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The people of the US and the world are about to go through a tremendous amount of pain and suffering that may never end all because one punk has a giant stick up his ass about losing an election and being held responsible for his crimes. We cannot let this one man destroy our world.

When will the Republicans' break? When will Fox News break? Will it take a complete economic collapse before they admit they were wrong? Could they keep Trumping until they are mowed down by the voters and viewers? If it wasn't so painfully consequential it would be satisfying to watch.

The Republicans cruelty, incompetence, and unseriousness is now laid bare for all of America to see. We have to make this stick with the American people and use it to make some real changes when the dust settles on the Trump fiasco.

Do most Americans even know that Donald Trump is changing the foreign policy of every country in the world and that he is abandoning not only Ukraine, but Europe itself, and joining Russia in the Axis of Evil while voting with Russia, North Korea, and Iran against the Europeans.

One man, Donald Trump, has decided all by himself to change the crux of American foreign policy that we have built, protected, and caused the world to rely on for over 80 years, without any reasoning or explanation for the world shattering change, other than naked lies and Russian propaganda.

Trump, Musk, and the Project 25 dicks actually thought they could get away with jamming this whole new country down our throats! This has to be the dumbest coup in history, and the scariest thing is that they might have gotten away with it if they had considered the consequences and had a strategy.

Looks like it's gonna be President Vance soon.

Musk's bald-faced-lie that USAid spent $21 Million to help “voter turnout in India” caused a firestorm in India when the press accused Prime Minister Modi of receiving kickbacks from the US, who was also accused of interfering with India's election. Musk should be jailed.

It was great to see a leader, President Macron, actually answer questions.

Great NYT's op-ed by 7 former commissioners of the IRS who warned us that Musk firing 6,700 IRS employees on the eve of tax season is dangerous and equivalent to a private company fighting waste by taking "an ax to accounts receivable, the part of an organization responsible for collecting revenue."

Trump's Black Shirt's are beginning to join the fray. We must fight back, unlike the apparently cowardly men in Idaho who attend town hall meetings and allow their women to be assaulted.

Trump & Musk didn't see this coming? They are making profound changes to every part of our government and they did not figure on the consequences? And Musk didn't consider the effect on X or Tesla? Either they are complete morons or they figured they would never have to answer to the people again.

The big question now is what will the US Army do when Trump orders the US Army to attack the protesters at the massive Washington protest surrounding the White House.

Irrespective of the Democrats' present simpering response to Trump's dicktatorship, I am so tired of the attacks on the Harris 24 campaign. You tell me, how do you get through to a population that sticks their fingers in their ears and yells la la la la la to the increasing threat global warming.

Reporters who interview Trump people should establish a timer so that the Trump people can only talk for 1 minute per question. Instead the Trump people lies go on and on and on repeating the same talking points in their weird strategy to make half the country believe their lies.

We, the media, and politicians must demand that Trump explain his reasons and plans for why he now supports Russia. A president must explain his reason for such an important and historical change of our entire foreign policy. How can we allow this without any reasons. This is crazy.

Our top Democratic and Republican leaders must confront Trump and demand an answer as to why he is now supporting Russia instead of Europe and Ukraine and demand that Trump explain his strategy and plan for our foreign policy with Russia, Europe, and Ukraine.

When are we all going to Washington to see President Krasnov.

Why don't people sue the government for breach of contract for all of the contracts with people, universities, and companies that Musk has thrown out. I believe they would have to sue them through the Court of Federal Claims, but the government sure does seem to be guilty of breach of contract.

I kinda see the division of our government with Trump & Musk as like the monarchy in England. Trump is King Charles, he is more or less a figurehead who gets to go out, get on tv, does the fun stuff, but doesn't have any real power. Then, Elon is the Prime Minister, a super PM, who has all power.

US citizens are mad as hell about the changes being made to our government institutions, but the American people haven't even faced the fact Trump has done a ludicrous 180 degrees on our foreign policy and as a result the rest of the world really hates us and they are abandoning us and our products.

Daily Beast took down the Trump is a Russian asset article and now the post and comments on Reddit over the Trump Russian asset story have also been removed. Additionally, commenters say that a number of stories and comments have been taken down in various publications. Anyone else see any of this?

Congresswoman Crockett says that Musk has gotten 2 new contract worth over $700M in the last two weeks. One worth $400M for Tesla and the other worth $300M for Spacelink. So, Elon was lying yesterday that he hasn't received anything from the government.

We cannot let President Krasnov win.

