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marljivi optimizam
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samo da mahnem

tomorrow marks three months since corruption and the arrogance of power claimed 15 lives in the northern city of novi sad. tonight, students from across serbia are gathering there. citizens have lined the streets to welcome them, and local students prepared beds for them to rest.

after all this struggle and all these years you simply don’t want to any more you’ve simply had enough of drowning and you want to live and you want to love and you will walk across any territory and any darkness however fluid and however dangerous to take the one hand you know belongs in yours

on recent events in serbia and some background context * the author is boban arsenijević, a serbian linguist and professor at university of graz, austria

lekari iz sv. save

bg 11.30

(by Škart Prota)

mene ovih dana raduju samo studenti i njihov smisao za humor, i njihova odlučnost i nepotkupljivost, i solidarnost koju su probudili u nama svima. a zluradim zbog jalovih pokušaja ovih na vlasti da odgovore na sve to. čuj, nacrtali krvav kurac. pa sebi su ga nacrtali.

kad sam bila mala, mislila sam da će 2025. ljudi živeti dugo, srećno i u harmoniji, da će bolesti biti iskorenjene, da neće biti siromaštva, da će svi živeti život dostojan čoveka, da će roboti obavljati glupe poslove, da ćemo putovati svemirom, i da će naša planeta biti rajska. a vidi nas danas.

on december 1, 2024, the president of serbia justified drivers ramming into protesters. people compiled footage of some of the incidents since

nisam ušla na linkedin mesecima, stigne mi poruka danas - follow tamara vučić?!?! algorithm go home, you're drunk!

ne znam šta sam ovde pogrešno kliknula, al izlaze mi samo slike mačaka, ako se i pojavi neki pas, bude isključivo korgi... gde su moji psi, pitala sam?!

karaoke isprobane sinoć, na radost i veselje gostiju :) 12/10 iskustvo, preporučujem

ja sa prijateljicom

ispod jelke me sačekala karaoke mašina, ja sam najsrećnija osoba danas, junior baš i ne 😂

dragi prijatelji iz kompjutera, u novoj godini vam svima želim srčanost i slobodu, osmehe i zagrljaje, sunce i more i da što više plešete ❤️

samo da vam pokažem kako su sjajni junior i njegovi drugari ❤️