Interested in Australian political posts, detest Regressives. Survivor but politicised, traumatised by Pentagon Papers, Watergate, Vietnam War, Kerr’s Coup. Failed to mellow with age. Let out on special occasions. Forever topping up the optimism moat.
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The Greens have had a policy for many years that dental care should be included in Medicare, and I think say it should be free for all pre-school and school- age kids. Why hasn’t that been a major national news story with significant discussion? Or does MSM wait till a major party proposes it?
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AGL owns 2 coal fired power plants - Bayswater & Lou Yang. AGL has publicly repudiated Dutton’s intention to buy/compulsorily acquire them for nuclear. AGL have renewable energy plans/ transitioning investment for both sites. MSM love a good conflict. No “Dutton Hostile Takeover Claim Angers AGL?
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The Guardian’s Newsroom Edition podcast with veteran & editor Lenore Taylor and Mike Ticher is always good value. Two intelligent shrewd analysts covering recent political events, behaviour and attitudes. You actually learn from it.
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Great to hear their analysis. Cassidy has earned his reputation. Tony Barry ex LNP researcher infamously said live on TV last Vic election that the Vic Libs would do what they always do when they’ve lost - find someone innocent to scapegoat, blame them, and the guilty executive go free. scapegoat
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Rick, don’t die tomorrow … but if you did, you could be proud knowing you’d left us with Mean Streak. Let me know if you need any other back handed compliments. Go safely and strongly.
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Looks like you perform a much needed service. Good luck, I’ll be dropping by now and again. Full credit for promoting “Punter Politics”, also on uTube. The guy is an intelligent satirist, sharp as a tack with presentation flair and communication skills. Hopefully attracting a young audience.
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Many economists see a new Govt’s first budget as their first impact on the economy. Prior, they have just inherited the economic settings. ALP budget was late Oct 2022, 5 mths post election. With early Nov rate increase, rates went up 2.5% in first 5 mths of ALP govt, based on the LNP’s inflation.
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WOW! Rooftop photovoltaic cells installed in Vic in 2024 with Vic govt incentives produce output equivalent to that of coal fired Loy Yang power station. Significant news … but it can’t be, since MSM found other news apparently more important. Why would that be?
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Rumour has it she refuses to eat KFC chicken because they have a left wing.
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Many yrs a fan of yr journalism, loved yr pod with Denis… but.. don’t you think it’s a trifle ironic you post a cartoon on social media that lampoons the distortions of social media? Or is yr one OK but not others? Having it both ways? Seems an auto response of a MSM journo, but yr better than that.
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Thanks, good summary. Also: supported national wage case increases, mandatory AC registered nurses 24/7, introduced the ‘Capacity Investment Scheme’ to attract international investment in major renewables projects, criminalised industrial manslaughter, restored $80 billion in China trade relations.
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Great photo. If you like relaxing with a non sentimental, warm hearted movie, highly recommend the gentle British comedy “Local Hero” set in Scotland, a 1983 effort by Director Bill Forsyth, ending with great soundtrack by Dire Straits Mark Knopfler. So underrated!
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Michelle Grattan either blands significant issues down so the the biting edges/impacts are unrecognisable.I’ve enjoyed her analysis over the years but now? No insights you’d expect from one with her experience, content to flow within the mainstream news framework. Tingle has left her for dead.
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The world is a better place for dogs. My dog digested a book on the Guinness Family, highly critical of the book, and thought the first page was the best bit.
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I hereby nominate Tim Winton as an Australian National Treasure. All those in favour say ‘Aye’. I think the ‘Ayes’ have it.
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The birds you photograph so well are often an education. Eye catching, show-somebody images of rare or amazing birds we don’t see or hear about in the ‘burbs. Thanks.
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Good luck navigating next 4 years! “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum.” – N Chomsky. Oz suffers from highly concentrated media ownership, and a herd mentality media. Familiar?
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MAD was very popular in the 1960’s in Australia. We read it all the time. Margin cartoons by Sergio Aragones live on, as does Don Martin.
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Thanks for the great Sagan and Deb quotes AND the class solidarity image. All hit the nail on the head - spot on as we say in Oz…. Australia.
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Thanks for the Downward Envy LNP ‘poster’ by the inimitable Dan Ilic. Reminds me of the disillusion dripping off Essential Poll’s Peter Lewis stating it’s a truism of Oz polls that over the years, we focus DOWN on what people are getting, not UP. Ignorance & apathy is bliss for vested interests?
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Ross Gittins let the ‘productivity’ cat put of the bag. The key factor inhibiting productivity is Oz business has failed to invest significantly in new technology. Gosh, those Regressives saying for decades that workers need to work harder/ laziness implied, were misleading us! Why would that be?
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Amazing how consistent scary speculation on a wages breakout fuelling inflation has been for decades,but a profits breakout, fuelled by price gouging and crisis opportunism, gets no inflation coverage whatsoever. Why would that be ?
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Exactly. One of the Robodebt 6 has been defined as a politician. How is it that ABC News didn’t know or avoided saying that?
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Shame the focus was diverted from an independent credible source recognising the ALP’s economic management / budget balance achievement compared to other G20 countries.
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Thanks for promoting the always interesting Ross Gittins/ his article on ALP/LNP electoral funding. Avoid the paywall and go direct to rossgittins.com, where all his articles are posted. Those who can, should vote for their community independent candidate THIS election. We may not see many later.
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Resign Brereton
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The post mentions this is TEN month old article on Oz’s 2nd best budget balance in G20 economies. Bit too quick there on the “Lies” response. The ALP economic management kudos remains recognised.
