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F1 fan, memorabilia collector, grumpy old codger. "I remember when F1 was all about the racing" blah blah.
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That's not to say I'm doing OK. I'm still on edge, emotionally unstable, and sad, but not Christmas Sad. I just need a hug and some love.

So, 10 days on from my pre Christmas near meltdown. I did OK. Bought some gifts, did the Christmas Drinks (so pleased I did, saw a colleague I miss hugely) and it all went OK. Panic over.

I actually feel better for that. My parents know I'm struggling. I'll speak to them today and be honest - they know I love them, and do a lot for them, and they know I'm exhausted. I just feel like I'm always behind with things. I get up at 5am for work.

Final one. My daughter will have a great Christmas day, we'll have lots of food and presents, and once she's in bed I'll probably cry my heart out with relief. How did it become so tough being a grown up?

I've spent the last few months just getting through things. thinking 'once thats done things will be better.' Building work. Birthday party for a kid. Chaos at work. A marriage that I'm not even counts as a marriage, or is just it co-parenting at this point? I've shouted in to the void enough.

But... I appreciate I have a warm home, a daughter who loves me, money in the bank, food in the cupboards. I'm not in a place like so many others in the world are. I'm just totally deflated. A hug would send me in to floods of tears I don't know how I'd stop.

And I have a works christmas drinks night out tomorrow to deal with. I can't even not attend, as I've someone ended up being important and people are travelling to attend because I apparently loosely said I'd attend a while ago. I'm a hair away from a full emotional breakdown.

I'm treating these messages like really cheap therapy. My sister will no doubt be a wonderful daughter as always on Christmas day, she dumps her daughter with my parents so much she has her own bedroom there. I don't get a night off, ever. No wonder she has time to sort out lovely gifts.

I just need a break. I want to buy parents/wife meaningful gifts, but am just treading water existing. I don't even know what I do to start looking for gifts. I don't even have a gift from my daughter to my parents, who adore her and she adores them. I'm too late for anything personalised.

I know I'm talking to no-one, and I'm ok with that. I'm struggling. So busy with work and childcare I can't see the wood for the trees. I haven't bought anyone any presents. Not even a £ thing, I've got money. Just no time or drive to push through. (not feeling like 'that', don't worry).

Also, Bluesky help if anyone knows. I ticked 'sport' as a preference when I signed up here, but being completely naive forgot about how huge american football/basketball is. And I don't know how to 'un-sport' my feed. I mean I just scross past it, but there is so much of it. Any help appreciated.

Another bit of #f1 memorabilia / history. A pair of Tyrrell 026 X-Wings. They lasted just 4 races (from memory, correct me if wrong) before banned. They were just cut off the bodywork - "cut along dotted line" is still visible. These or 6 wheels, Tyrrells best trick?

Side by side comparison of a 1987 F1 steering wheel, Benetton, Teo Fabi, and a 2015 F1 steering wheel, Daniel Ricciardos.

A pic showing a few of the 1,000s of items being sold off when Paul Stoddart bought all of Arrows Grand Prix and merged it with Minardi..... eventually the remains of the company would become Torro Rosso, then Alpha Tauri, then RB. I wish I'd taken out some serious finance to stockpile parts! #f1

Pic of lots of Tyrrells circa 2001, I believe Paul Stoddart bought the whole lot of them but It's so long ago I'm not sure if he did. Hows your Tyrrell historic memory? I've got a feeling he bought all the cars as BAR just took over the entry and not the cars?