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#Poetry without pretension since 1995. Rattle is a publication of the Rattle Foundation, an independent 501(c)3, and not affiliated with any other organization.
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leaves pasted to the surface of water by their lightness --Twixt

you stand up from your final bow, arms return to your sides, waist unbends and you smile from the photo in the back matter— —Wendy Cannella

The leg drapes like a story half-told, bare ankle, sock sagging, a loose thread of someone who once stayed longer than they meant to. --Dorit d'Scarlett

we Cesar, Moses, Imhotep. we ain’t colors in your coloring books. we ain’t ammo or pawns. --Demetrius Buckley

Before they gave a concert the Greeks would drop copper pots on marble floors, so you could hear the silence reassembling itself ... --Kenny Williams

Why do their wilted vines still cling to walls, to porch supports, to trellises? So dry and desiccated, it seems that they should fall --Stephen Allen

I want it to be a magic word I can say three times and focus my rage to reset the course: widdershins, widdershins, widdershins —Jennifer Blackledge

Like a fiber suitcase, in a mown field, it stands, maybe in its last days, its worn clasps gleaming. —Sharon Olds

I don’t know his face. Or the way he danced And made my mother smile. But I know He sang sometimes and she liked it. —Bro. Yao (Hoke S. Glover III)

What if one leg scissors itself out of frame … —Linda Vandlac Smith

I rode straight through childhood and adolescence on four legs. —Chase Twichell

& when the devil nears his end, will he also rise like a fish? —Seth Peterson

The Rattlecast prompt this week was to write about a memory you've never shared and include dialogue. There's a lot of subtext here that you might feel but I won't explain. 1/5

Tonight's guest on the Rattlecast is the Toddfather himself, Todd Robinson. Join us live at 8pm ET—and BYOPoems about a memory you've never shared that includes dialogue!

lucky, unlucky, lucky, unlucky, lucky. —Elizabeth Twiddy

Congratulations to our newest Readers' Choice Award winner, Dave Newman! His heartfelt narrative, "I'm Trying to Lead this Old-Timey Veteran," earned over 18% of the vote from our subscribers, and the $5,000 prize. Find the voters' comments at the link.

Where are the others, those contented with how they are known now … —Kathleen A. Wakefield

I never noticed the tag sewn discreetly behind my knee. I guess my mother was afraid to clip it off. —Dick Westheimer

Neighbors’ homes were caves aflame I counted with the owl. —Todd Robinson

Is time the low road to despair? Look at us, though: we had amazing hair. —Maryann Corbett #ThisWeekLastYear

Join 25,000 others in receiving our daily poem by email, if you don't already!

The long line leaning toward the doorman’s crossed and tattooed arms, the stamp of stymied heels … —Aaron Poochigian

We hit a pair of nice milestones last week: 6,000 YouTube subscribers and 25,000 email subscribers to our daily poem!

I know you feel like an old, sad dog, the doctor says, But I think you’re still worth saving. —Alma Olaechea

For those who missed it, here is the recording of my appearance on the Rattlecast today. My segment starts at 9m 15s and ends at 1h 5m 35s: #poetry

It delights us without the burden of surprise … —Abby E. Murray

Rattle currently has 9,550 subscribers in 89 countries!

This week's Rattlecast will air live 8 hours earlier than normal, so that the Super Bowl doesn't have to compete with us. It wouldn't be fair to them. So join us at 12pm ET on Sunday to meet Irish poet!

Half-Alice in her milky, silky sheets almost awake to the ache of another day rebounding from her beaming ceiling, grieved leaving the comforts of the night … —Ron Offen

Our love is an abandoned fair: the lights all broken on the midway, some glitter still hung in the air. —Amy Newman

They spin and spin, wings loosening their damp To heat. Now watch what happens, says the lamp. —Beneth Goldschmidt-Sauer #thisweeklastyear

Inside of me is the old fuddy-duddy I will someday be. I feel her in there, like a pregnancy. —Jan LaPerle

Regardless of what they were fashioned for, time would reduce each wall to metaphor. —Steven Monte

Time is not reading the poem as you read the poem, but rest assured he’s slipped inside the room in his soft, polished shoes ... —Hayden Saunier

Probably not the coolest thing to admit that I found my own prompt challenging, but I did! “Write a poem that explores the perspective of the other side and arrives somewhere opposite to where the poem begins.” Excited to hear everyone’s prompt poems soon!

None of us can ever know what we don’t know, all the miracles that go unseen fall away, what labyrinth has brought us to this moment. —Charlotte Matthews

& still the faith that these feet Ours & our children’s, will trace something Beautiful, an arabesque on ice, the perfect cursive Of a name that will melt away —Dante Di Stefano

Guilty by sitting idle, I imagine they envy my luxury of doing nothing until I remember the days I had my hands full of shovel —Robert W. King

Like some old shtetl of Chagall with floating lovers among the animals, our world is tumbling and still, a miracle that might be given words like happiness. —David Mason

But the llama— his silence pressed against the room like snow —Caiti Quatmann

In those pin-drop days after divorce, my mother would not enter the kitchen. Yolk yellow and wild, it became jungle in its yokeless state as the bay windows let in the dark … —Moss Lelko

our kitchen too small to miss her —Dick Westheimer #ThisWeekLastYear

1/3 The Rattlecast prompt this week was to write a "poem in which I"—after Denise Duhamel's chapbook, In Which. The catch was that you had to use a random word generate to finish that title with a verb. I got "shine."

When they come, they bring the fearful dark, like English majors looking for work, feather-caped, bare-faced in red or black. —Paul Jones

you blew back into my life like a late spring snow—beautiful and wrong and something I wasn’t sure I still wanted to want —Keetje Kuipers

Tonight's guest on the Rattlecast is Kim Addonizio! Kim first appeared on episode 88, and is back to share poems from her new book, Exit Opera. Join us live at 8pm ET!

Praise the weirdos because if anyone can save us it will be us. —Alison Luterman