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teaches some lit things @ Uni Potsdam; reads (and should be writing) about archives and (Assam) tea. also on
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bring back academic writing like this pls

Upcoming #conference @FU_Berlin / @EXC2020 in #Berlin. #NeoHistorical Fiction at 2025. #PrizedTemporalities and Contested Progress. Funding for travel/accommodation is available! Apply for abstracts by late Jan 2025.

Bridgerton has made/inspired (?) more undergrad papers about the 19th century, madness and George III than anything else... (and it is both a gift and a curse)

If I had another lifetime's worth of time, I would simply become a radical library activist/archivist. I would spend all of my time asking for more funding for the only place in a city where you can read/learn/borrow art/books/things for free. Or maybe I could still be this person 🤔

(1/27) STARTER PACK THREAD. The environmental humanities, broadly conceived, have been flourishing on BlueSky lately. To further promote this growth, we recommend the following starter packs in and beyond the #EnvHum, beginning with ICEHO's for environmental history. Let's connect! #envhist

Taking film photographs have been my biggest investment the last few months. But sometimes, watching the early light of Galicia trickle into the grainy yellowness of a morning is really worth it.

Plants in my home. (I am not a plant person at all due to the loads of bad memories related to a plant person in my life who I do not get along with. But embracing plants and their growth in my everyday life has made me see myself differently. I like this part of getting older)

summer vibes, berlin

Project alert: I've been working at an online/hybrid Reading Group project at for a while so that (ECR) academics can read, work, and collaborate with each other. Feel free to drop in or send the link to a friend who might want to join! Thank you :)

My peak academic behaviour is that I track the passing of time by extending library loans and marvelling at the speed of time every month. RIP my summer reading list

Does anyone write online anymore? I am trying to find ways of making myself commit to things by writing online. Most of all, I want to read other humanities scholars who are also documenting their work online, in a slow manner. Here's to starting over.

Ljubljanica, April 2024

Happy to report that I survived my Thesis Offence™ with loads of caffeine and good wishes. Colleagues from the department baked a cake (!) and got some Sekt that we drank before drinking more beer and talking about the mess that is academia and the revolutionary student politics at Jabalia Institute

I am defending my thesis in about 24 hours. Which is code for: I am looking to explore this NEW website I have NEVER been on AND my apartment has never looked cleaner.