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Professor of Cultural Studies at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. Eclectic scholar of radicalism and culture. Currently writing a civics textbook from a critical perspective.
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Ohio students are so inspiring right now. Check out this"Dear Admins" letter from the Ohio Student Association, rejecting "anticipatory and gratuitous compliance to unjust politicized mandates" 🔥

Inevitably, once the GOP set out to ban "CRT" it would steadily expand its forbidden subjects. Here is TX HB2548 which prohibits Gen Ed courses that teach 'anti-racism, unconscious bias, social justice, cultural competence'. This outlaws Freud, DuBois, Boas, and Rorty!

Ohio S.B. 1, the omnibus attack on higher education in Ohio, will be the subject of the House workforce and education committee, this coming Tuesday at 3:15.

We've entered the spy-on-your neighbor phase of Trumpism. The Ed Dept. "End DEI" website says "The U.S. Department of Education is committed to ensuring all students have access to meaningful learning free of divisive ideologies and indoctrination." Then has a submission form to report educators.

A new chapter for my civics text added because of changes to SB 1 begins: "You, dear reader, are legally required to study Adam Smith in order to graduate from an Ohio public college because in 1980 President Ronald Reagan’s economic advisor, Milton Friedman, wore a tie with his picture on it."

Dear Adam Smith worshiping GOP. Here is a quote for you: "The subjects of every state ought to contribute toward the support of the government, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities; that is, in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy..." -Adam Smith

A colleague reported that these flyers showed up near campus. I guess this is the "balanced discourse" MAGA demands we adopt.

A treatment for Alzheimer's cannot be developed as the chemical is too common and can't be owned. "It is not a molecule that a particular pharmaceutical company can exploit... this molecule does not offer them the possibility of future commercial exploitation".

MAGA self-own. AR HB 1060 passed the legislature. It requires schools to teach the "failures of communism". But its text goes on to observe the "natural deterioration of democracies into autocracies over history". If only I could think of a recent example...

Ed Dept's letter on DEI: "Educational institutions have toxically indoctrinated students with the false premise that the United States is built upon 'systemic and structural racism' and advanced discriminatory policies and practices." Really? This is the forbidden idea?

MAGA wants Bible readings in public schools. Its been 80 years since the Sup Ct in Everson declared no "state nor the Federal Government can set up a church. Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another."

Can we all now agree that the anti-"DEI" campaign is just neo-segregationism? "DOGE has planned for the Trump administration to trim staff from dozens of offices across the executive branch, including those that protect employees’ civil rights".

I still like to delude myself and believe that academia has purpose beyond the market logic of capitalism but then I stumble across my uni's policy on naming academic programs. I'm hoping somebody will make me the DraftKings Professor of Cultural Studies for $300 k.

MS Senate passed SB 2605 requiring civics to graduate HS. The bill is contradictory in that it demands "instruction in the factually accurate history" of the USA and the state but at the same time bans discussion of "critical race theory". In Mississippi.

The Ohio Controlling Board on Wednesday awarded JobsOhio billions more in what used to be public money via the state's lucrative liquor franchise, without demanding that the "private" corporation pay more for the privilege.

Oh Utah.

On the same day Republican Rep Josh Williams sent this tweet, he introduced a bill to create a DEI scholarship program that would likely be illegal under #Ohio SB 1 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏾‍♂️ #WTF

I hope the Ohio House realizes what SB 1 bans. It plainly says that professors "shall not seek to indoctrinate any social, political, or religious point of view". Capitalism and liberalism are, in fact, social and political points of view. Close the business schools! #ohiosb1

SB 1 passed without modification. Now the question is what will the House do? They sat on it last year, will they show some spine and do it again?

I thought this was a joke. Then I looked it up and it is absurdly yet so perfectly real.

As I teach two classes today, I'm not going to be able to join my fellow defenders of free inquiry today. I look forward to watching all your insightful testimony later! Will someone please ask Sen. Cirino to define DEI and clarify what scholarships he considers "DEI" and wants to cancel?

GOP's attempt to disguise its program of indoctrination behind claims of widening the range of opinion on campus is laughable. My observations... #ohio sb 1

OK, let me get this straight. The party that demands more civics education is openly violating the principle of separation of powers and Article 1 of the Constitution?

Ohio GOP is preparing to mandate civics for all college students. I've written a text to meet the requirements of SB 1 "Unpatriotic Civics: A Blasphemous Look at America’s Founding Documents". So the sponsors understand what many of us will do with this requirement, here is the table of contents.

!!!BREAKING!!! Ohio SB 1 Proponent Testimony to take place Tues. Feb. 11 at 2 pm (North Hearing Room). GOP is planning to vote on it this same week!

How quickly liberals cave when their wallets are threatened.

Indiana civics bill prohibits any teaching of the founding that does "not foster a national identity, heritage, or culture" by discussing "racial identity or racial discrimination...gender discrimination...class struggle...systemic exclusion" (1/2) #skystorians

My latest take on the Ohio GOP's push to indoctrinate children in the state with evangelical Christianity.

Iowa is to be the next red state to require HS students to pass the US Immigration Service Naturalization Test to graduate. Great irony is that GOP has long protested giving the feds control over curricula. Now they are willing to let the INS drive what is taught.

Ohio's GOP is on a bender and their latest is posting religious law in public classrooms. Calling Exodus 20:2-17 a "historical document" and pretending it is just one option is laughable. Think any school boards will choose the Articles of Confederation?

The crap keeps coming. Now this exec order that will take quite a bit of unpacking to cover all its supercharging of the war on free thought. 1/4

My op-ed on a little appreciated thorn in the idiotic thicket that is the anti-free inquiry bill, Ohio SB 1, is a clause meant to shut down "DEI" scholarships, but threatens thousands based on any "group identity". #academicsky #skystorians #ohio