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I type as I think, sometimes faster than that. I play guitar in 16th tremolo, sometimes slower than that. See for details.
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Big laugh at the Tate brothers being played in a scheme played by fellow egomaniancs bigger than them. For likely the first time in his life, Ron DeSantis did something based.

A tu, jak Trump přečetl Enola Gay jako make everyone gay, tu jste slyšeli? 🤣 You can't make this shit up... A warplane in a museum is suddenly too woke or something

Errata: šlo o myši na hormonech, ne o myši geneticky modifikované. Viz, ale tak či tak šlo o základní výzkum v medicíně pro léčení somatických nemocí, a s ničím genderem nikterak nesouvisel.

No šíří se to jako meme, zdroj jsem zatím neviděl, ale šíří se to v celkem důvěryhodných kruzích...

A tu, jak Trump přečetl "výzkum na transgenních myších", uviděl předponu trans, uviděl rudě a výzkumný grant zrušil, jste slyšeli?

A Czech Public Radio US-based reporter gave a press interview to a journal at home. He says he's shocked by how out of the blue Americans suddenly got microphone-shy, everybody scared to speak up in fear of losing their job.

Bernie debunking Trump's State of the Union speech. Way more worth watching than the original.

C'mon Habs, make it a Gordie Howe hattrick for Slaf 😅

Man that look at Arber cheering at Juraj to win the fight 😍

Interesting exchange leading to me saying this. "(Lethal) violence is bad" is a good rule of thumb, but not to be taken as an always-to-be-kept rule with no exceptions ever.

Lidé nerozumějí rozdílu mezi autoritativním a autoritářským, vynucováním pravidel kvůli smyslu versus kvůli formě, a výsledkem je náhodné přebíhání mezi zneužíváním autority a pravidel a morálním nihilismem.

With the Trump - Putin axis having been forming, putting more EU money towards weaponry and army is not warmongering, but the good old "better safe than sorry".

Like, who else!

As a Czech, to my Canadian friends: This is what it feels to play Russia to us. Or at least used to back in the day. As a side note, I'll always remember that 2015 Prague IIHF final where a Canadian fan sported a sign "poutine > Putin" (with illustrations). That was golden.

Canadians on here actually being like "I can't believe how bad things are getting in the US" without acknowledging Alberta just passed some of the harshest anti-LGBTQ+ laws and are about to vote Doug Ford back into power. Wakeup because the far right are in inside the building

Doug Ford hasn't only appeared multiple times on Fox News recently, he also spent tax payer money sponsoring the Sean Hannity Trump interview. He wins if you stay home

Some detailed reporting about what's actually happening in Muskistan. I don't care at this point whether you call it fascism, anarcho-capitalism, neo-feudalism or whatever else. It's gonna get it's own brand name eventually. But it's important to dismiss all attempts to downplay what's happening.

Imagine you've just become POTUS. You inherited from your predecessor a situation where you have two allies, one is committing genocide, the other is defending against a neighbor's invasion. Which one do you throw under the bus?

With Alt-text, taps sign. Direct link to the AMA’s account:

After all, they are both hard drugs. And hard drugs are nothing more and nothing less than dangerous fun.

Jeez. Trump has signed an EO to withdraw the US from the UN Human Rights Council. Just think about that

NYC Congestion Pricing Month 1 🚶‍♀️Foot traffic up 4.6% 🚌 Bus ridership up 6% w/ improved bus times 🚇 Subway ridership up 7% 🚗 Vehicle traffic down 9% ⏰ Drive times 20% - 50% faster 👍 60% of NYC voters want it to continue 👍 66% support among those who drive into congestion zone at least once a week

Millenials evolved from cringe to based, Zoomers the other way around. I don't make the rules. #trashtalk