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#Trencher #LittleBlackStar #Wafflebot Buffy The Vampire Slayer/Angel The Series Fan I'm on Team Spike/Team Spuffy
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Pic of the Day: Begone weekdays! I have no more use for you! aka James Marsters Lord Tensley decreeing an end to the week, post haste... in Dudes & Dragons 2014 @realjamesmarsters #JamesMarsters @dudesanddragons #WouldntItBeNiceIfWeCouldJustDoThat #Begone

I adore Wesley. That's all. That's the post. Wesley is an incredible man.

Unlike her costars, Michelle Trachtenberg was the age of her character when she joined the cast. As a result, the character was seen as annoying, bratty, obnxious. In reality, she was like Buffy, a traumatized child. Also a Big Damn Hero. And that's how we'll celebrate her.

Sarah’s Instagram post about Michelle

Pic of the Day: Is this foreshadowing? I feel like this is definitely foreshadowing... aka Sarah Michelle Gellar's #Buffy enjoying tying up James Marsters #Spike just a *little* too much to not be foreshadowing in #4.8 "Pangs" #JamesMarsters #SarahMichelleGellar #Spuffy #BuffytheVampireSlayer...

.@JamesMarstersOf | My heart is heavy today. We have lost a beautiful soul. Michelle was fiercely intelligent, howlingly funny, and a very talented person. She died much too young, and leaves behind scores of people who knew and loved her. My heart goes out to...

Rest in peace Michelle Trachtenberg. Gone way too soon. 😢😢😢 My deepest condolences go out to all her loved ones. ♥♥♥ #RIPMichelleTrachtenberg #RIP #MichelleTrachtenberg #JamesMarsters #Buffy #BuffytheVampireSlayer #BtVS

Reaction from Buffy cast members and others to Michelle’s passing


God, this hurts. Michelle, you will always be a part of our family, one worth sacrificing the world to protect. We love you. #michelletrachtenberg #dawnsummers #buffy #buffythevampireslayer #btvs

NY Post (and a few other places) are reporting Michelle Trachtenberg has passed away at the age of 39 / this is so so sad, I’m heartbroken

23 years ago, Buffy acknowledged Spike's humanity in the saddest way and confirmed that she felt something for him, which was why she couldn't keep using him.

Happy Birthday Alexis Denisof! I hope you have a magnificent day! ♥🎂🎁🎉♥ #HappyBirthdayAlexisDenisof #AlexisDenisof #JamesMarsters #Angel #Buffy #BuffytheVampireSlayer #BtVS #JAugustRichards #AmyAcker #CharismaCarpenter #ClareKramer

Pic of the Day: James Marsters imploring you to listen to him... & *not* get distracted by his crazy hair... big ask... aka @realjamesmarsters as Barnabas 'crazy hair' Greeley in #Caprica #1.6 "Know Thy Enemy" #JamesMarsters #CrazyHair #CrazyEVERYTHINGReally #HesANutter #FUN

I know I shared this iconic Spuffy romance cover image not that long ago, but it's the 22nd anniversary of this episode, so I'm sharing it again. I trust we'll all persevere.

Pic of the Day: James Marsters & Sarah Michelle Gellar having no fun at all reuniting on the Wolf Pack red carpet 2023 #JamesMarsters #SarahMichelleGellar #Spike #Buffy #BuffytheVampireSlayer #BtVS #WolfPack #JustNoFunAtAll #YesIAmBeingFacetious #NoTheyDontActuallyHateEachOther ...

