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- poli sci student (欧州正規留学) - partner of Pw very severe ME, Long Covid - mega foodie and a cook -🇯🇵🇳🇱🇦🇹🇨🇭 - learning French, fermentation, and foraging - she/her/they - collaboration not competition - REST IS RESISTANCE
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Watching news on TV after long day at work, I found myself crying because of the continued atrocity in Gaza. It's important not to numb ourselves...

I have been sick with Long COVID for 3 years. Bedridden for nearly two years. Unable to have a conversation for 1.5 years. Long COVID is devastating, and it doesn’t always get better with time. #LongCOVIDAwarenessDay

I've recently started to learn how to darn a sock. This act of care and love is how I resist in this croocked world. Little by little, the best I can, pour my love and care to heal myself and spaces around me. #mending

今日のブランチ☀️ 鯖のオープンサンドはTzatzikiソースもりもり。スクランブルエッグはナツメグ入れるのが好き。ひよこ豆ともち麦のサラダはおてんとさまドレッシングが美味しい! Breckiee -Mackerel on a toast inspired by Istanbul's famous Balık ekmek -Meal prep barley chickpea salad with sunshine dressing (turmeric, honey, orange zest, orange juice, vinegar, oliveoil, masterd)

今週は炊飯器ポトフとレンズ豆のカレーが大優勝。作り置きやっぱり大事! #青空ごはん部

Recently moved to big metropolitan and living here alone isn't easy. I've been discovring what Taking care of myself means. One time was getting to know the activist scenes by visiting anacho bookstore, and other times grounding myself by spending offline relaxed time with my 100yen jigsaw puzzles.

Cutting into the freshly baked homemade sourdough might be one of the best joys in the world. Look at this fluff! It's a true magic.

洋梨の季節のサラダ ブフ・ブルギニョン Seasonal Salad with Beef bourguignon, dessert was oats honey carrot cake #青空ごはん部

It's wild to be living in a tim something as simple as "care" is a radical act against the system. But I don't know how much agencies some of us have in the very act of careーsometimes framed as “reproductive labor" , because the system exploits such care to fuel. Making us impossible to care. ↩️

Miffy is the ambassador of the sickle cell disease fund in the Netherlands. ❤️

My fermentation set up atm Nov 2024 - Sough Dough Starter - Salty Honey Lemon preserve - Yuzu Honey - Shio-Koji (salt) - Shoyu-Koji (soy sause) - Garlic Koji - Onion Koji - Mixed veg Koji

Our mere existence is an act of rebellion. A rebellion against a society, a medical establishment, which denies our experiences and reality. A rebellion against a capitalist system which removes value from the lives of those who cannot work through no fault of their own. #MECFS #MillionsMissing

Humble vegitables can turn into phenomenal brunch if you combine with few good ingredients. -バターナッツかぼちゃのディップ -里芋の和風白だしディップ -ベビーリーフサラダ、柚子と玉葱麹のドレッシング -自家製サワー種の全粒粉カンパーニュ #青空ごはん部

Autumn Leaves🍁🍂