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What! You mean all those assertions from Dutton - AFP afraid to inform Albo, possible leaks, WHEN did he know? etc - promoted by stenographers - were all a lot of bull? No MSM bothering to analyse Dutton’s over the top rubbish and calling it out? No Dutton Misfires? If it was a senior ALP minister?
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Thanks Mark. Can anyone name a privatisation that has benefitted the public? Howard’s Aged Care was a social tragedy, not sheeted home to him / the LNP. Howard’s Employment Services? Hundreds of taxpayer millions gone, for no improvement. Child Care? Only affordable with govt subsidies! MSM? Taboo.
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Read the daily cartoonist article. Thanks for yr generosity to other Oz cartoonists. The references to other influences , their cartoons was enjoyable. Great to see Tandberg & Petty there. Wonder if Ron Cobb ever attracted yr attention? Hugely popular in 1970’s for his political /social incisions.
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After she called me a stupid white guy…. Well, yes, that’s in my second official statement that my management wanted me to make….she kicked me in the shins, honest your honour.
If I knew police work was going to be this rough, I never would have joined up.
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Christian lobbyists want an Oz faith office advising govt? Sort of like their version of a ‘Voice’? Ummm, just how vocal were they for the previous Voice? Oh, but they are REALLY under-represented in govt, uh huh. Pass me the bucket.
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Thks for the Laura Tingle link, our exalted queen of political journalism. I/many may have missed her article critiquing the putrid bipartisanship of ALP/LNP on the electoral donation law. This is the last election before they minimise the chance of a community independent candidate. Vote them in!
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Not sacked but Albericci would disagree ABC management ‘stood firm’, failing to issue supportive statements/edited her article to suit the LNP. Given redundancy within 18 mths, unsuccessfully sought ABC to state she hadn’t failed in Chief Economics Correspondent role, and viewed payout as “damages”.
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Great Chomsky quote. Wo! That’s the taboo ‘P’ word - privatisation. MSM won’t go near it - all the horrors the Aged Care RoyL Commission revealed? -Courtesy of l’il Johnny Howard’s privatisation, never seriously mentioned or analysed. Employment Services - big Co’s receive millions, better outcomes?
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If journalists merely repeat the words of a politician to their political opponent, (or guest/audience) it’s really just a form of propaganda, isn’t it. - paraphrasing Don Watson.
And Oz journalists do it regularly- it’s an established practice, endorsed by editors/ producers. Safe career for all.
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Gee, it looks like mum, dad and kids could have avoided tax really well. That’s what Super is all about , right? Oh, and you need to afford a good accountant to look after this and the family trust advice.
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Emma Alberici was attacked in a concerted attack by Turnbull & Morrison in parliament for writing an article showing OECD data that tax cuts did NOT generate job growth. That was the only shred of economic policy the two charlatans had promoted for the 2016 election. ABC management caved in.
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Jason Falinski on a K Murphy podcast, post horrific Aged Care Royal Commission, stated he ‘d hate to see more red tape impede the AC industry. (AC going so well?) He’d have hated seeing ALP intro mandatory registered nurses, 24/7, at all nursing homes and increased wages.
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Thanks for reposting Jenna Price’s article - fast becoming a ‘go-to’ journo. Her/your call to action is honourable. My local MP is Henry Pike, a conservative right wing christian. His office refused to verify he misrepresented an ex-High Court judge in the Voice campaign. Knows he’s lost my vote.
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Thank you for your work. A callous LNP govt scheme aimed at our most vulnerable, that killed so many, must never happen again. The NACC and Public Service Comm’n did nothing. We need our politicians to take every step to ensure upfront legal advice is binding/stops these schemes before they start.
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Thks for your work to stop another Robodebt from happening again. Creditable since it would seem the Oz public are largely unengaged (if they ever were) -there’s no extra votes in it. Rick Morton’s book ‘Mean Streak’ reveals LNP / PS executive callousness. More power to you and Penny Allman-Jones.👍
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Yes - Robodebt RC revealed it all, but the NACC & PSC protected the perpetrators. Worst govt abuse in my lifetime, killing a minimum of 7 says Rick Morton, hundreds more after getting debt letters. Only committing youth to war killed more. MSM? Uninterested. Unable to put lipstick on this LNP pig?
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Over the years, he produced many wonderful cartoons.
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Brilliant dissection of the LNP’s nuclear fantasy to help the fossil fuel industry continue and avoid concentrated focus.
Keep up the great work guys. I’m reposting.
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Wo, a $500 million AUKUS down payment in the first 2 weeks of Trump’s govt. And Marles welcoming a bigger US footprint on the Oz continent! We continue to roll over and let the biggest war mongers in the world increase their presence. Gillard let them in to the Darwin base, now this! Sovereignty???
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Great answer by Sally McManus to Karvelas
that many people work behind her to help her deliver her front line service to ABC audience. Of COURSE major staff cuts anywhere affect front
line services … or do people believe front line services operate in isolation to the rest of their organisation?
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The major contractors involved in Robodebt were debt collectors. A compliant and subservient public service management delivered an illegal system to raise revenue to suit their LNP minister’s push to improve the LNP budget. Recommend ‘Mean Steak’ by Rick Morton -harrowing, keep happy pills handy.
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Thanks - doing us all a huge favour with media footage that I/ many haven’t seen. McManus is a gem, answering how frontline services are of course affected when the LNP cut Public Service jobs. One of the greatest enduring LNP myths, since it remains unchallenged by MSM.