Pic of the Day: James Marsters at the end of his rope... or getting arrested... or worrying about balding... or something... in the movie Winding Roads 1999 @realjamesmarsters #JamesMarsters #WindingRoads #IHaveNeverSeenThisMovie #SoAnyOfThoseThingsCouldBeCorrect #OrNot #Shrug

hi everyone I have been away for 657 years!! but tonight I am listening to and smiling ♥️

Spike: Is that a lighter in your pocket or are you DTF? Answer: Yes. #spuffy

Pics of the Day: James Marsters showing some 'friendly' concern over Christian Kane's swing... in #1.12 "The Golf Job" #JamesMarsters #ChristianKane #KevinPhan #LeverageRedemption #Leverage #ThatsEliotsImaginingPunchingYouInTheFaceSmirk #Which #Fair

You will never be able to convince me these two weren't going to angry!kiss at some point in this episode, with or without a spell. They both would've been horrified, but all that tension had to go somewhere. #spuffy

What is the greatest ever line said on Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

Pics of the Day: If you're wanting lessons in how to look too cool for skool, James Marsters & Mark Devine have you covered... aka James & Mark showing you how it's done in ViDiOTS 2017 #JamesMarsters #MarkDevine #ViDiOTS #StepOne #GraffitiedWallBackdrop #ItsAMust #StepTwo #CrossedArms ...

"You always hurt the one you love," Buffy says to explain how someone could hurt someone else, knowingly quoting Spike, who told her this after she hurt him. Probably means nothing.

FYI will be joining James Marsters at Fanboy Expo Knoxville 11-13 Jul! Her autos & photo ops, including a duo photo op with James, are on sale now, grab them at the link! #JamesMarsters #JulietLandau #Buffy

Pic of the Day: Sometimes you just need a good cuddle... aka James Marsters #Spike enjoying a nice cuddle with Juliet Landau's #Drusilla... in #Buffy #2.3 "School Hard" #JamesMarsters #JulietLandau #Spru #BuffytheVampireSlayer #CUDDLES

Happy Birthday Anthony Stewart Head! I hope you have a lovely day! ♥🎂🎁🎉♥ #HappyBirthdayAnthonyStewartHead #AnthonyStewartHead @realjamesmarsters #Buffy #BuffytheVampireSlayer #BtVS @rebma_nosneb #AmberBenson #Giles #Spike #HappyBirthday

The 15 Best Buffy the Vampire Slayer Episodes

Angel (about Spike): He's worse. Once he starts something he doesn't stop until everything in his path is dead. Spike:

What are your top five Buffy episodes?

A fire in the hearth A comfy bed My belly awaits your rubs Until it’s too much and I scratch your eyes out

Pic of the Day: James Marsters & the #Angel cast at the 2004 WB TCA Winter press tour @realjamesmarsters #JamesMarsters @jaugustrichards #JAugustRichards @alexisdenisof #AlexisDenisof @imdboreanaz #DavidBoreanaz @theamyacker #AmyAcker #AndyHallett #AngeltheSeries #AtS

In this house, we stan Vampire Buffy. She is fierce, gorgeous, and underutilized. Also, Spike's would be: 🤯 🥵 😍

Pic of the Day: James Marsters looking kinda adorable... while recording Dresden Files "Peace Talks" in 2020 @realjamesmarsters #JamesMarsters #DresdenFiles @jimbutcherauthor #JimButcher @jimbutchernews #DunnoWhy #ButIFindHisFaceInThisPic #ParticaularlyAdorable #JustMe? | James Marsters to Attend FAN EXPO Dallas 30 May-1 June #JamesMarsters #FANEXPODallas #Dallas #Texas #FANEXPO #Spike #Buffy #BuffytheVampireSlayer #BtVS #DragonBallSuper #Smallville #Torchwood

Want to know where James Marsters will be in 2025? Then check out this handy pic! #JamesMarsters Get all the details about James' upcoming events: Comic Con France:

Watcher Dev’s “What’s new in the Buffyverse” centers on William Ritter, author of “Bloody Fool For Love.” His fantastic Spike prequel, includes not only William the Bloody, but Drusilla and Darla Spotify: Apple

Spike antis point out that Spike didn't return the duster to Wood as a sign of contrition, skipping the context of why he started wearing it again. Buffy said she needed the Spike that was dangerous to help her win the fight Personal vendetta or world saveage? I know what Buffy would choose.