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[He/him] My eclectic POV. #ManofFaith #Creative #Painter #Poet #GoldenRuler
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Natural in nature. #mood

Tiny growth is still growth

I'm either laughing or thinking 😁🤔

He got on my first nerve, my last nerve, and ALL of the ones in-between....and had the NERVE to critique someone. Smh

The fact that my husband just paid $8 for a pack of 12 large eggs is beyond bananas.

Don't piss educators off!

The way this pissed me off. Why wouldn't you want public schools to uphold DEI practices when the public is diverse; when students have special needs, mental disorders, economic disadvantages, etc.; when students & ppl in general don't want to be excluded from community?

Appealing to America's sense of morality is like appealing to a cobra's hood.

The latest excerpt from my 2016 poetry collection The Pulse in the Pews. #ThePulseInThePews

Just remembered that one my sister-in-law recalled a disrespectful mosquito that bit her on the 😾. Her ass gonna conclude the recollection with "That mosquito was eating my coochie from the back." Us:

Yall, my 5th grade teacher is still hilarious to me after all these years.

Ida B Wells is one of the most important and consequential organizers, intellectuals, theorists, sociologists, journalists of the 20th century [worldwide]. The vast majority of USians don't have a clue of her actual contributions. Because she didn't write academic tomes, she's understudied IMO.

Now, I just opened the bag and my thumb shows where the chips are. 2/3 of the bag was legit air. What happened to the good old days where it was only 1/2 air? 😫

I still believe in the power of poetry. I'm still a poet, though I have been reticent to share. But alas, here I am rebuilding from the ground up. I would love to see a new subscriber or two soon! Build it, they will come. Bible Lesson (Representation Matters)

One of my favorite Valentine's gifts was a flower bouquet fashioned into a cute blue puppy. Hubby was boyfriend at the time, but that was a sign of gotta put a ring on it. #AndDid 😆

Do any of yall Joan out over Valentine's Day? (+10 Black History Month points if you get the reference and you're not Black. -5 if you don't get it and you are Black.) 😫😂

They will swear that they are Christians yet sneer at the teachings of Christ in practice. They will shame your sexuality and subscribe monthly to your exclusive content. They will call you the devil while they consort with demons. They will attack your existence while demanding non-violence.

They will tell themselves you are hell-bound, yet find themselves "slain in the spirit" when you lead devotion. They will tell themselves that you are human yet use every bit of their power to intentionally impede your existence.

They will tell themselves that you are unworthy to use their dirty toilets, yet trust you to nurse and raise their children. They will tell themselves that you are supremely unintelligent yet depend on you for your innovation.

People determined to hate will insistently c r e a t e justification for their hatred. They will blatantly lie to their own senses. They will maintain obvious contradictions as if the contradictions are complements to truth rather than insults to creation.

The "birds aren't real" crew is a different kind of gtfoh. Like, wtfym birds ain't real? #stopthemadness

They write themselves as protagonists in a battlefield of two-dimensional villains. They work alone. 3/3

They imagine that facts are fantasy. They create motives for arcs that only exist in the world they built with words and a limited perspective. They do not see characters as people. They only see people as characters to mold to their manic motifs. 2/3

🗣Terrible Authors🗣 There are authors, terrible authors, who write narratives for those around them to suit their own egos. They care not for authenticity. They care not for any truth outside their fiction. 1/3

Ever since 2008, all I've really wanted was to on social media is build communal conversation through poetry and storytelling. I kept getting distracted from my main focus and that's on me. But damn it, I'm a gifted poet and storyteller and I can't keep all this language to myself.

Transitioning away from Meta. At least for content/posts related to my voice.

Recently joined Substack as a landing space for my literary work and visuals. Free to subscribe. 😉 Any Substackers here?

I am simultaneously befuddled and bemused. On the other hand, I'm universally aggravated with the rampant cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy I've been witnessing all my life. When it could ALL really be so simple... the key players in given situations keep making it laughably hard.

We did not realize how rare home dialysis treatments are until we talk to someone in the medical field. We've been doing it for 3.5 of the 4 years, I believe. It was a big help to his mental health, which was a multifaceted blessing

Sitting here emotional because it's really real. Hubby has been doing dialysis since 2021. We've officially started the process to get him on the official-official kidney transplant list.

When a parent doesn't value their child's education, what the hell do you expect that child's teachers to do? The email I received from a parent just boggled my mind. Excuses, excuses, excuses.

Let love be a sounding board for unadulterated truth.

This is especially the case when it comes to non-heteronormative and non-gender-conforming individuals. My aunt said there is no comparison between her having a baby out of wedlock in her youth and my sexuality. Her reasoning? Because a baby came out of it. Yet she maintains that "sin is sin".

If, for your own hope and peace, you hold on to the scriptures of divine love, which includes grace, mercy, forgiveness, acceptance, etc., why condemn others when they hold on to those same scriptures for peace? Why does the conversation shift so quickly and unapologetically to hellfire?

66 books, over hundreds of thousands of words, and people, all people, pick and choose which scriptures to apply to their lives. As they should, since it is their faith journey. But which scriptures you choose to apply to others versus the ones you apply to yourself is very telling.

When I point out the disparities in her logic, I get accused of manipulating the scriptures to fit my own agenda or to make myself feel better. It's ironic because that's what many are taught to do weekly at Sunday services, bible studies, and revivals. Not taught intentionally, but by behavior.

The cognitive dissonance required to maintain certain interpretations of scriptures, and worse, to try to hold others accountable to such exclusive scriptural interpretations, is astounding and downright alarming.

She has been indoctrinated in a dogma that maintains that their interpretation of scripture is the only valid and true interpretation. It's beyond arrogant.

I remember a conversation with my very Apostolic aunt. Her adamancy about my eternal destination ignored faith and solely focused on her perception [and interpretation] of scripture. When I said as much, she reacted to the word perception as if it were the most diabolical curse word.