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Periodista, doctora en sociología e investigadora del arte y la cultura.
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LUIGI! That's His name.

Yes, please build the wall and save us from you.

Trump implorando para amanhecer perdurado pelos pes em um posto de gasolina.

«No hay ninguna posibilidad de que un generador de patrones estadísticos se vuelva inteligente» hay que decirlo más y Wim Vanderbauwhede, profesor de Informática en la Universidad de Glasgow, lo dice bien clarito en

Deu ruim, hermanito. Me pregunto si estará escondido en la casita del perro muerto que le había por las noches.

Most Americans have no idea that there is no way back to pre-inauguration governance via online posts, TV hits, lawsuits and voting in maybe-free, maybe not-so-free elections. That ship has sailed.

#FreeOurFeeds isn't just about bolstering one new social media platform. Our vision offers a pathway to an open and healthy social media ecosystem that cannot be controlled by any company or billionaire.

I bet they'll end up using Deep Seek.

Unfortunately, the billionaries already chose barbarism and are dragging us all into a new feudalist/colonialist Inferno.

Kirkus calls THE AI CON "a refreshingly contrarian take on AI and the clouds of hyperbole surrounding it."

Now the Trump administration not only reabilitates concentration camps, it also engage in human traficking. It's enranging.

That's the future they want to create: a new feudalist era where few got to live with luxury at the expense of the misery and forced labor of the rest. We're all in danger.

"Si la IA generativa es útil o no es irrelevante. Podría ser extremadamente útil, pero si hace que el planeta arda, no es buena". Entrevista a Wim Vanderbauwhede director del grupo de investigación de Informática Sostenible y de Bajas Emisiones en la Universidad de Glasgow.

“No amount of normalisation and ‘validation’, however, can alter the fact that AI imagery looks like shit. But that, I want to argue, is its main draw to the right. If AI was capable of producing art that was formally competent, surprising, soulful, then they wouldn’t want it.”

It is insane how fast the empire is imploding before our eyes. I wonder what will gona last until the end of this year.

Viva México. Hay que dar la pelea si a estas "Big Techs". Si bien es cierto tenemos q popularizar el uso de otras plataformas de código abierto, también es cierto que aún muchas personas usan estas plataformas y la toman como parámetro de realidad. Silicon Valley no manda en el mundo.

Toc, toc. Quem eh? Eh a Policia Federal! Vai ter campanhia tocando as cinco da manha em breve, se liga Bozo.

"Silicon Valley may have built the computational part of the modern world, but the rest of that world...still exists. Knowing something, even a lot, about computers guarantees no knowledge about the world beyond them.”

Nossa homenagem ao grande Cacá Diegues, com a disponibilização de duas obras fundamentais em sua filmografia. A Grande Cidade (1966): Bye Bye Brasil (1979):

How do you cover a country in a constitutional crisis? Learn from actual crisis communication. No two-sideism, no euphemisms but strong words, focus on consequences, and point to help. 💡 #journalism

Kill the doomer in your head. And long as we’re here there’s hope. And as long as we’re here there are opportunities to act. People, both in the U.S. and around the world, have always organized and struggled through seemingly impossible conditions.

Ficcoes científicas sao obras q elaboran imaginarios sobre o futuro e conformam um repositorio comúm se ideas sobre este futuro. Os Techno-Bros qnd tentam tornar esses imaginarios utópicos/distópicos realidade so deixam em evidencia nossa maior crise atual: a de imaginacao.

Isso se chama o vies da profecía auto-cumprida.

Pero qué artículo tan patético. Ahora somos hipócritas los que denunciamos xenofobia y racismo. Europeos en defensa del derecho de ser hijoputa con los que consideran inferiores.

Migrem para redes ActivityPub como Mastodon, Pixelfed e PeerTube! Libertem-se de algoritmos opacos, tenham controle sobre seus dados e integrem-se a uma rede descentralizada e colaborativa. No Bluesky, vocês já valorizam a liberdade; no fediverso, ela é real. #Fediverse #ActivityPub #OpenSource

✍️ LA VIÑETA / 🌍 Trump devorando al mundo 🍽️

Resharing from yesterday: Cuts to US aid are already making it harder for people to rescue human trafficking victims, and making it more likely millions of people around the world will be scammed

Al-Qaeda be like: do nothing... Win! 😂

As chuvas e inundacoes de hoje no Recife sao a prova do efeito do cambio climático. Nunca houve este tipo de tempestade nesta época do ano aquí.

This is the annihilation of research, especially in the social sciences and humanities. What a horrible end for science.

I hope more people step up to join them.

I still can't believe this. How come this sucker got this amount of power without being elected? Why the people in USA are doing nothing to stop this madness?

Eh lapada atrás de lapada.

Bora, BRICS!

E eu que pensei que nao estaria viva pra ver a derrocada final dos Estragos Unidos, más Trump resolveu dar uma acelerada no proceso para alegría dos que queremos ver esse Imperio jogado na irrelevancia. Continue, por favor.

If you wanted no leaks you should have gone into Settings -> Security -> Configure privacy & security -> Privacy options -> Other -> Configure -> Media interface and clicked “Disallow.” The Leak setting is on by default but we understand your privacy is important so we’ve made it easy to opt out

The United States' Hitler is already inaugurating a concentration camp for a vulnerable, targeted population. It hasn’t even been a month into his dictatorship, and he’s already showing his teeth. The worst is yet to come.

Por qué lloras, Saussure?

Eu ia dizer "que pena", mas lembrei de todas as vezes que nos, brasileiras, fomos víctimas de xenofobia em Portugal e passou.

Quando foi que começou o evangelistão no Brasil que ngm ficou sabendo? Que merda é essa?