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Israel ha anunciado el corte de toda ayuda humanitaria para Gaza. No es un castigo porque Hamás haya incumplido el acuerdo de alto el fuego, sino lo contrario: por su insistencia en ceñirse a lo pactado, ahora que Israel y EE UU tratan de cambiarlo

“No Other Land” won the Oscar for best documentary. The movie, directed by two Israelis and two Palestinians, chronicles the Israeli military’s efforts to demolish Palestinian homes in an area of the southern West Bank known as Masafer Yatta.

COLUMNA | "El siglo XX fue de EE UU; el siglo XXI quizá no lo sea: Trump es el síntoma de una decadencia que lleva años incubándose". Por Javier Cercas

TRIBUNE. Vendredi, nous avons assisté à une tentative de racket organisée à la Maison Blanche. Trump et J.D. Vance mettent la pression sur Zelensky pour mettre la main sur ses ressources minières. Cette scène illustre de façon éclatante l’adhésion décomplexée des USA au paradigme impérialiste.

Un sommet réunissant à Londres une quinzaine de dirigeants de pays alliés de Kiev a ouvert en présence du président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky, deux jours après sa vive altercation avec le président américain Donald Trump.

Egypt says Gaza reconstruction plan ready, will intensify efforts for phase two

This is Winston Churchill visiting Washington DC to request assistance in the war against Germany. Notice he is wearing a "zip suit" and not a traditional suit. This was to honor the British troops--the same reason Zelensky dresses the way he does.

Der Schritt zu einer nach innen und außen wehrhaften Demokratie ist nie getan worden. Weltweit kommt es zur Kumpanei der Antieuropäer.

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AIPAC Hall of Shame #10. Speaker Mike Johnson [R-LA-04] AIPAC Donations: $600,330 Israel Lobby Total: $898,393

AIPAC Hall of Shame #9. Rep. Pete Aguilar [D-CA-33] AIPAC Donations: $680,073 Israel Lobby Total: $867,635 #BribedByAIPAC

Die Pinguinretter von Kapstadt #Pinguine #Südafrika #Überfischung

Die UN-Sonderberichterstatterin wird von der Polizei drangasliert, während in Dresden Neonazis marschieren. Das ist kein Kampf gegen Antisemitismus.

Segons el govern israelià està duent a terme el desplaçament forçós (neteja ètnica) de palestins a Cisjordània més ampli des que la va ocupar il•legalment el 1967. #ApartheidIsrael

In Opinion In his first term, President Trump “broke the laws, and this time around he’s destroying the norms, and when we get done, there will be nothing left,” Thomas L. Friedman says in the latest episode of “The Opinions.”

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In the global clash between democracy and oligarchy, the US is switching sides

“The key global issue is not the clash of north and south: it’s who supports international law and who doesn’t”

We must reflect on how much we are dependent on an unreliable former partner. Europe must be encouraged to address this issue and achieve military independence by building the essential systems it currently lacks, such as SEAD, AWACS and nuclear deterrence.

A guide to the Trump administration lexicon

Arms factories hit by pro-Palestine protests over the last 15 months have been sending supplies to Israel, our investigation has found.

We researched the BBC’s online coverage of 16 aspects of UK policy towards Israel and the pro-Israel lobby. The BBC is covering up how Britain backs Israel, and its complicity in genocide. 👇

This data may vanish under Trump, so we charted it …

No international body is searching for hundreds of Yazidi women and girls still held captive by the Islamic State. Instead, that task has been taken up by a sprawling network of activists, survivors, family members, informants and amateur detectives.

Podium contre pulls : entre le Hamas et Israël, une nouvelle mise en scène des libérations des otages et des prisonniers L’administration pénitentiaire israélienne a revêtu les prisonniers d’un pull avec une étoile de David et, en arabe, l'inscription «Nous n’oublions pas et ne pardonnons pas».

President Trump posted on Saturday that a president "who saves his Country does not violate any Law,” as he tests legal and constitutional boundaries in the process of upending the federal government. It's not the first time he has suggested he has divine backing to enforce his will.