How could the Daily Beast fold to Trump and take down the article in the Daily Beast. All they did was report on comments on Facebook by an Ex-Russian agent. A suit against the Beast by Trump would lose, so is the Daily Beast folding because Trump threatened them? We can't be cowards.

Musk & Trump are stripping the American people of all our public and private institutions and companies that are necessary for all of the American people. This is so horrendous and will have catastrophic effect on our economy, health and our relationship with the world. Trump must go now.

United States President Krasnov.

Here is the Daily Beast article about Trump being a Russian asset that the Daily Beast took down.

And just to remind people it was the lack of banking regulations that led to the 1929 crash, the great depression, and the rise of Hitler. The German economy was recovering from the unfair WW1 economic sanctions and Hitler was going nowhere until the great crash of 29, when Hitler rose to power.

Did you see where Musk threatened to cut off Ukraine's Starlink connection if they did not sign Trump's Ukraine's natural resource deal? This is just flat out extortion. It is a crime and incredibly evil when Ukraine is fighting for it's life against Russia. Is this us now? Is this America?

Very disappointing that neither the media nor the Democrats have engaged in any serious talk about raising taxes on the rich. It is just not talked about even as their wealth reaches insane levels and the middle class gets poorer and poorer. Without economic fairness we are headed to an ugly future.

We need to turn this upcoming complete Trump&Musk catastrophe to our economy and society into an overwhelming movement to revolutionize our system for the distribution of wealth in this country. The unfairness and greed have never been more evident. Tax the rich so they pay their fair share.

There are 340 million people in the US and 262 million adults. 77 million people voted for Trump. So only 23% of people and 29% of adults voted for Trump. How can my country allow one man to change the fundamental underpinnings of our nation with so little support. It must stop.

I'm really starting to think that America is going to turn on Trump in massive numbers, and as the Republicans are such cowardly weaklings without honor they will fold to the public pressure and agree to impeach Trump, who refuses to admit his catastrophe and has continued with his insane plans.

Is it possible that the Ukrainian Z man is playing Trump with his new acceptance of a possible resource deal. This throws a wrench into Trump's plans to cuddle with Putin. If the Z man and Trump agree to a resource deal does the US go back to anti-Putin? Or maybe the Z man is just playing for time.

Do you think Trump & Musk ever sat down and said lets examine the consequences when we trade Europe for Russia as our enemy, when we start a trade war with the world, and when we destroy 3/4 of our national institutions. Funny, I have not heard one word from the Administration about consequences.

With the majority Republicans totally capitulating their congressional power to Trump we now have only 2 branches of government. Well, really only 1 branch with the MAGA 6 ruling the Supreme Court. But any way you look at it democracy has fallen in the US.

that hurts

Absolutely none of all these Trump people know how to have a human conversation. It is really irritating to watch. They do not answer questions, they just spew the same propaganda and lies over and over. I don't know why they even have the interview, just prop them up and flip their talk switch on.

I am amazed at the bumbling way that Trump and Musk have rolled out their American takeover and I believe that it is so incompetent that it will help defeat Trump's evil plans for a dictatorship. But if Trump had attempted his transformation with intelligence he just might have succeeded.

I cannot believe that Trump thought he could use the same strategy of bullying and extortion to control Europe that he used to take over the US. But Europe does not have a whole big group of cowardly backers called Republicans, or a media controlled by a small group of billionaires, or dumb voters.

I'm hoping that as the economy implodes, as more people lose their jobs, as people die because government workers were fired the people will get so angry that Trump and Musk will be forced out and the backlash will laser focus on Musk and billionaire greed until we will finally tax the rich fairly.

Ok, lets see how much of a strongman Trump really is. Trump is finally going to get serious pushback from his sudden insane reversal of the US global defense policy, so lets just see if he will stay strong and defend his dangerous stupidity. Even with his Putin bromance the coward will fold.

I still cannot believe that America has allowed one man, and a buffoon of a man at that, to unexpectedly reverse our entire geopolitical defense policy that has kept the peace in the world for the last 80 years without giving any reason or explanation to the country or our allies for the change.

Why doesn't the AP just file a 1st Amendment lawsuit against Trump for barring them from the press conferences? It certainly is an automatic win and they could file for a TRO to get back into the press conference and it would highlight Trump's lawlessness.

I don't know how we can fight the misinformation. Trump and his minions are out there all day repeating lie after lie, just like the election, and if there is one thing we learned from the election is that repeating a lie over and over makes people believe the lie.