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The Plot Against America [bridged from on the fediverse by ]
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Page 283: "In essence, our deficit problem is a Medicare and Medicaid problem." #Project2025

Page 473: 'The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) prohibits hospitals that receive Medicare funds from “dumping” emergency patients who cannot pay … protect physicians and hospitals that perform abortions in violation of state law if they deem those abortions necessary […]

Page 21: 'Political appointees who are answerable to the President and have decision-making authority in the executive branch are key to this essential task. The next Administration must not cede such authority to non-partisan “experts,”' #Project2025

If you think Project 2025 is ambitious… wait till you read about Russia's "Project 21st Century" published in 1997 which they have clearly being executing in recent decades

Page 225: "For many years, the European Union (EU) has tried to force U.S. companies operating in Europe to follow its data privacy regulations. … An incoming conservative President should reset Europe’s expectations. … suspend any provisions that unduly burden intelligence collection." […]

Page 284: 'Severino writes that the “FDA* should...reverse its approval of chemical abortion drugs…”' * Food and Drug Administration #Project2025

Want to know what #Trump will do next? It's all laid out in #Project2025

Page 304: "Reform NRCS* wetlands and erodible land compliance and appeals. Problematic NRCS overreach could be avoided entirely by removing its authority to prescribe specific practices on a particular farm operation" * Natural Resources Conservation Service #Project2025

Page 300: "Re-evaluate the Thrifty Food Plan. In a dramatic overreach, the Biden Administration unilaterally increased food stamp benefits by at least 23 percent in October 2021." #Project2025

Page 295: "Limit spending to directly help farmers and ranchers address issues due to unforeseen events" #Project2025

Page 290: "the USDA* should not try to control and shape the economy, but should instead remove obstacles that hinder food production. Further, it should not place ancillary issues, such as environmental issues, ahead of agricultural production itself." * U.S. Department of Agriculture […]

Page 286: "the Department of Energy should end the Biden Administration’s unprovoked war on fossil fuels, … oppose eyesore windmills" #Project2025

Page 284: 'Severino writes that the “FDA* should...reverse its approval of chemical abortion drugs…”' * Food and Drug Administration #Project2025

Page 283: "In essence, our deficit problem is a Medicare and Medicaid problem." #Project2025

Page 261: "The new pro-life executive order should apply to foreign NGOs … and remove exemptions for U.S.-based NGOs, public international organizations, and bilateral government-to-government agreements. All entities funded by USAID, both directly and indirectly, should report their […]

Page 259: "Without women, there are no children, and society cannot continue." #Project2025

Page 258: "issue a directive to cease promotion of the DEI agenda, including the bullying LGBTQ+ agenda" #Project2025

Page 257: "The aid industry claims that climate change causes poverty, which is false." #Project2025

Page 225: "For many years, the European Union (EU) has tried to force U.S. companies operating in Europe to follow its data privacy regulations. … An incoming conservative President should reset Europe’s expectations. … suspend any provisions that unduly burden intelligence collection." […]

Page 211: "creative thinking and a clear strategy as to how covert action fits within the President’s broader foreign policy strategy, to include possibly modifying or rescinding any current findings, drafting new findings, … to facilitate more expeditious decisions on tactical covert action […]

Page 210: "A future conservative President should … identify individuals on the transition team who are familiar with the implementation of covert action with a view to placing them in key NSC*, CIA, ODNI†, and DOD positions." * National Security Council † Office of the Director of […]

Page 204: 'future IC* leadership must address the widely promoted “woke” culture that has spread throughout the federal government with identity politics and “social justice” advocacy' * intelligence community #Project2025

Page 192: "become a vocal surrogate for people in countries where rights are being suppressed in the name of health. This will likely require greater restrictions on the supply of federal dollars to the WHO* and other health-focused international organizations" * World Health Organization […]

Page 191: "end blind support for international organizations … the Trump Administration withdrew from, or terminated funding for, the United Nations Human Rights Council, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, and the […]

Page 180: "Chinese power … is the product of history, ideology, and the institutions that have governed China during the course of five millennia … meaning that internal culture and civil society will never deliver a more normative nation. … can only be curbed through external pressure." […]

