all ‼️ 👽

#writers #artists #creatives et al #politics #HouseofLords

days turn into nights as nights turn to days, ad infinitum, akin to a hamster wheel, motorised by the hamster, its energy is expelled to no purpose, but at least it keeps fit, it doesn't let the side down #poetic #poetry #sisyphus #nihilism #capitalism #politics #news24/7 #work #stateofplay