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What is the state of your social, moral, and spiritual condition today-are you remaining in inertia or are you cleaning out the schmutz in your inner life? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

Are you "maintaining loyalty" with truth and spirit or with power, money and being subservient to lies of the majority? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

Please read this post from my teacher and friend and STOP SUPPORTING THE DEFAMATION LEAGUE OF TRUTH AND JEWISH VALUES led by Jonathan Greenblatt-that good servant to Trump, Musk, Kushner and other grifters, liars and thieves

Are you carrying the "loads of responsibility" that comes with being human or are you dumping it like Bibi, Trump, Musk et al? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

How do/have you used guilt and accusations to manipulate another into doing what you want? How often has this happened to you? Are you willing to end this bullshit once and for all? #YouMatter #TruthMatters#SaveUkraine#BringThemHomeNow

God has a stake in the life of human beings, of every human being. Is your life reflecting this truth? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

Appreciation, Splendor, dignity, wonder, reverence- how are these foundational aspects of your daily living? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

Are you aware of how many withdrawals and deposits you are making? Are you overdrawn, bankrupt or rich in these accounts? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

are you being loyal to institutions, people or principles and covenants? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

Are you Realizing that the "moral infection" in you and society is reaching epidemic proportions? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

How are you still isolating your religious/spiritual principles from your business practices, from your daily living? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

Are you standing up for what is right in God's eyes or what is right in the eyes of the powerful? #YouMatter#TruthMatters#SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

How are you oblivious to your callousness and insensitivity? How are you living with "super impatience for evil"? #youmatter #TruthMatters#SaveUkraine#BringThemHomeNow

Are you aware of the incongruity of "ohm" when there is so much misery in the world and our complicity in it? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

How do you give "voice to the plundered poor", "to the profaned riches of the world"? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

Do you give into your "fierce greed", your lust for power or are you able to stand up to these emotions and do the next right thing-even if you don't get 'paid' for it? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

What keeps you in denial of the cruelty and callousness around you and that you participate in? #youmatter #TruthMatters#SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

What have you come to accept as "just the way it is" when "it" is wrong and evil? #YouMatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow Isn’t it time for us to reclaim our inheritance from our ancestors, theprophets rather than from our ancestors the Pimps of history?

How long will it take you to see the need to grow along Spiritual Lines instead of the lines of greed, self-centeredness, self-deception, etc? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

Are you accepting of the "normal" limits of injustice, immorality if it suits your 'needs'? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #bringthemallhomenow

What stops you from "Enobling Human Nature"(especially your own) and wrestling with Truth instead of sinking lower and rolling around in lies? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine

How are you "segregating God", using "religion" for your self-indulgence, your self-seeking? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #standforfreedom

How are you overcoming the urge to sell out to your self-interest instead of doing the next right thing for your authentic self? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

Are you turning your interests into norms which makes you ignore the plight of another? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

Are you seeking satisfaction or challenges in your spiritual life? #youmatter #BringThemHomeNow #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine

Are you answering the "demand", the call for a "higher Yes" with more mendacity or with a "conscience" that is "present"? #youmatter #TruthMatters#SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

What are the "idolized needs" and "immoral interests" you still bow down to? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

Are you aware of the depth of oppressiveness that your attempts to fulfill your "personal needs" put you in? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

Do you erroneously believe that freedom is "fulfilling your heart's desires" rather than helping people in need? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

"needs are our problems" which we can solve by engaging in truth, justice, kindness, and spiritual maturity-will you join the 'problem solvers' or the 'problem makers'? #YouMatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

Are you aware of the "short way from need to greed" and how your "needs" allow you to make "evil" into good? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

How are you using universal "needs and interests" like love, faith, liberty, justice, kindness, etc as weapons to divide and antagonize rather than unite us? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

What do you base "judgements, decisions, direction to action" on-your fictitious needs or truth and what is the next right thing? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

How are you guarding against making your "personal interests" into needs and joining with groups that want to go to war against the advancement of civilization, the advancement of freedom, the advancement of kindness? #YouMatter #TruthMatters #BringthemHomeNow

Are you aware of how your prostitute yourself at the altar of these "false gods"? #youmatter #TruthMatters #BringThemHomeNow #SaveUkraine

How do you deal with your state of obliviousness, do you ignore it, do you ask for help and wrestle to see the truth, the whole picture? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine#BringThemHomeNow

are you aware of your responses to this question with how you act in the 'small' and 'big' moments in your day? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

Are you still giving the right answers to the wrong questions, the wrong answers to the right questions or seeking the question and solutions the Bible gives us so we can live better each day? #YouMatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

How have you bought into the lies of the 'religious' people/leaders who are using their 'religion' as an enslaver, a weapon, a tool of authoritarianism rather than as redemption, a gift, and the ultimate freedom one can know? #YouMatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine

Are you aware of when you substitue "self-reliance for faith" "shrewdness for wisdom, etc?

Does your religious/spiritual life help you break idols or create new ones? #youmatter #TruthMatters #BringThemHomeNow #SaveUkraine

Conforming to 'the way things are' or "nonconformity to idolatry", which is your usual pathway? #youmatter#TruthMatters#SaveUkraine#BringThemHomeNow

Are you standing up to the "sublime challenge to satisfy a divine need" that is "the purpose of faith"? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

Are you still proclaiming your faithfulness as a way of looking good or are you seeking to understand "what faith has to say" so you can be better? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #bringthemhomenow

Has dogma and creed made you deaf, blind, cruel and shoddy to other human beings? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

Are you aware when you are dishonest in your 'listening' and prejudiced in the ways you understand the "echo" from Sinai? #youmatter #TruthMatters#SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow

Are you helping the "false gods are crumbling" or promoting "false gods" for your 'benefit' and the benefit of the rich and powerful? #youmatter #TruthMatters #SaveUkraine #BringThemHomeNow Are you sensitive or insensitive to the poor, do your actions match the words you speak, are you taken in by the grifter, believe the liars, follow the charlatans? #youmatter, #TruthMatters #Bringthemhomenow #SaveUkraine