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キラキラ王子さま✨ 28 | cz | they/them, on/jeho ~ intersectional feminist activist, photographer, youth worker ~ posts mostly in english and czech, with some occasional spanish or japanese
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crip update: dle krve a rtg už téměř nemám zápal plic (🎉), ale dnes mi bylo řečeno, že doba rekonvalescence po zápalu plic je až 6 týdnů, takže po tu dobu se mám šetřit a úroveň aktivity zvyšovat jen pomalu. cool w me 👍 stejně jsem tak vyčerpaný, že to ani jinak nejde


Kdyby tohle fungovalo a byl velky kalendar feministickych/levicovych akci, byl bych tak stastnej a mozna bych ani nemusel zpatky na instagram))))

celostátní okupační stávka na univerzitách kdy

in other news, kámošstvo, dnes jsem strávil asi 3 hodiny v nemocnici, abych zjistil, že ten příšerný kašel, co ne a ne odejít je zápal plic. 🫠

fakin nenávidím jak se doktorstvo chová k pacientstvu. respekt moje praktická doktorka neviděla ani z rychlíku

This is my “daughter of a Black Panther breakfast program volunteer” coming out but anyone who tells you that you have to be public about all your resistance activity should immediately be under suspicion for being an op, or being under the influence of an op

YOU - What is beauty? KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - “When you have the fewest deviations from the norm. I've been told it's a type of mediocrity that I possess.” influencenula už i mě (ft. zvědavá ginuška)

he's not joking btw (source: am one of his test subjects aka "partners")

It´s all about mushrooms! Mycena sp #fungifriends #mycology #AFAB #Mycena


bro why am i getting ads for nipple covers on ig i am like the literal opposite of the target demographic for that. some girl in the ad was saying how she wears them under her swimsuit?? what is this madness. free the nipple bitch

South Eastern Australia More about me and my work: Aperture: f/5.6 (soft background bokeh) Shutter Speed: 1/5s (long enough to capture light details) ISO: 200 (noise-free detail) #Mushrooms #Nature #Macro #Forest #Photography #Fungi #Closeup #Nature

Chicken of the woods. Midsummer forage from woods inside the city of Chicago, along the banks of the north branch. #fungifriends #mushrooms #myshrooms #sulfershelf

Bustin' out! #fungifriends #mycology #dailyshroom

❄️☕️✨️ #YOI #YuriOnIce

asi to je většinou tak, že když lidi berou hodně léků, tak jim to už po čase nedělá žádný problém a dokonce zvládnou spolknout i víc léků najednou. u mě je to přesně naopak, protože mám už předem stres z toho, že mi ta fakin medikace nepůjde spolknout a budu muset okusit její hroznou chuť 😥

Mushrooms climbing the thick tree root and rocks. #fungi #fungifriends #mushrooms #photography

False turkey tail growing through the moss 📸🍄 #photography #naturephotography #nature #woodland #woodlandphotography #mushroom #fungi #fungifriends

Are you... are you part of the *homo-sexual underground*?

on the downside i am sick like a dog with the flu but on the upside this means i can binge cute anime and work on my yuri on ice fanfic WIPs. silver lining or whatever

Tucked away behind the leaf 🍄‍🟫🍄‍🟫 #fungi #fungifriends #mushrooms

Pinkgills/Entoloma, in a bouquet for you. 💐 #fungifriends #fungi #mycology #naturephotography


KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant leans in confidentially. “You wouldn't be able to hear if he were wearing anal beads,” he whispers.

Mycena leaiana I think? Such a beauty. SW Michigan in July. #fungifriends #mushrooms #myshrooms #mycenae

How did you get so cool, Kim?

Gorgeous fungi and moss combo on this tree #fungifriends

Raindrops in puddles Hypnosis inducing scene - Fixed in fungal form #fungifriends #haiku #naturephotography #波紋

bolí mě klouby a svaly. nevim z čeho a cítim se jako stařeček 🥲 co na to pomáhá? zatím mám k dispo jenom paralen lol

Close up of one of the bracket #fungifriends I posted earlier. Stereum hirsutum - ‘Hairy Curtain Crust’