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What do we think? Universal Studios UK announced before or after the opening of Epic Universe?

UNIVERSAL STUDIOS UK - January 2025 Update #universalstudio

Wixams railway station January 2025 update

Blake Stephenson MP on Universal Studios UK - 16 Jan 2025

Come on Universal, give us an announcement on the UK theme park!

Wixams Railway Station Update - January 2025 #drone

Quick January 2025 Universal Studios UK update ~ No sausages

And this weeks winner of the Elphaba Funko Pop is number 8, and that is Craig Moore , Inbox me your address and I'll get that sent out to you after Christmas. Thank you to everyone for playing along, we are going to take a break on this now over Christ…

Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to my weekly engagement list! 🎉 Matt Hovell, Morgan Patrick, George Wilcocks, Nicolas Bla, Michelle Bates, Craig Moore, Danny Swindells, Andrew Thomsett, Paul Turnbull, Darren P Chilvers Read More:

Posted in the Universal Studios United Kingdom's Facebook group this week. A very promising Universal logo. Read More:

A little mention of Universal in Blake Stephenson MP letter to Govia Thameslink this morning. Read More:

This weeks engagement prize will be a Wicked Elphaba Funko Pop and then we shall take a break over the Christmas period. There really is nothing to report at the moment hence the lack of posts so get off your phones (yer right!) and enjoy the festivities…

It was one year ago today, 19th December 2023, that the BBC broke the news that Universal has brought the land at Kempston Hardwick. 'Universal Studios has said it is "exploring" the possibility of building a park and resort on a former brickworks site …

Guys & Gals, going forward and hopefully with a thumbs up coming soon, this page will focus on factual and evidence based Universal Studios UK content where as the group (linked below) will allow all your conspiracy theories and/or dreams run wild! You …

In case anyone missed it, here is last weeks YouTube video from the Universal Studios UK site. We have diggers on site clearing the stream to prevent flooding. They are not contracted by Universal but it's nice to see some movement on site as nothing has…

A quick one for last weeks engagement. Matt Hovell you have won! Inbox me your address and I will get your Funko Pop sent out to you. Read More:

Well done everyone in this post, you have made the top 10! I'll record a short video and ask Siri to pick a number between 1-10 to find a winner. I'll post it here on Facebook tomorrow Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to my weekly enga…

The guys working on Universals land right now clearing the stream are from Bedford Group of Drainage Boards which I had never heard of before this but they play a pretty important role in protecting us all from flooding. They have permissive Powers unde…

It's hide and seek with Elphaba time! I have hidden 5 bags of goodies around the local area each one contains a Elphaba funko pop toy, some stickers, a mug, a pen and some Haribo! It's all free, waiting for the first person to collect it. To play you …

1 hour Read More:

Clearing the Stream @ #UniversalStudiosUK

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I had a reply from Richard Fuller MP on a comment I left on one of his posts. It looks like Government still have not made a decision. Read More:

Date moved again 🤷‍♂️ Read More:

Hide and seek with Elphaba this Saturday. I will hide some goodie bags in different locations within a couple of miles from Universals Studios UK. I will announce all the What3words locations at the same time on Saturday around 1pm. The What3Words lo…

I don't know how this sits with the end of week results but big shout out to this weeks top fans so far! 💎 Kate Green, Alexander Alfie, Mat Guy, Danny Swindells, Andrew Thomsett, Paul Turnbull, Kyle Williams, Lewis Arrow Dynamics Vincent, Michelle Bate…

I'm curious Richard Fuller MP & Blake Stephenson MP. Did you receive a response from Rachel Reeves regarding your letter about Universal Studios? Read More:

Ok team, I've had a quick think about this engagement game and going forward it will be played slightly differently. Every week Facebook gives me a list of the top 10 engagers on the page. Going forward from today you only need to make it in the top 10…

Well George Wilcocks you did it again! Top engager, well done. I have inboxed you. Read More:

Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to my weekly engagement list! 🎉 George Wilcocks, Matt Hovell, Morgan Patrick, Nicolas Bla, Danny Swindells, Michelle Bates, Andrew Thomsett, Kate Green, Craig Moore, Kris Tyrie Read More:

Following on from the Network Rail compulsory purchase post I made, I emailed my contact at Network Rail to see if there is any further information available regarding the construction of a road bridge to replace the level crossing at Kempston Hardwick. …

So folks, what do we think will happen first? Read More:

Wixams Railway Station construction has OFFICIALLY started!

A good British ip for horror nights? Read More:

Universal Studios UK Latest Update - Dec 24 #universalstudios

I recorded 2 videos today, one at Wixams railway station construction site which is your standard 20 waffle about nothing with plenty of digger watching and the second video was something that caught my attention while driving past the Universal site and…

Network rail have compulsory purchased a slither of Universals land. It looks like the new future bridge at Kempston Hardwick that I keep banging on about is finally starting to become a reality. In fact the purchase order includes the current land the…

Another storm in its way to put a stop to my drone flying!! 🤦‍♂️ Read More:

George Wilcocks can you inbox me your address so I can send you your funko. I cannot message you. Read More:

I sent an email direct to Page Thompson, President of new ventures at Universal Destinations & Experiences to ask if there are any updates and he has passed the email onto his team to give a response. As you can see there is no change in their response…

The results are in! Last weeks engagement competition is now over and the leaderboard looks like this! Well done George Wilcocks, you just beat Morgan Patrickto the winning spot. Inbox me your address and I'll send out your Happy Potter Funko Pop gif…

Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to my weekly engagement list! 🎉 George Wilcocks, Morgan Patrick, Kris Tyrie, Michelle Bates, Danny Swindells, Barry Smith, Matt Hovell, Kate Green, Andrew Thomsett, Craig Moore Read More:

I've just been out to have a look at both the Universal and the Wixams site and there is nothing to update. Wixams have made a little progress with the groundwork's but there's not really much to see. I decided not to make a video because firstly like …

Richard Fuller MP has written to Raceh Reeves regarding Universal Studios. Read More:

Elphaba hide and seek! Will you be playing? Planned for Sat 14th December I'm looking to see who how many people may want to play. Starting at midday I'll release a what3words location around Kempston Hardwick, wixams, stewartby etc as a simple puzzle…

Coming in December on Project Universal we are going to play hide and seek with Elphaba! Get yourself familiar with the What 3 Words app, you are going to need it to play. More detail to come. Read More:

This is quite an interesting document, it says, I think (correct me if I am wrong), that SC Collections, a company that Universal bought along with Cloud Wing in the autumn of 2023, had assets of zero at the start of 2023, but by the time we reach the en…

Mid week shout outs! Could this be a clue to final results? Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎 Connor Bodman, Kate Green, Alexander Alfie, Mat Guy, Danny Swindells, Andrew Thomsett, Paul Turnbull, Kyle Williams, Lewis Arrow Dynamics Vincent, George…

The council have just updated their meeting details for the Universal Destinations and Experiences meeting to discuss the Special Development Order and it has been moved to January 2025. I would hazard a guess that the council have done this just to cov…