Page 179: "significantly reorient the U.S. government’s posture … which will include much more honest assessments about who are friends and who are not. This reorientation could represent the most significant shift in core foreign policy principles and corresponding action since the end of […]

Page 178: "evaluate … the Diversity Visa program, the F (student) visa program, and J (exchange visitor) visa program.… ensure that these programs are … consistent with White House immigration policy" #Project2025

Page 178: "indefinite curtailment of the number of USRAP* refugee admissions." * U.S. Refugee Admission Program #Project2025

Page 176: 'The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been “at war” with the U.S. for decades. Now that this reality has been accepted throughout the government, the State Department must be prepared to lead the U.S. diplomatic effort accordingly.' #Project2025

Page 174: "Upon inauguration, the Secretary of State should order an immediate freeze on all efforts to implement unratified treaties and international agreements" #Project2025

Page 174: "Political ambassadors with strong personal relationships with the President should be prioritized for key strategic posts such as Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United Nations, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)." #Project2025

Page 173: "assert leadership over … the State Department by placing political appointees … also increase the number of political appointees to manage it. … No one in a leadership position on the morning of January 20 should hold that position at the end of the day." #Project2025

Page 171: "large swaths of the State Department’s workforce … disagree with a conservative President’s policy agenda and vision. It should not and cannot be this way: … take swift and decisive steps to reforge the department into a lean and functional diplomatic machine that serves the […]

Page 167: "Department of the Treasury: … provide DHS* with all tax information of illegal aliens as expeditiously as possible." * Department of Homeland Security #Project2025

Page 167: "deny loan access to students at schools that provide in-state tuition to illegal aliens" #Project2025

Page 167: "treat the administrative law judges (immigration judges and Board of Immigration Appeals) as national security personnel" #Project2025

Page 166: "Department of Defense: … participate actively in the defense of America’s borders, including using military personnel and hardware to prevent illegal crossings" #Project2025

Page 166: "Department of Health and Human Services: Agree to move the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) to DHS*" * Department of Homeland Security #Project2025

Page 166: "a policy should be issued that prohibits CISOMB* from … helping DACA† applicants obtain and renew benefits, including work authorization." * Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman † Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals #Project2025

Page 166: "the Secretary should immediately issue a directive stripping CRCL* of its immigration portfolio." * Civil Rights and Civil Liberties #Project2025

Page 165: "disband the outside advisory boards and the more than 50 working groups in which CRCL* and PRIV† currently participate. Finally, CRCL and PRIV should no longer issue bulletins or periodicals." * Civil Rights and Civil Liberties † Privacy Office #Project2025

Page 165: "CRCL* and PRIV† staff should no longer review intelligence products or provide guidance on any intelligence products or reports" * Civil Rights and Civil Liberties † Privacy Office #Project2025

Page 162: "OGC* should hire significantly more Schedule C/political appointees who in turn supervise career staff and manage their output. DHS’s mission is politically charged, and the legal function cannot be allowed to thwart the Administration’s agenda" * Office of the General Counsel […]

Page 161: "The Office of Intelligence and Analysis should be eliminated … because it has been weaponized for domestic political purposes." #Project2025

Page 160: "perform a complete inventory, analysis, and reevaluation of the department’s domestic terrorism lines of effort to ensure that they are consistent with the President’s priorities" #Project2025

Page 156: 'USCG* should also make a serious effort to re-vet any promotions and hiring that occurred on the Biden Administration’s watch while also re-onboarding any USCG personnel who were dismissed from service for refusing to take the COVID-19 “vaccine”' * U.S. Coast Guard #Project2025

Page 155: "the Twitter Files has demonstrated that CISA* has devolved into an unconstitutional censoring and election engineering apparatus of the political Left … the entirety of the CISA Cybersecurity Advisory Committee should be dismissed on Day One." * Cybersecurity and Infrastructure […]

Page 154: "The NFIP* should be wound down and replaced with private insurance" * National Flood Insurance Program

Page 152: "prohibiting in whole or in part the introduction of persons from such countries … in order to avert or curtail … mass migration … including through the expulsion of such aliens. … not be subject to the requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act. … waive all legal […]

Page 150: 'Prosecutorial discretion. Congress should restrict the authority for prosecutorial discretion to eliminate it as a “catch-all” excuse for limiting immigration enforcement.' #Project2025