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居上海,雄臭厚重味。享受型原味包皮垢纯1奶爸S,控颜/肌肉,喜优质口舌喉放得开M,集邮M爱好者会拍收藏。 微信∶QinJunLinX Q∶ 953983367 发福多肉中,勾搭需谨慎。 Base in Shanghai, Dominant Top, uncut with strong male scent, into body control&blowjobs. Slaves Video & Photo accepted is welcomed. Wechat/Ins/X∶QinJunLinx
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“双胞胎露脸衔着身份证伺候的乖狗,替亲爹祝各位崽子们新春快乐!准备去南京和杭州过年~” 转发+评论+关注=催更 Twin dogs showing their faces with ID cards in their mouths, wishing all the little ones a happy CNY! RT + Follow = More original content!

“已婚奶爸吃完龙精一切结束后,乖巧露脸着继续伺候更衣” 转发+点赞+关注=催更 The married dad, after finishing everything, obediently shows his face and continues to help with dressing. RT + Follow = More original content!

“很帅,但仍旧会臣服于主人的原味脚下。” 关注转发点赞=催更更多原创 Really handsome, but still surrendered under the feet of his master,Like, repost & add to your favorite to get more updates.

“开灯才能更看清楚狗子在那里沉浸的闻原味的骚样”转发点赞=催更 “Turning on the light makes it easier to see the dog engrossed in sniffing the original scent.” RT + Follow + Like= More original content!

“无惧露脸享受吸臭袜” 点赞转发关注=催更更多原创 “Unashamedly enjoying sniffing stinky socks.”.RT + Follow + Like= More original content!”

“胡渣帅狗迷恋爱吃雄臭包皮垢” 点赞关注转发后将获得视频” “A handsome beard dog is obsessed with eating intense smegma.” Like, repost & follow me to get full video.

“18岁的成人礼,伺候得流出眼泪才会记忆深刻。”点赞转发=催更 At his coming of age ceremony, he would remember deeply with tears in his eyes while serving his master. Like, repost & add to your favorite to get more updates.

“遇到一只山东犬,吃到口水就邦硬如剑。点赞转发评论=催更更多原创” I Met a puppy from Shandong during,his cock was hard as a sword when his lord spat into his mouth. Like, repost & add to your favorite to get more updates.

“办公室里发现一条帅狗,召来伺候”收藏点赞转发=催更 “Here cames up one handsome puppy in my office, now it’s time to serve his Alpha.”Like, repost & add to your favorite to get more updates

“飞机上偶遇一只小狗,闻到味道忍不住旁若无人的开舔了”收藏转发评论=催更更多原创 Encounterd a ‘puppy’ on the flight, he couldn’t help licking my foot like nobody around in the aircraft as soon as he smelled the male scent. Like, repost & add to your favorite to get more updates.

“激动地翻开包皮,吮吸搜刮厚厚的热腾腾的包皮垢恩赐。” 关注转发点赞=催更更多原创内容 Open the foreskin excitedly, then suck the warm intense smegma as a gift from his lord. Like, repost & add to your favorite to get more updates.

“bluesky平台粉丝专享福利,关注转发并点赞,私信可获取完整十分钟名媛露脸伺候原创视频。” The exclusive benefits for fans on the Bluesky platform. Follow, forward and like, and you can get the complete ten-minute original video of the socialite showing her face and serving by private message.